Game on June 10, 2017 at 18:21, 5 players
1. 787 pts OrangeCup
2. 138 pts scrab21
3. 73 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 68 68 


15D 90 158 


11E 40 198 


10C 27 225 


12A 36 261 


A9 39 300 


13A 32 332 


14H 34 366 


15J 38 404 


K5 24 428 


B6 30 458 


C2 84 542 


8J 39 581 


N2 92 673 


2A 74 747 


1G 38 785 


A1 36 821 


O1 35 856 


J6 34 890 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
OrangeCup 10 20:33 -103 787 1.8890 OrangeCup 10 20:33 -103 787
scrab21 0 7:56 -752 138 Group: advanced
PIThompson 0 2:49 -817 73 1.7788 PIThompson 0 2:49 -817 73
Mycophot 0 1:28 -846 44 2.7592 Mycophot 0 1:28 -846 44
moonmonkey 0 1:13 -856 34 3.7056 moonmonkey 0 1:13 -856 34
Group: intermediate
1.6478 scrab21 0 7:56 -752 138
On 1st draw, (O)TALGIA H8 68 --- OTALGIA pain in the ear [n]
Other tops: (W)AGTAIL H2 68
Other moves: (O)TALGIA H2 66, (O)TALGIA H3 66, (O)TALGIA H6 66, (O)TALGIA H7 66, (W)AGTAIL H3 66
(W)AGTAIL H2 68 OrangeCup
On 2nd draw, ZORI(S) 15D 90 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other moves: (S)OZIN 15H 63, ZIN(S) 15E 57, ZO(S) 15F 54, XI(S) 15F 48, (S)IX 15H 48
ZORI(S) 15D 90 OrangeCup
On 3rd draw, PIGLETS 11E 40 --- PIGLET a small pig [n]
Other moves: SPITZ D11 32, ASEPTIC 14H 26, SITZ D12 26, EPACTS 14F 22, ICIEST 13H 22
SPITZ D11 32 OrangeCup
On 4th draw, DAUB 10C 27 --- DAUB to smear [v]
Other moves: DUB 10D 26, BAA 10F 24, DAUBE 12A 24, AWED 12C 23, BAAED 12B 23
DAUBE 12A 24 OrangeCup
On 5th draw, HALLOT 12A 36 --- HALLAH a kind of bread [n]
Other moves: HALLO 12A 29, HALON 12B 26, THON 12C 24, ALTHO 12A 23, HALLO 12K 23
HALLOT 12A 36 OrangeCup
On 6th draw, GODHEAD A9 39 --- GODHEAD the state of being a god [n]
Other moves: GERAH A8 27, HADE A12 24, HAED A12 24, HARD A12 24, HEAD A12 24
GODHEAD A9 39 OrangeCup
On 7th draw, ELOINS 13A 32 --- ELOIN to remove to a distant place [v]
Other moves: ALBINOS 14H 30, IONS 13C 26, ELOIN 13A 24, POLEIS I8 24, NOPALS 14E 22
BO B14 19 OrangeCup
On 8th draw, ARDENCY 14H 34 --- ARDENCY ardour [n]
Other moves: DAVY 14G 22, DANCEY 14G 21, DARCY 14G 20, ENVY 10K 20, NERVY G4 19
DAVY 14G 22 OrangeCup
On 9th draw, OXY 15J 38 --- OXY containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: OXEYE I7 33, AX 15N 32, EX 15N 32, ORYX 10K 32, OX 15N 32
ORYX 12K 30 OrangeCup
FOXY I5 29 PIThompson
On 10th draw, REFOCUS K5 24 --- FOCUS to bring or adjust to a point [v] --- REFOCUS to focus again [v]
Other moves: OVERCUT J5 22, EF 15N 20, OF 15N 20, OFTER 9F 20, CORVET J6 19
OF 15N 20 OrangeCup
On 11th draw, JIAO B6 30 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other tops: JO 9E 30
Other moves: JIAO J2 29, AJEE 6I 27, JEER 6J 27, AJEE L3 26, JEE 6J 26
JEER 6J 27 OrangeCup
On 12th draw, BISTATE C2 84 --- BISTATE pertaining to two states [adj]
Other moves: BISTATE J1 74, BATISTE G3 68, BEATIEST 6F 68, BISTATE G3 68, BATISTE I2 62
BISTATE C2 84 OrangeCup
On 13th draw, MORKIN 8J 39 --- MORKIN an animal that dies by accident [n]
Other moves: REMEN J4 32, KERNE L1 30, MINKE L1 30, MISKEN 4A 30, REMEN L4 30
MINKE L1 30 OrangeCup
On 14th draw, TERAPHIM N2 92 --- TERAPH an image of a Semitic household god [n] --- TERAPHIM an image of a Semitic household god [n]
Other moves: HAMPER 4H 49, THEMA D3 49, THEM D3 44, HAM D4 40, HAP D4 40
THEMA D3 49 OrangeCup
THEM D3 44 PIThompson, Mycophot
On 15th draw, ANBURIES 2A 74 --- ANBURY a soft wart on a horse [n]
Other tops: URBANISE 2A 74
Other moves: SENARIUS 4C 68, UNEASIER 3H 68, UNEASIER 6E 62, AUNES 10J 31, AURES 10J 31
ANBURIES 2A 74 OrangeCup
NARES O1 27 scrab21
On 16th draw, FEW 1G 38 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other tops: WOF 1G 38
Other moves: WOF M3 35, FEM J6 34, WEM J6 34, WOF O1 34, FAWN A1 33
WOF 1G 38 OrangeCup
WOF O1 34 moonmonkey
WEEN 1G 32 scrab21
On 17th draw, NAEVE A1 36 --- NAEVE a birthmark [n]
Other tops: NAEVI A1 36, NAIVE A1 36
Other moves: VINE O1 31, VENUE L1 26, VENUE M1 26, EAVE A1 24, NAVE A1 24
NAIVE A1 36 OrangeCup
VINE O1 31 scrab21
On 18th draw, QI O1 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUINT 2J 34, QUOIT 2J 34, VOW J4 32, NOW J4 29, OW J5 28
QI O1 35 OrangeCup
QUINE 3J 28 scrab21
On 19th draw, WEM J6 34 --- WEM a womb [n]
Other moves: VENEWE 3I 32, VOW J4 32, ENEW J3 30, ENOW J3 30, NEW J4 29
WEM J6 34 OrangeCup
OW D5 20 scrab21
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