Game on June 16, 2017 at 13:36, 1 player
1. 443 pts scrab21
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 74 74 


8H 92 166 


5B 72 238 


4A 36 274 


M5 71 345 


F5 69 414 


L1 53 467 


K3 38 505 


8A 45 550 


O8 95 645 


1J 45 690 


14I 48 738 


L12 46 784 


A1 30 814 


C3 22 836 


12A 50 886 


B10 38 924 


A12 55 979 


15E 35 1014 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
scrab21 2 10:59 -571 443 1.6500 scrab21 2 10:59 -571 443
On 1st draw, PARTONS H4 74 --- PARTON a hypothetical atomic particle [n]
Other tops: PATRONS H4 74
Other moves: PARTONS H2 70, PARTONS H3 70, PARTONS H6 70, PARTONS H7 70, PARTONS H8 70
SPORT H7 14 scrab21
On 2nd draw, O(V)ERVOTE 8H 92 --- OVERVOTE to defeat by a majority of votes [v]
Other moves: E(L)EVATOR 5D 90, OVERTO(N)E 8H 83, OVER(V)OTE 8H 80, OVER(S)TEP 4A 76, OVERPE(R)T 4D 74
PROVE 4H 20 scrab21
On 3rd draw, PRANDIAL 5B 72 --- PRANDIAL pertaining to a meal [adj]
Other tops: PRANDIAL 5F 72
Other moves: SPANDRIL 10H 65, PALADIN 5E 40, PONIARD M7 28, VAPID L8 22, PAD 7M 21
On 4th draw, WOOD 4A 36 --- WOOD to furnish with wood (the hard, fibrous substance beneath the bark of a tree or shrub) [v]
Other moves: WOOL 4A 32, WOON 4A 32, DOOLE 4A 28, LOWPED B2 28, WED 7M 25
OWES 10E 15 scrab21
On 5th draw, XEROMATA M5 71 --- XEROMA a dry lustreless condition of the conjunctiva [n]
Other moves: MARTEXT N2 36, MARTEXT N5 34, MAX 9M 33, MAXES 10D 30, RETAX N6 30
On 6th draw, DUTIABLE F5 69 --- DUTIABLE subject to import tax [adj]
Other moves: BALTI N10 40, BEAUT N10 40, LIBRATE K5 36, ALBEIT N1 33, TUBATE N8 32
On 7th draw, JUDGE L1 53 --- JUDGE to decide on critically [v]
Other moves: JUDOGI 8A 48, JOG 3C 46, JUCO L12 46, JUDGE L10 45, JOE 3C 44
JOG L12 40 scrab21
On 8th draw, EARNER K3 38 --- EARNER one that earns [n]
Other moves: NEAR K2 36, EARN K3 34, JANE 1L 33, JEAN 1L 33, JEER 1L 33
JANE 1L 33 scrab21
On 9th draw, BOOHAI 8A 45 --- BOOHAI in the New Zealand phrase "up the boohai", lost [n]
Other moves: JOHN 1L 42, BOOHAI 3B 41, ABOON 3A 36, HOBO N10 36, BOOH 3B 35
JOHN 1L 42 scrab21
On 10th draw, ENCAM(P)ED O8 95 --- ENCAMP to set up a camp [v]
Other moves: C(O)DENAME O1 89, COMED(I)AN C7 86, ENCA(L)MED O8 86, CODENAM(E) C7 84, COD(E)NAME C7 84
JADE 1L 36 scrab21
On 11th draw, CAJOLE 1J 45 --- CAJOLE to persuade by flattery [v]
Other moves: ALCO 3A 36, VOLATIC L8 36, JAIL 1L 33, JATO 1L 33, JEAT 1L 33
JOLT 1L 33 scrab21
On 12th draw, SKYLINE 14I 48 --- SKYLINE the horizon [n]
Other moves: SKIEY L11 46, YIKES L10 43, YELK L12 42, YESK L12 42, YIKE L10 41
YOLKS B7 22 scrab21
On 13th draw, ZEL L12 46 --- ZEL an Oriental cymbal [n]
Other moves: ZIN L10 41, ZIT L10 41, TOUZING C7 38, ZIT 15G 38, TOUZING B7 37
ZED 3J 13 scrab21
On 14th draw, VIEW A1 30 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: OVINES C8 26, UNSEEN 6J 25, SNED 15L 24, NEVI 15F 23, ES 15K 22
VIEW A1 30 scrab21
On 15th draw, GORGIOS C3 22 --- GORGIO a non-gypsy [n]
Other moves: CIGS J1 18, GORGIO C3 18, GIS 7B 16, ORS M1 16, RIGORS C1 14
ZELS L12 14 scrab21
On 16th draw, QUINIE 12A 50 --- QUINIE a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUINO 15E 44, QUONK J10 38, QI 15H 35, EQUINE 12A 32, SUQ 10H 32
QUINO 15E 44 scrab21
On 17th draw, FOUTH B10 38 --- FOUTH abundance [n]
Other moves: THIO 15H 37, FEH 15G 32, FEH 2H 32, FOH 15G 32, FOH 2H 32
FEH 15G 32 scrab21
On 18th draw, QUEY A12 55 --- QUEY a young cow [n]
Other moves: YES 15J 35, YUS 15J 35, USER 15A 27, SYE G12 26, YEEDS 3I 26
QUEY A12 55 scrab21
On 19th draw, SWIFT 15E 35 --- SWIFT a fast-flying bird [n] --- SWIFT moving with a great rate of motion [adj] --- SWIFT to tighten with a rope [v]
Other moves: FIRST 15E 26, FRIST 15E 26, WRIST 15E 26, INSERT 6J 25, INSET 6J 24
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