Game on June 16, 2017 at 14:22, 1 player
1. 60 pts scrab21
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 38 38 


G3 34 72 


I3 45 117 


3I 26 143 


F7 77 220 


O3 80 300 


L1 38 338 


11E 56 394 


1L 39 433 


8A 33 466 


H11 33 499 


12J 28 527 


5G 30 557 


C7 36 593 


M9 52 645 


14J 34 679 


D12 21 700 


15G 23 723 


B10 30 753 


A11 40 793 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
scrab21 0 1:04 -733 60 1.6498 scrab21 0 1:04 -733 60
On 1st draw, WEXES H4 38 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other moves: BOXES H4 34, WEXES H8 32, BOXES H8 30, WEXES H5 30, WEXES H6 30
On 2nd draw, GOFER G3 34 --- GOFER an employee who runs errands [n]
Other moves: AFORE G4 33, AFORE G6 33, FORAGE G5 32, OAF G5 30, REF G5 30
On 3rd draw, SEROW I3 45 --- SEROW an Asian antelope [n]
Other tops: RESOW I3 45
Other moves: WEROS F6 42, WORSE F6 42, W*GSWOGS F6 40, WERO F6 39, WEROS I3 39
On 4th draw, SEBACIC 3I 26 --- SEBACIC derived from a certain acid [adj]
Other moves: CEIBA F7 24, BAL F2 21, CELIAC F7 21, CICALE F7 21, CABLE F7 20
On 5th draw, GRUMPED F7 77 --- GRUMP to complain [v]
Other moves: CRUMPED O3 45, POWERED 4F 38, EMPOWER 4D 30, GUIMPED N1 30, PERM J2 30
On 6th draw, CARR(O)TIN O3 80 --- CARROTIN a plant pigment [n]
Other moves: C(O)NTRAIR O3 77, TRIDARN(S) 13C 70, PR(E)TRAIN 11F 68, T(E)RRAPIN 11A 68, ANTERI(O)R 12C 66
On 7th draw, JEAN L1 38 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: IMAGER 8A 33, JEMIMA 10B 33, MANGER 8A 33, MINGER 8A 33, JAPING 11D 32
On 8th draw, OPA(C)IFY 11E 56 --- OPACIFY to make opaque [v]
Other moves: FAJIT(A) 1J 45, F(A)JITA 1J 45, OPA(C)ITY 11E 44, JAF(A) 1L 39, JAY(S) 1L 39
On 9th draw, JIBS 1L 39 --- JIB to refuse to proceed further [v]
Other tops: JABS 1L 39, JOBS 1L 39
Other moves: ISOBAR 8A 33, JATO 1L 33, JIAO 1L 33, JOTA 1L 33, JOTS 1L 33
On 10th draw, KANTAR 8A 33 --- KANTAR a unit of weight [n]
Other moves: PIKA 10I 32, AKITA N6 30, TANKIA N9 30, KIAAT 10I 29, KINA 10I 28
On 11th draw, (C)HELA H11 33 --- CHELA a pincerlike claw [n] --- CHELA the pupil of a guru [n]
Other tops: HAULED N9 33
Other moves: HAE 2J 31, DALEDH 13B 30, AAHED 12J 28, HEAD G9 28, HEALD 10I 28
On 12th draw, EATING 12J 28 --- EATING the act of consuming food [n]
Other moves: GENTIAN 10I 27, ATIGI N6 24, EN J5 24, LIGNITE 14H 24, TAEING N9 24
On 13th draw, FERIAS 5G 30 --- FERIA a weekday of a church calendar on which no feast is celebrated [n]
Other tops: TEASE 13J 30
Other moves: SEAT 13J 26, TEAS 13J 26, TEES 13J 26, ETESIAN N6 24, ASTER 5K 22
On 14th draw, UNHOPED C7 36 --- UNHOPED not hoped for or expected [adj]
Other moves: HEAD G9 32, HOD 13K 31, HOE 2J 31, HOTE 13K 31, HEAT G9 30
On 15th draw, ZANIED M9 52 --- ZANY to play the zany to [v]
Other moves: BAIZE N1 45, GAZE O12 42, DAZE D12 39, FEAZE J11 37, LAZE D12 35
On 16th draw, QUOD 14J 34 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other tops: QUID 14J 34
Other moves: QUOTA 15D 24, QUIZ 9J 22, UNLIT N11 20, UNTIL N11 20, AUTO B8 19
QUOTA 15D 24 scrab21
On 17th draw, DIRL D12 21 --- DIRL to tremble [v]
Other tops: DINT D12 21, DIRT D12 21, LIND D12 21, RIND D12 21, TIND D12 21
Other moves: NADIR 15G 19, NIDI D12 19, ADIT 15H 18, DIRLING 3A 18, DIRTING 3A 18
IN 15J 15 scrab21
On 18th draw, LATINO 15G 23 --- LATINO a Latin American [n]
Other moves: ALINE 15H 22, BLITE N1 18, BOITE N1 18, NEAT G9 18, NIELLO 15A 18
On 19th draw, YO B10 30 --- YO used to call attention or to express affirmation [interj]
Other tops: YU B10 30
Other moves: YATE G10 26, GLEY O12 24, GOEY O12 24, GULY O12 24, GYTE O12 24
YELL 15A 21 scrab21
On 20th draw, MOVIE A11 40 --- MOVIE a motion picture [n]
Other moves: MEAT G9 26, MOAT G9 26, MOE 2J 25, GIVE O12 24, MATE G10 24
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