Game on June 17, 2017 at 01:57, 2 players
1. 330 pts debbieh
2. 221 pts dannyboy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


4H 32 60 


3B 79 139 


3J 41 180 


5J 54 234 


2C 35 269 


8A 77 346 


4A 37 383 


E5 94 477 


12D 50 527 


H10 51 578 


7H 65 643 


15A 104 747 


1A 51 798 


O1 149 947 


10B 33 980 


10H 65 1045 


6B 30 1075 


14C 31 1106 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
debbieh 0 16:45 -776 330 1.7292 dannyboy 2 11:43 -885 221
dannyboy 2 11:43 -885 221 Group: intermediate
1.6595 debbieh 0 16:45 -776 330
On 1st draw, HOV(E)R H4 28 --- HOVER to hang suspended in the air [v]
Other tops: HOV(E)N H4 28
Other moves: BRO(C)H H8 26, BRO(G)H H8 26, BRO(T)H H8 26, BR(E)HON H4 26, BRO(C)H H4 24
On 2nd draw, HOAX(E)D 4H 32 --- HOAX to deceive [v]
Other tops: HAND(A)X 4H 32, H(A)NDAX 4H 32
Other moves: HOX(E)D 4H 30, H(E)XAD 4H 30, VOX 6H 29, V(E)X 6H 28, V(O)X 6H 28
OX I4 23 debbieh
On 3rd draw, TARGETS 3B 79 --- TARGET to make a goal of [v]
Other moves: TARGETS 9B 71, TARGETS G7 65, REGATTAS J1 63, GREAT(E)ST 7C 62, GR(E)ATEST 7F 61
STARE 3I 33 debbieh
On 4th draw, BAYE 3J 41 --- BAYE to bathe [v]
Other moves: PEBA 3J 38, BAYE 4A 35, PAWK 3L 35, YAKOW 5E 35, BARKY D1 34
WAKE 3L 32 debbieh
On 5th draw, YEW 5J 54 --- YEW an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: FOYNE 5G 52, DEW 5J 48, FENDY 2K 46, NEW 5J 45, YEN 5J 45
FEW 2K 34 debbieh
On 6th draw, NOAH 2C 35 --- NOAH a shark (Australian rhyming slang - Noah's ark) [n]
Other moves: AHI 2E 32, AH 2E 29, HA 2F 28, HARING D1 28, HATING B1 28
HATING G7 25 debbieh
On 7th draw, ANTERIOR 8A 77 --- ANTERIOR situated in or toward the front [adj]
Other moves: TENTORIA B3 62, OTARINE G8 61, ANTERIOR 8D 59, INTER 4B 31, ORANT 1A 29
TRAIN 1F 21 debbieh
On 8th draw, KINE 4A 37 --- KINE a type of television tube [n]
Other moves: NEEM 4C 33, K(E)ELMEN 7G 30, LIMN 1A 30, MORKIN D1 30, MENE 4A 29
M(E)EK 7G 20 debbieh
On 9th draw, DECRETAL E5 94 --- DECRETAL a papal edict [n]
Other tops: CLARETED E5 94, CLEATED 1F 94
Other moves: TREACLED E7 72, DELICATE F5 65, LANCETED B6 65, CEDRATE E5 40, CLARTED E5 40
LED 2M 12 debbieh
On 10th draw, GLITZ 12D 50 --- GLITZ gaudy showiness [n] --- GLITZ to make flashy in appearance [v]
Other moves: Z(E)TA 7G 44, Z(E)A 7G 43, Z(E)E 7G 43, ZAG D11 41, ZATI D11 41
ZAG 2M 39 debbieh
On 11th draw, DOZING H10 51 --- DOZE to sleep lightly [v] --- DOZING the act of napping [n]
Other moves: TOZING H10 48, ZING H12 42, IF F5 29, OF F5 29, FID N1 25
FOG 2M 21 debbieh
On 12th draw, (E)MBOLISE 7H 65 --- EMBOLISE to cause an embolism [v]
Other tops: (E)MBOLIES 7H 65
Other moves: ELS 6J 36, NOMBLES 14H 34, NOMBLES B8 34, MEBOS 13A 33, VIES 6H 31
BIOS 13B 27 debbieh
On 13th draw, CLEFTING 15A 104 --- CLEFT to insert a scion into the stock of a plant [v]
Other moves: INFLECT O3 39, CLEFT 1F 38, CLIFT 1F 38, FILET O4 36, FLEET O4 36
FILET O4 36 dannyboy
FIT 2M 19 debbieh
On 14th draw, DRAW 1A 51 --- DRAW to move by pulling [v]
Other tops: DEAW 1A 51
Other moves: WRAP 1A 49, REDWARE O1 45, DRAP 1A 43, PAWED O4 42, REAP 1A 40
DRAW 1A 51 dannyboy
WEED O6 24 debbieh
On 15th draw, REPULSER O1 149 --- REPULSER one that repulses [n]
Other moves: SLURPER 1F 86, REPULSER O6 83, SLURPERS N7 74, PUSHOV(E)R H1 45, REPURES O2 36
PULERS O4 33 dannyboy
On 16th draw, QUIT 10B 33 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other tops: QUAT 10B 33
Other moves: QI F14 31, IF F5 29, QIS 6M 29, QUAI 13A 29, FAQUIR 1J 28
QUIT 10B 33 dannyboy
On 17th draw, DIAPAUSE 10H 65 --- DIAPAUSE to undergo dormancy [v]
Other moves: PUSHOV(E)R H1 45, SPINAE 14E 30, APES 14B 27, PAIS 13B 27, PANES 14F 27
SAI F10 23 dannyboy
On 18th draw, JIVE 6B 30 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other tops: JEFE 6B 30
Other moves: EF F5 29, IF F5 29, OF F5 29, JIN B6 26, JOE 7A 25
JIN 11A 23 dannyboy
On 19th draw, NEUM 14C 31 --- NEUM a sign used in musical notation [n]
Other moves: MOFO 9J 26, MEN 11J 24, MENO 14F 24, MENU 14F 24, MOE 11J 24
EF N1 22 dannyboy
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