Game on June 17, 2017 at 02:44, 1 player
1. 153 pts debbieh
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 24 24 


11E 86 110 


8A 92 202 


12H 25 227 


14H 82 309 


C7 44 353 


B5 37 390 


A10 59 449 


O11 37 486 


A1 38 524 


N8 43 567 


O4 45 612 


D12 39 651 


6H 64 715 


L2 36 751 


2J 40 791 


10H 30 821 


5E 39 860 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
debbieh 0 9:24 -707 153 1.6172 debbieh 0 9:24 -707 153
On 1st draw, DELIME H8 24 --- DELIME to free from lime [v]
Other tops: MEINED H4 24, MILDEN H4 24
Other moves: DELIME H4 22, DENIM H8 22, LIMNED H7 22, MEDLE H4 22, MEINED H7 22
On 2nd draw, ANTINODE 11E 86 --- ANTINODE a region between adjacent nodes [n]
Other tops: ANOINTED 11E 86
Other moves: DANTONED 8A 83, DANTONED 8H 83, LENTANDO 10H 65, ATONED I8 29, DONATE I9 26
On 3rd draw, GREC(I)SED 8A 92 --- GRECISE to provide with a Greek style [v]
Other moves: GREEC(E)S 14B 90, GRE(E)CES 14B 90, GR(E)ECES 14B 90, GR(I)ECES 14B 90, C(I)ERGES 14B 86
On 4th draw, MERER 12H 25 --- MERE nothing more, nothing better [adj]
Other moves: NETTER 12J 23, RENTER 12J 23, RERENT 12J 23, ENTER 12K 19, NETTER 10J 19
On 5th draw, SENOPIA 14H 82 --- SENOPIA an improvement of near vision [n]
Other tops: EPINAOS 14B 82
Other moves: PAEONICS D2 74, PAEONIES C2 74, PAEONIES C6 74, EPINAOS M5 71, SENOPIAS F1 64
On 6th draw, TEXTUA(L) C7 44 --- TEXTUAL pertaining to a text [adj]
Other tops: EXA(C)UM C8 44
Other moves: EXTA(N)T C8 40, XU 15N 36, MUR(E)X B6 35, M(O)XA 12C 35, MATT(E) 15K 34
On 7th draw, WHERES B5 37 --- WHERE the place at or in which something is located or occurs [n]
Other moves: CHAWS 12A 34, CHEWET G6 33, HERES B6 33, ESCHEW G4 31, CERES B6 30
On 8th draw, POKING A10 59 --- POKE to push or prod [v]
Other moves: PINKO A1 53, PICONG A10 47, KIP 10J 45, KOP 10J 45, GOPIK 10J 43
On 9th draw, LOUSY O11 37 --- LOUSY mean or contemptible [adj]
Other moves: ROSY O12 34, LORY D12 27, ROSY D12 27, YOUR D12 27, YOUS D12 27
On 10th draw, REGMA A1 38 --- REGMA a type of fruit [n]
Other moves: GEALOUSY O8 36, LAV 10H 31, LEV 10H 31, MARG D12 27, GAVE D12 25
On 11th draw, FAZED N8 43 --- FAZE to disturb the composure of [v]
Other moves: FEZ 10L 41, LAZED N8 40, FAZE C2 38, FAZE N8 38, FEZ 9G 38
On 12th draw, BANIA O4 45 --- BANIA an Indian fig tree [n]
Other moves: AVIAN O5 41, NOVA O5 36, VINA O5 36, VAN O7 35, NAB O7 34
VAN O7 35 debbieh
On 13th draw, WITH D12 39 --- WITH a partition between chimney flues [n] --- WITH in the company of [prep]
Other moves: THEWY 9F 33, WITHY 15K 32, WHEY G6 30, THEW 9F 29, THEY 9F 29
THEY G6 27 debbieh
On 14th draw, UROBILIN 6H 64 --- UROBILIN a brown pigment in faeces and sometimes urine [n]
Other moves: LOBI 10H 30, BI 10J 25, BO 10J 25, LOB 10H 25, BROIL C1 20
GRUB 3A 14 debbieh
On 15th draw, FAQUIR L2 36 --- FAQUIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: EQUANT 2A 34, FAQIR L3 34, FAQU(I)R E4 34, FAQ(I)R E5 32, QUAINT L3 32
QUIRT L4 30 debbieh
On 16th draw, VIFDA 2J 40 --- VIFDA meat hung and dried without salt [n]
Other moves: LAV 10H 31, DAY M1 29, DAVY 5E 27, TAY M1 27, AY M2 25
DI M3 23 debbieh
On 17th draw, LOCO 10H 30 --- LOCO the locoweed [n] --- LOCO to poison with locoweed [v]
Other tops: LOCI 10H 30
Other moves: ENOLIC 2A 28, COOLY 5D 25, YOU 5J 25, GLYCIN 3A 24, CLOY 5E 23
QI 4L 11 debbieh
On 18th draw, JIVY 5E 39 --- JIVY lively [adj]
Other moves: VINYL C1 28, JIN C3 26, TIVY 5E 25, VINY 5E 25, JET G7 22
JAY N1 13 debbieh
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