Game on July 31, 2017 at 09:11, 1 player
1. 261 pts boyerdan
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


8H 101 127 


10E 73 200 


N7 35 235 


O11 34 269 


3H 91 360 


14J 40 400 


15F 47 447 


14A 80 527 


13A 33 560 


15A 33 593 


12F 91 684 


5D 94 778 


4A 36 814 


2I 37 851 


6B 36 887 


6H 53 940 


4L 41 981 


1E 24 1005 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
boyerdan 3 5:16 -744 261 1.7933 boyerdan 3 5:16 -744 261
On 1st draw, WINTER H4 26 --- WINTER to pass the winter (the coldest season of the year) [v]
Other tops: TWINER H3 26
Other moves: WRITE H4 24, BINER H4 20, BITER H4 20, BRENT H4 20, BRINE H4 20
WINTER H4 26 boyerdan
On 2nd draw, EQUATIO(N) 8H 101 --- EQUATION the act of making equal [n]
Other moves: A(L)IQUOT 3B 92, (E)QUATION 6A 88, A(L)IQUOT G9 70, A(C)QUIT 3C 40, QI(S) 10F 40
EQUATIO(N) 8H 101 boyerdan
On 3rd draw, PAESANI 10E 73 --- PAESANO a fellow countryman [n]
Other moves: PRISE 9G 27, EPRIS 9F 25, NEAPS 7J 25, RIPE 9H 25, RIPS 9H 25
PAESANI 10E 73 boyerdan
On 4th draw, MOTZ(A) N7 35 --- MOTZA a large amount of money [n]
Other tops: TRO(O)Z N6 35
Other moves: AZIMUT(H) K8 34, MO(Z)Z N7 34, TZARI(S)M K6 34, Z(O)ARIUM K6 34, Z(O)OM N6 34
M(A)ZUT L4 30 boyerdan
On 5th draw, APTED O11 34 --- APT to fit [v]
Other moves: GAPED O11 32, ADEPT O11 31, APERT O11 31, APTER O11 31, DEPART 3C 31
GRAPED 11A 31 boyerdan
On 6th draw, THOLING 3H 91 --- THOLE to endure [v]
Other moves: LITHOING 5C 74, LITHOING 5G 74, LOATHING F8 64, HOGTIE 14J 36, LIGATION K5 36
On 7th draw, FOVEAE 14J 40 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other moves: FOVEAL 11B 36, FOVEAL 11A 34, FAVEL 11B 32, FOVEA 11B 32, FAIL 4L 31
On 8th draw, WHORED 15F 47 --- WHORE to consort with prostitutes [v]
Other moves: OHED 2I 39, OWED 2I 39, HOWRE 15F 38, WHORE 15F 38, WHORED 11A 37
On 9th draw, INSULAE 14A 80 --- INSULA a Roman block of buildings [n]
Other moves: INULASE 11A 76, LINEUPS E5 36, INULAS 14B 28, LISP 12L 28, ALIENS 11B 24
On 10th draw, DEANER 13A 33 --- DEANER a shilling [n]
Other moves: EANED 13B 29, ARANEID A9 27, ENDEAR 11B 26, AREAD 11C 25, AREDE 11C 25
On 11th draw, BE 15A 33 --- BE to have actuality [v]
Other tops: VERDIN A10 33
Other moves: BEVOR 11B 30, CONDIE A10 30, COVEN 11B 30, COVER 11B 30, NORDIC A10 30
On 12th draw, BUDLIKE 12F 91 --- BUDLIKE resembling a bud [adj]
Other moves: KEB 2J 41, UKE 2I 40, KED 2J 39, BILKED 11A 37, BULKED 11A 37
On 13th draw, OLIVINES 5D 94 --- OLIVINE a mineral [n]
Other moves: OLIVINES 5F 72, NOVELIST 7A 66, NONLIVES 6F 65, WINOS 4H 29, VOILES L1 26
On 14th draw, CAGY 4A 36 --- CAGY shrewd [adj]
Other moves: AYE 2I 34, OYE 2I 34, YAG 2J 33, AY 2I 31, OY 2I 31
On 15th draw, OYES 2I 37 --- OYES a proclamation [n]
Other moves: OYE 2I 34, SYE 2I 34, COREYS A4 33, CORSEY A4 33, FORCES A1 33
On 16th draw, JAM 6B 36 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: JUMART B1 34, JA 3B 33, JUGA 11B 32, JAGIR F2 31, JURA 11B 30
On 17th draw, NOX 6H 53 --- NOX short for nitrogen oxide [n]
Other moves: XI 6J 52, COX 7A 46, OX 7B 43, COIR 4L 29, COIT 4L 29
On 18th draw, CUIF 4L 41 --- CUIF a dolt [n]
Other tops: COIF 4L 41
Other moves: COIF 1F 36, CORF 1F 36, CUIF 1F 36, CURF 1F 36, FRUIT 4K 36
On 19th draw, TRIGO 1E 24 --- TRIGO wheat [n]
Other moves: GIRO 1F 21, TOG 7A 20, TRIGO 11A 20, GIO 1G 18, GIRO 11B 18
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