Game on August 14, 2017 at 08:44, 6 players
1. 577 pts fatcat
2. 552 pts PIThompson
3. 530 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 64 64 


9B 61 125 


15D 51 176 


8A 47 223 


14H 84 307 


15L 47 354 


D4 36 390 


5C 28 418 


11E 28 446 


H1 33 479 


K4 68 547 


8K 63 610 


12A 35 645 


A10 36 681 


9K 24 705 


10J 39 744 


L2 42 786 


B11 29 815 


2J 36 851 


1M 26 877 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
fatcat 4 15:45 -300 577 1.8020 boyerdan 4 15:14 -493 384
PIThompson 7 14:17 -325 552 Group: advanced
3. -
Mycophot 4 18:24 -347 530 1.7894 PIThompson 7 14:17 -325 552
boyerdan 4 15:14 -493 384 2.7423 queen66 1 1:17 -826 51
queen66 1 1:17 -826 51 3.7369 sicilianc5 0 0:08 -839 38
sicilianc5 0 0:08 -839 38 Group: intermediate
1.6655 fatcat 4 15:45 -300 577
Group: not rated
1. - Mycophot 4 18:24 -347 530
On 1st draw, NEUTR(A)L H8 64 --- NEUTRAL one that is impartial [n]
Other tops: LE(C)TURN H3 64, LE(C)TURN H4 64, LE(C)TURN H6 64, LE(C)TURN H7 64, LE(C)TURN H8 64, LUT(H)ERN H2 64, LUT(H)ERN H3 64, LUT(H)ERN H4 64, LUT(H)ERN H6 64, LUT(H)ERN H7 64, LUT(H)ERN H8 64, NEUTR(A)L H2 64, NEUTR(A)L H3 64, NEUTR(A)L H4 64, NEUTR(A)L H6 64, RUNLET(S) H2 64, RUNLET(S) H3 64, RUNLET(S) H4 64, RUNLET(S) H7 64, RUNLET(S) H8 64, RUN(D)LET H2 64, RUN(D)LET H3 64, RUN(D)LET H4 64, RUN(D)LET H6 64, RUN(D)LET H7 64, RUN(D)LET H8 64, TRUN(D)LE H2 64, TRUN(D)LE H3 64, TRUN(D)LE H4 64, TRUN(D)LE H6 64, TRUN(D)LE H7 64, TRUN(N)EL H2 64, TRUN(N)EL H3 64, TRUN(N)EL H4 64, TRUN(N)EL H6 64, TRUN(N)EL H7 64, TRU(N)NEL H2 64, TRU(N)NEL H3 64, TRU(N)NEL H4 64, TRU(N)NEL H6 64, TRU(N)NEL H7 64, TRU(N)NEL H8 64, (B)LUNTER H2 64, (B)LUNTER H3 64, (B)LUNTER H6 64, (B)LUNTER H7 64, (B)LUNTER H8 64, (G)RUNTLE H2 64, (G)RUNTLE H3 64, (G)RUNTLE H6 64, (G)RUNTLE H7 64, (G)RUNTLE H8 64
Other moves: LE(C)TURN H2 62, LE(C)TURN H5 62, LUT(H)ERN H5 62, NEUTR(A)L H5 62, NEUTR(A)L H7 62
RETU(R)N H4 12 fatcat
On 2nd draw, TONETTES 9B 61 --- TONETTE a simple flute [n]
Other moves: TONETTES 9E 60, OSTENT 15G 42, NETTS 15D 39, NOTES 15D 39, SETON 15H 39
NOTES 15D 39 fatcat
On 3rd draw, CLOP(S) 15D 51 --- CLOP to make the sound of a hoof striking pavement [v]
Other moves: CLOD(S) 15D 48, COLD(S) 15D 48, PLOD(S) 15D 48, (S)COLD 15H 45, COP(S) 15E 39
CLOP(S) 15D 51 fatcat, PIThompson, queen66, Mycophot
On 4th draw, OAKED 8A 47 --- OAKED (of wine) stored for a time in oak barrels before bottling [adj]
Other tops: LAKED 8A 47
Other moves: KADE 8A 38, KOLA 14F 38, LAKE 8A 38, PALED 8A 37, POLKAED 14F 36
LAKED 8A 47 PIThompson, Mycophot
KOLA 14F 38 sicilianc5
POLKA 14F 33 fatcat
On 5th draw, LIMNAEID 14H 84 --- LIMNAEID a member of the family of pond-snails [n]
Other moves: MERIDIAN 12F 72, MINIATED 11C 72, AMIDINES I2 67, DIAMINES I2 65, IDEA 10C 26
MEND 10A 25 PIThompson
MEDIC D11 20 Mycophot
MADDEN E5 20 fatcat
On 6th draw, BETE 15L 47 --- BETE to improve [v]
Other tops: BATE 15L 47, BETA 15L 47
Other moves: EVADE O11 39, ELATE 15K 36, VADE O12 36, VALETED O8 36, VELATED O8 36
EVADE O11 39 fatcat, PIThompson, Mycophot
On 7th draw, FROZEN D4 36 --- FREEZE to turn into a solid by lowering the temperature, pa p FROZEN [v] --- FROZEN very cold [adj]
Other tops: FROZEN K9 36
Other moves: ORZO F12 33, FRO 13M 31, ZO F14 31, Z(A)G 13G 29, ROZET 11D 28
ORZO F12 33 PIThompson
ZO F14 31 Mycophot, fatcat
On 8th draw, BROWSY 5C 28 --- BROWSY relating to casual shopping [adj]
Other tops: BROWSY 12G 28
Other moves: BOOGY 6B 25, BIOG C3 24, YODE E6 24, BODES E6 23, GOOBY 6B 23
BODES E6 23 fatcat
W(A)B 13G 21 PIThompson, Mycophot
On 9th draw, NITTIER 11E 28 --- NITTY full of nits [adj]
Other tops: TINTIER 11E 28
Other moves: ENTRY H1 27, NITRY H1 27, RETRY H1 27, TERRY H1 27, INTIRE 4G 22
TINTIER 11E 28 boyerdan
ENTRY H1 27 fatcat
TERRY H1 27 PIThompson, Mycophot
On 10th draw, PEEOY H1 33 --- PEEOY a home-made firework [n]
Other tops: PEONY H1 33, PINEY H1 33, PIONY H1 33, PONEY H1 33
Other moves: PAEON 10J 27, PENIE 10J 27, PAIN 10J 24, PANE 10J 24, PEAN 10J 24
PONEY H1 33 PIThompson
PEONY H1 33 Mycophot
OPINE 4H 22 boyerdan
ZONE 7D 18 fatcat
On 11th draw, AULNAGER K4 68 --- AULNAGER cloth inspector [n]
Other moves: ALGA 13K 28, ANGA 13K 28, EUGLENA 2H 24, ULNA 13K 24, ENG 13K 23
AULNAGER K4 68 boyerdan
ENG 13K 23 PIThompson
LEA 10A 17 Mycophot
LUNGE 12A 16 fatcat
On 12th draw, AJUGA 8K 63 --- AJUGA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: JUDAS L1 48, JAGS L1 44, JUDS L1 44, JUGA L1 44, JUGS L1 44
AJUGA 8K 63 boyerdan
JUGA L1 44 PIThompson
JUDS L1 44 Mycophot
JUGS L1 44 fatcat
On 13th draw, VEILY 12A 35 --- VEILY like a veil [adj]
Other moves: LEVY L1 32, YEVE 10J 31, VIEWY F2 30, LOVEY 12A 29, IVY L2 28
VEILY 12A 35 boyerdan
YEVE 10J 31 PIThompson
YE J10 26 fatcat, Mycophot
On 14th draw, HOVEAS A10 36 --- HOVEA an Australian shrub with purple flowers [n]
Other moves: HOISE 13B 33, EHS 6F 31, HOAS 13B 31, OHS 6F 31, EISH 6F 29
EISH L1 26 boyerdan
HE J10 26 fatcat
On 15th draw, GARIS 9K 24 --- GARI pickled ginger, served with sushi [n]
Other tops: GORIS 9K 24
Other moves: ARIOSO 6A 23, SIRRA 12K 22, SORRA 12K 22, GARI 9K 21, GORI 9K 21
SOAR 12K 18 fatcat, PIThompson
ZOA 7D 16 Mycophot
AIRS L1 14 boyerdan
On 16th draw, FEG 10J 39 --- FEG a segment of an orange (also FIG) [n]
Other moves: FER 10J 37, FARD L1 30, FRAG L1 30, FRUG L1 30, FRA 13L 29
FEG 10J 39 PIThompson
FER 10J 37 Mycophot
FARD L1 30 boyerdan
FED J10 28 fatcat
On 17th draw, MIX L2 42 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other tops: MAX L2 42, MICRA 13J 42
Other moves: M(A)X 13G 39, AXIOM 6A 38, RAX L2 38, XI B14 38, AX I2 36
MIX L2 42 fatcat
MAX L2 42 PIThompson
M(A)X 13G 39 Mycophot
XI B14 38 boyerdan
On 18th draw, HERD B11 29 --- HERD to bring together in a herd (a group of animals) [v]
Other tops: DHOBI C2 29, HEAD B11 29
Other moves: AH 14E 28, RHO 13M 28, EDH B12 27, HARO J2 27, AVODIRE 2B 26
HEAD B11 29 PIThompson
AH 14E 28 Mycophot
AVODIRE 2B 26 boyerdan
HO B14 22 fatcat
On 19th draw, WOMAN 2J 36 --- WOMAN an adult female human [n] --- WOMAN to play the part of a woman [v]
Other moves: ANDRO 13K 34, DOWNA J2 34, WAI 13M 31, ADOWN J1 28, AW 14E 28
WOMAN 2J 36 fatcat
AW 14E 28 Mycophot
WINDORE 2B 26 boyerdan
WAD M1 24 PIThompson
On 20th draw, DIV 1M 26 --- DIV in Persian legend, an evil spirit [n]
Other moves: DRIB C2 19, RAI 13M 19, VIGIA N6 19, DA 13M 17, DIB C3 17
DIV 1M 26 PIThompson, fatcat, Mycophot
DA 1M 8 boyerdan
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