Game on August 18, 2017 at 12:57, 5 players
1. 1013 pts OrangeCup
2. 405 pts boyerdan
3. 52 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 26 26 


10E 64 90 


E5 90 180 


L7 78 258 


I2 74 332 


14J 54 386 


8A 51 437 


2B 88 525 


15G 35 560 


C6 80 640 


M2 49 689 


N5 62 751 


O1 42 793 


1A 52 845 


F6 31 876 


3B 37 913 


A8 89 1002 


D12 36 1038 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
OrangeCup 15 15:25 -25 1013 1.9015 OrangeCup 15 15:25 -25 1013
boyerdan 2 6:51 -633 405 Group: expert
PIThompson 1 1:16 -986 52 1.8017 boyerdan 2 6:51 -633 405
queen66 1 1:40 -986 52 Group: advanced
sicilianc5 0 0:51 -999 39 1.7896 PIThompson 1 1:16 -986 52
2.7390 queen66 1 1:40 -986 52
3.7288 sicilianc5 0 0:51 -999 39
On 1st draw, Q(U)AG H7 26 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other tops: Q(U)AG H5 26, Q(U)AG H6 26, Q(U)AG H8 26
Other moves: QA(T) H6 22, QA(T) H7 22, QA(T) H8 22, Q(U)A H6 22, Q(U)A H7 22
Q(U)AG H7 26 OrangeCup
On 2nd draw, OUTGUARD 10E 64 --- OUTGUARD a remote guard [n]
Other moves: DOUAR I9 17, DOURA I9 17, QUARTO 7H 17, QUOAD 7H 16, DART G9 15
OUTGUARD 10E 64 OrangeCup, boyerdan
On 3rd draw, SIDELONG E5 90 --- SIDELONG directed to one side [adj]
Other moves: INDULGES I7 82, SLEDDING L6 74, SLEDDING L7 74, DINGLES M4 73, ELDINGS M4 73
SIDELONG E5 90 OrangeCup
DEALINGS J8 64 boyerdan
On 4th draw, BRIDEMAN L7 78 --- BRIDEMAN a groom's attendant at a wedding [n]
Other moves: AMBERINA J3 64, BARMEN 8A 39, BEAMER 8A 39, BERME 8A 36, BRAME 8A 36
BRIDEMAN L7 78 OrangeCup
AMBERINA J3 64 boyerdan
On 5th draw, TABORIN I2 74 --- TABORIN a small drum [n]
Other moves: TABOR M11 30, TRIBE 8A 30, BONITA 14J 28, RIBA M11 28, ROBIN D4 28
TABORIN I2 74 OrangeCup, boyerdan
On 6th draw, JIN(G)O 14J 54 --- JINGO a zealous patriot [n]
Other moves: (S)IJO H1 49, H(A)J H1 46, JIHA(D) 13I 44, FI(C)HE 8A 42, HO(O)VE 8A 42
JIN(G)O 14J 54 OrangeCup
(S)HOJI M3 35 boyerdan
On 7th draw, HUMPED 8A 51 --- HUMP to arch into a hump (a rounded protuberance) [v]
Other moves: HAMPER 8A 48, HUMPER 8A 48, HARMED 8A 45, HARPED 8A 45, DAMPER 8A 42
PURDAH D1 37 boyerdan
DUMA H1 35 OrangeCup
On 8th draw, FORECAST 2B 88 --- FORECAST to estimate or calculate in advance [v]
Other moves: ARCHFOES A5 67, FRESCO 15E 42, AFROS 15G 35, FAROS 15G 35, FARCES D1 34
FORECAST 2B 88 OrangeCup
ARCHFOES A5 67 boyerdan
On 9th draw, VITAS 15G 35 --- VITA a brief, autobiographical sketch [n]
Other moves: STAP J2 34, VISA 1A 34, VITA 1A 34, VISTA 15F 33, FIAT 15H 32
VITAS 15G 35 OrangeCup
On 10th draw, HUMORIST C6 80 --- HUMORIST a humorous writer or entertainer [n]
Other moves: SHIR J2 36, RUNTISH 11C 33, BRUTISH 4I 32, STIR J2 30, ISH J1 29
HUMORIST C6 80 OrangeCup
On 11th draw, YOWLEY M2 49 --- YOWLEY the yellowhammer (a bird) [n]
Other moves: YOWE 1A 46, WRYLY 8K 42, ELOGY M3 37, LOWE 1A 37, WEY 1A 37
YOWE 1A 46 OrangeCup
On 12th draw, AXEL N5 62 --- AXEL a jump in figure skating [n]
Other moves: AXE N5 61, AX N5 52, AXEL 3B 49, FAX 3A 49, AXE 3B 45
AXEL N5 62 OrangeCup
On 13th draw, EVICT O1 42 --- EVICT to expel by legal process [v]
Other moves: FIVER O1 39, CITER 1A 36, CIVET O1 36, FECIT O1 36, VITE 1A 34
EVICT O1 42 OrangeCup
On 14th draw, ZONE 1A 52 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: ZO 1G 50, ZO L3 43, ZO 1A 38, GEEZ 11J 35, GEEZ B11 35
ZONE 1A 52 OrangeCup, PIThompson, queen66
On 15th draw, FED F6 31 --- FED a federal agent [n]
Other tops: FAD F6 31, FAD(G)E M11 31, FID F6 31, FID(G)E M11 31
Other moves: DEF 3C 30, DIF F4 30, IDEATE O8 30, IF F5 28, AFT 3A 27
FID F6 31 OrangeCup
On 16th draw, TWAE 3B 37 --- TWAE two [n]
Other moves: TWA 3B 33, AIGRET O8 30, WAE 3C 29, WAR 3C 29, WAT 3C 29
TWAE 3B 37 OrangeCup
On 17th draw, HARDLINE A8 89 --- HARDLINE unyielding [adj]
Other moves: AILED O8 30, AIRED O8 30, AIRNED O8 30, ALDERN O8 30, ALDRIN O8 30
HARDLINE A8 89 OrangeCup
HARDLINE A8 39 sicilianc5
On 18th draw, OINK D12 36 --- OINK to utter the natural grunt of a hog [v]
Other moves: IKON O8 30, INGO L1 30, KI 1G 30, KO 1G 30, OINK O8 30
KO 1G 30 OrangeCup
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