Game on January 3, 2018 at 20:09, 1 player
1. 453 pts scrab21
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 76 76 


I3 32 108 


4D 28 136 


8A 80 216 


6H 39 255 


M2 76 331 


A8 86 417 


N8 72 489 


O4 45 534 


K3 76 610 


N1 27 637 


2B 30 667 


1A 31 698 


C6 74 772 


O1 55 827 


M12 41 868 


D12 36 904 


14J 38 942 


15H 45 987 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
scrab21 3 15:25 -534 453 1.6450 scrab21 3 15:25 -534 453
On 1st draw, L(E)MPIRA H2 76 --- LEMPIRA a monetary unit of Honduras [n]
Other tops: IMPAL(E)R H2 76, IMPAL(E)R H3 76, IMPARL(S) H2 76, IMPARL(S) H3 76, IMP(E)ARL H2 76, IMP(E)ARL H3 76, PALMI(E)R H4 76, PRIM(U)LA H4 76
Other moves: IMPAL(E)R H4 72, IMPAL(E)R H6 72, IMPAL(E)R H8 72, IMPARL(S) H4 72, IMPARL(S) H7 72
On 2nd draw, HYE I3 32 --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other moves: LIGHTER 2H 30, MIGHTY 4H 30, MYTHIER 4H 30, YPIGHT 5G 30, HIE I3 26
PREY 5H 18 scrab21
On 3rd draw, RHEUMY 4D 28 --- RHEUMY marked by rheum [adj]
Other moves: BAH G1 26, BATHER G6 25, BAHUT G6 24, BATHE G6 24, RAH G1 24
BAH G1 26 scrab21
On 4th draw, REND(Z)INA 8A 80 --- RENDZINA a type of soil [n]
Other moves: NIDERIN(G) 6G 71, NIDERIN(G) 6C 70, DINNER(S) 9B 69, ENDRIN(S) 9B 69, DINNER(S) J5 67
DINNER(S) J5 17 scrab21
On 5th draw, INJURE 6H 39 --- INJURE to do or cause injury to [v]
Other tops: INJERA 6H 39
Other moves: JEAN 5C 36, JEAT 5C 36, JAUNTEE B2 32, JEAN 3C 31, JEAT 3C 31
JEER B6 27 scrab21
On 6th draw, FALSETTO M2 76 --- FALSETTO an artificially high voice [n]
Other moves: FALSETTO B4 65, OUTFAST K5 40, FLOATS N1 38, FLOTAS N1 38, FLATS N2 36
FLOATS N1 38 scrab21
On 7th draw, RECOATED A8 86 --- RECOAT to coat again [v]
Other moves: ANECDOTE C7 76, ANECDOTE G7 67, DECORATE A4 63, DECTET 8J 36, ODEA N5 34
ACTED 8K 33 scrab21
On 8th draw, AENEOUS N8 72 --- AENEOUS having a greenish gold color [adj]
Other moves: AENEOUS 10G 71, AENEOUS N7 65, ARSON 7G 33, URAOS 7G 33, URSON 7G 33
SEEN N6 28 scrab21
On 9th draw, BEING O4 45 --- BEING something that exists [n]
Other moves: BAGIE O4 42, BEGAN O4 42, BEGIN O4 42, BEIGE O4 42, BIGAE O4 42
BEING O4 45 scrab21
On 10th draw, DIVULGES K3 76 --- DIVULGE to reveal [v]
Other moves: VIDE L1 36, VILE L1 33, VLEIS 5B 30, VEIL 5C 28, DELI N1 27
VEG N1 27 scrab21
On 11th draw, WAG N1 27 --- WAG to move briskly up and down or to and fro [v]
Other tops: WIG M11 27, W*GWOG M11 27
Other moves: AGO N2 26, EGO N2 26, QI L1 26, AW N2 25, GORA 7F 25
WAGE J9 19 scrab21
On 12th draw, STOICAL 2B 30 --- STOIC one who is indifferent to pleasure or pain [adj] --- STOICAL pertaining to stoic [adj]
Other moves: OTIC O12 28, OS O1 27, IOTAS 9D 26, AIRS 7F 23, COAST 3B 23
SOC O13 19 scrab21
On 13th draw, VAIN 1A 31 --- VAIN filled with undue admiration for oneself [adj]
Other tops: VEIN 1A 31
Other moves: VEIN 5C 28, EA O1 27, EN O1 27, OE O1 27, ON O1 27
VAIN 1A 31 scrab21
On 14th draw, MONORAIL C6 74 --- MONORAIL a single rail serving as a track for a wheeled vehicle [n]
Other moves: MODIOLAR D6 72, ARMIL O11 35, MORIA O11 35, ROMAL M11 28, LIMA B12 27
MOR O13 21 scrab21
On 15th draw, OX O1 55 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: OXO M12 42, TIX M11 42, OY O1 39, XI B14 39, OX M12 38
OX O1 55 scrab21
On 16th draw, ZOA M12 41 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other tops: AZO M11 41
Other moves: KAZOO 12K 38, ZO M12 37, KAZOO 12J 36, BAZOO 12K 34, ZATIS 14J 34
On 17th draw, FIKE D12 36 --- FIKE to fidget restlessly [v]
Other moves: ED L11 32, ID L11 32, DIKE D12 28, DZO 12L 26, FID D12 26
WIFES 10G 13 scrab21
On 18th draw, QUEASY 14J 38 --- QUEASY easily nauseated [adj]
Other moves: ENQUIRY G7 37, QUIRES 10F 37, QUIRE F6 36, QUEYS 10G 25, BYE E13 24
On 19th draw, DRIPT 15H 45 --- DRIP to fall in drops [v]
Other moves: BRITT 15H 40, DRIP 15H 36, TID L10 36, TRIP 15H 33, ID L11 32
DRIP 15H 36 scrab21
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