Game on January 18, 2018 at 21:19, 7 players
1. 818 pts OrangeCup
2. 534 pts musdrive
3. 502 pts debbieh
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 30 30 


13H 31 61 


14I 36 97 


15J 46 143 


11E 38 181 


12L 42 223 


O6 86 309 


N2 53 362 


J5 81 443 


12A 35 478 


O1 47 525 


C6 70 595 


B10 40 635 


8A 27 662 


D1 30 692 


3C 84 776 


1D 45 821 


N8 36 857 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
OrangeCup 11 18:22 -39 818 1.9189 OrangeCup 11 18:22 -39 818
musdrive 4 10:49 -323 534 Group: expert
debbieh 2 19:51 -355 502 1.8513 musdrive 4 10:49 -323 534
PIThompson 1 0:59 -821 36 2.8452 PIThompson 1 0:59 -821 36
queen66 0 1:23 -823 34 3.8684 queen66 0 1:23 -823 34
sicilianc5 0 1:47 -823 34 4.8750 sicilianc5 0 1:47 -823 34
Mycophot 0 0:57 -826 31 5.8631 Mycophot 0 0:57 -826 31
Group: novice
1.5941 debbieh 2 19:51 -355 502
On 1st draw, ENCAMP H7 30 --- ENCAMP to set up a camp [v]
Other tops: CAMPER H4 30, ENCAMP H8 30
Other moves: CRAMP H4 28, CRAMP H8 28, CAMPER H3 26, CAMPER H7 26, CAMPER H8 26
ENCAMP H7 30 OrangeCup
CRAMP H4 28 debbieh
On 2nd draw, SOAPER 13H 31 --- SOAPER a serial melodrama on radio or television [n]
Other tops: OPERAS 13C 31, PAREOS 13C 31, PAREUS 13C 31, PAROUS 13C 31, SAPOUR 13H 31, SOUPER 13H 31
Other moves: UPSOAR 13F 25, ASPER 13G 24, ASPRO 13G 24, PSOAE 13G 24, PSORA 13G 24
SOUPER 13H 31 OrangeCup
PURPOSE 12H 22 debbieh
On 3rd draw, OHIA 14I 36 --- OHIA a tropical tree [n]
Other tops: HATE 14J 36, HOTE 14J 36
Other moves: HAVE 12L 34, HOVE 12L 34, HAE 14J 33, HAT 14J 33, HET 14J 33
HOTE 14J 36 OrangeCup
HATE 14J 36 musdrive, PIThompson
HE G7 20 debbieh
On 4th draw, AGNAME 15J 46 --- AGNAME a name extra to one's usual name [n]
Other moves: JAM 15G 41, JEAN 15F 36, AGMA 15G 32, EGMA 15G 32, GAMA 15G 32
JAM 15G 41 OrangeCup, musdrive
JEAN L12 24 debbieh
On 5th draw, ZHOMO 11E 38 --- ZHOMO a female from a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZHO G10 37, L*ZLEZ 12L 34, ZEAL 10F 33, ZEA 10F 32, ZOA 10F 32
L*Z 12LLEZ 12L 34 OrangeCup, queen66, debbieh
ZOA 10F 32 musdrive
On 6th draw, WEX 12L 42 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other tops: WAX 12L 42, WOX 12L 42
Other moves: REWAX I3 41, RETAX I3 38, WAX I5 38, WEX I5 38, WOX I5 38
WAX 12L 42 OrangeCup
REWAX I3 41 musdrive
WEX I5 38 debbieh
On 7th draw, (A)NGUI(N)E O6 86 --- ANGUINE resembling a snake [adj]
Other tops: GUNI(T)E(S) O7 86, GUN(D)IE(S) O7 86, GUN(F)I(R)E O6 86, GUN(G)IE(R) O7 86, GUN(K)IE(R) O7 86, GUN(N)IE(S) O7 86, GU(A)NI(N)E O6 86, GU(A)(N)INE O6 86, GU(M)(L)INE O6 86, GU(N)NIE(S) O7 86, GU(Y)(L)INE O6 86, G(E)NUI(N)E O6 86, G(E)(N)UINE O6 86, ING(E)(N)UE O6 86, IN(D)U(L)GE O6 86, I(N)G(E)NUE O6 86, UNI(T)(A)GE O6 86, UN(A)GI(L)E O6 86, UN(H)I(N)GE O6 86, U(N)(H)INGE O6 86, (A)(N)GUINE O6 86, (B)UNGIE(S) O7 86, (B)U(L)GINE O6 86, (B)(E)GUINE O6 86, (D)UNGIE(R) O7 86, (G)UNGIE(R) O7 86, (L)INGU(A)E O6 86, (L)UNGIE(S) O7 86, (L)U(C)IGEN O7 86, (M)U(C)IGEN O7 86
Other moves: GENUI(N)(E) O6 81, GE(N)UIN(E) O6 81, IGNE(O)U(S) J5 81, INGE(N)U(E) O6 81, I(N)GENU(E) O6 81
GUNI(T)E(S) O7 86 OrangeCup
(H)INGE O8 33 debbieh
(W)ING(S) J7 27 musdrive
On 8th draw, TALUK N2 53 --- TALUK an estate in India [n]
Other moves: KEX N10 41, FLAKE N3 39, FLUKE N3 39, FAKE N4 38, KEA N6 37
KEX N10 41 musdrive, OrangeCup
FE N6 27 debbieh
On 9th draw, URINALS J5 81 --- URINAL a fixture used for urinating [n]
Other moves: INSULAR G1 62, INSULAR I1 62, URINALS I1 62, LUNARIES 7B 61, LUNARIST 2G 60
URINALS J5 81 OrangeCup
URINALS J5 31 Mycophot
LAIRS J7 27 debbieh
RAI 12D 22 musdrive
On 10th draw, VESTA 12A 35 --- VESTA a short friction match [n]
Other tops: VISTA 12A 35
Other moves: VITAE 12B 32, VISA O1 31, VITA O1 31, VIAE 12C 30, VAE 12D 28
VISTA 12A 35 musdrive, OrangeCup
VITA O1 31 debbieh
On 11th draw, JEDI O1 47 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other moves: JIB O1 42, JIBE M1 38, JET O1 34, JIB M1 34, JIBER K1 32
JEDI O1 47 musdrive, OrangeCup
JET O1 34 debbieh, sicilianc5
On 12th draw, TORTOISE C6 70 --- TORTOISE any of an order of reptiles having the body enclosed in a bony shell [n]
Other tops: ROOTIEST C6 70
Other moves: TORTIVE A7 30, OVERT A11 24, VERT A12 21, VETO A12 21, VIER A12 21
TORTOISE C6 70 OrangeCup
OVERT A11 24 musdrive
VETO A12 21 debbieh
On 13th draw, BLEAT B10 40 --- BLEAT to utter the cry of a sheep [v]
Other moves: GLEBAE B10 39, GLEBA B10 37, GLEBE B10 37, GARBLE 8A 36, GARBE 8A 33
BLEAT B10 40 OrangeCup
BARGE 8A 30 debbieh
VEGA A12 24 musdrive
On 14th draw, DERIDE 8A 27 --- DERIDE to ridicule [v]
Other tops: DENIED B2 27, DIRLED 8A 27, DIRNDL 8A 27, ELIDED B2 27, INDEED B2 27
Other moves: LEDDEN B2 26, DERED 8A 24, DINDLE B1 24, NEREID 8A 24, NIRLED 8A 24
DERIDE 8A 27 debbieh
DINED K3 23 musdrive
NERD 8A 21 OrangeCup
On 15th draw, FRINGE D1 30 --- FRINGE to provide with a fringe (an ornamental border) [v]
Other moves: FRINGE B1 28, FRINGE K1 28, FERVID E3 26, FIVER K1 26, VIRGE B2 26
FRINGE D1 30 debbieh
FRINGE B1 28 musdrive, OrangeCup
On 16th draw, FIDELITY 3C 84 --- FIDELITY loyalty [n]
Other moves: FETIDLY G1 78, DEFFLY 1A 48, FETIDLY 1D 42, FIFTY 1D 42, FLIRTY 2A 40
FIDELITY 3C 84 OrangeCup
FIFTY 1D 42 musdrive
FELTY 1D 33 debbieh
On 17th draw, FROWSY 1D 45 --- FROWSY unkempt [adj]
Other moves: FROWY 1D 42, FROWS 1D 33, YWIS H1 33, ROW 2D 30, SOWF 1A 30
FROWSY 1D 45 musdrive
FROWY 1D 42 OrangeCup
SOW 15B 18 debbieh
On 18th draw, UNBOX N8 36 --- UNBOX to remove from a box [v]
Other moves: BOX N10 29, CUB M1 29, DOUC E3 27, RIB 2D 26, ROB 2D 26
CUB M1 29 OrangeCup
ROB 2D 26 musdrive
RUB M1 25 debbieh
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