Game on February 4, 2018 at 00:43, 1 player
1. 518 pts Kalikokat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


I5 29 59 


8G 80 139 


K5 94 233 


H1 48 281 


11F 59 340 


O1 74 414 


L1 53 467 


H10 45 512 


L11 26 538 


14J 62 600 


10B 40 640 


15A 80 720 


3B 74 794 


14B 54 848 


O12 81 929 


4C 29 958 


2J 70 1028 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
Kalikokat 5 9:54 -510 518 1.6753 Kalikokat 5 9:54 -510 518
On 1st draw, HAMED H4 30 --- HAME to go home [v]
Other tops: BATHED H4 30
Other moves: BATHED H7 28, BEATH H8 28, MEATH H8 28, BATHE H4 26, BATHED H3 26
BATHED H4 30 Kalikokat
On 2nd draw, SOHO I5 29 --- SOHO a huntsman's halloo [interj]
Other moves: GOOSES 3C 28, OHOS G6 28, OHOS I6 28, HOSES I3 27, HOGS G7 26
SHOGS 3H 25 Kalikokat
On 3rd draw, IDOLATER(S) 8G 80 --- IDOLATER one that worships idols [n]
Other moves: (D)ILATER G1 78, REALI(S)T 3C 77, RETAIL(S) 3B 75, TAILER(S) 3B 75, (S)ALTIER 3H 75
On 4th draw, PARANOID K5 94 --- PARANOID one affected with paranoia [n]
Other moves: PONIARD(S) O1 83, RAINDROP N8 76, PARANOID K7 72, RAINDROP N3 69, PONIARD 9A 68
PINA G7 21 Kalikokat
On 5th draw, BESHAMED H1 48 --- BESHAME to put to shame [v]
Other moves: SUBCODE 12F 30, CUBES 13G 27, BESCOUR N2 26, CUBE G3 26, LOBS J8 26
SUB 13K 22 Kalikokat
On 6th draw, ANNELIDS 11F 59 --- ANNELID any of a phylum of segmented worms [n]
Other moves: LASED 13I 26, TANNED L8 26, LADLES J8 25, LADLE J8 24, NALED L11 24
SLADE 13K 24 Kalikokat
On 7th draw, URALITE(S) O1 74 --- URALITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: URALITE 12A 70, URALITES 3A 68, URALITE 10A 67, UTERI G4 26, ARIEL G1 23
LATER L2 16 Kalikokat
On 8th draw, FORNIX L1 53 --- FORNIX an arched anatomical structure [n]
Other moves: FORNIX 12A 49, FOXING 12A 45, FIXING G7 42, FOXINGS 3B 40, FIX L4 39
FIX L4 39 Kalikokat
On 9th draw, (I)NWOVE H10 45 --- INWEAVE to weave together [v]
Other tops: (U)NWOVE H10 45
Other moves: ENWO(M)B H10 42, WE(A)VE G2 34, B(L)OWER 2J 32, WOO(F)ER 2J 32, WOO(L)ER 2J 32
VOW 12D 23 Kalikokat
On 10th draw, DAVIT L11 26 --- DAVIT a hoisting device on a ship [n]
Other tops: DIVAN L11 26
Other moves: MA(I)N 10F 25, MAVINS 3C 24, VIM 10D 24, VIMANAS 5C 24, DAINT 12K 22
VIM 10D 24 Kalikokat
On 11th draw, JUICER 14J 62 --- JUICER a juice extractor [n]
Other moves: JUICE 14J 60, REJECTS M5 42, JOTTER 15J 39, OUTJET 15J 39, EJECTS M6 36
JAR F10 26 Kalikokat
On 12th draw, FORTY 10B 40 --- FORTY a number [n]
Other moves: FIRRY O11 36, FRORY O11 36, NOTIFY 10A 35, NIFTY 10B 34, RIFTY 10B 34
FORTY 10B 40 Kalikokat
On 13th draw, GASOLINE 15A 80 --- GASOLINE a liquid fuel [n]
Other moves: ISOGONAL C6 74, LOAFINGS B7 74, GASOLINE 2A 72, ISOGONAL C8 70, ALGORS O10 27
GARS O12 21 Kalikokat
On 14th draw, CANOEIST 3B 74 --- CANOEIST one who canoes [n]
Other moves: ACONITES 3A 72, ACTIONER D3 72, ACORN O11 30, COOTER 2J 28, TINEA 14B 28
CART O12 27 Kalikokat
On 15th draw, PAYED 14B 54 --- PAY to give money or something of value in exchange for goods or services [v]
Other moves: PAGED 14B 48, PATED 14B 45, TAPED 14B 43, APERY O11 39, AYGRE O11 39
On 16th draw, ZERK O12 81 --- ZERK a grease fitting [n]
Other moves: ZINKE D1 56, KUNZITE D1 50, ZEE 9C 47, ZINE D1 46, ZEK 12D 42
ZERK O12 81 Kalikokat
On 17th draw, MEW 4C 29 --- MEW a place of retirement or concealment [n] --- MEW to confine (one pl MEAWES) [v]
Other tops: WEM 4C 29
Other moves: MEW 9A 26, MEW 12D 25, MUTE N1 24, TEME M5 24, TEW 9A 24
MEW 4C 29 Kalikokat
On 18th draw, QUOTER 2J 70 --- QUOTER one that quotes [n]
Other moves: QUIET 5A 48, QUITE 5A 48, QUITE 12B 34, TIGE 5B 31, GITE 5B 30
QUOTER 2J 70 Kalikokat
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