Game on February 9, 2018 at 22:03, 5 players
1. 238 pts debbieh
2. 202 pts PIThompson
3. 178 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 74 74 


11E 96 170 


5D 82 252 


10J 33 285 


12A 81 366 


M9 44 410 


L12 62 472 


D2 74 546 


B10 44 590 


F1 66 656 


O4 98 754 


K10 32 786 


15A 62 848 


L3 41 889 


8A 24 913 


N4 35 948 


15G 30 978 


J2 36 1014 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
debbieh 0 10:11 -776 238 1.7829 PIThompson 1 7:39 -812 202
PIThompson 1 7:39 -812 202 2.7389 sicilianc5 0 4:09 -836 178
sicilianc5 0 4:09 -836 178 3.7459 queen66 0 2:01 -915 99
queen66 0 2:01 -915 99 4.7476 Mycophot 1 3:51 -937 77
Mycophot 1 3:51 -937 77 Group: novice
1.5858 debbieh 0 10:11 -776 238
On 1st draw, CINEREA H4 74 --- CINEREA the grey matter of the brain [n]
Other moves: CINEREA H2 70, CINEREA H3 70, CINEREA H6 70, CINEREA H7 70, CINEREA H8 70
On 2nd draw, NEWS(M)AN 11E 96 --- NEWSMAN a news reporter [n]
Other moves: WEANIN(G)S 5D 90, SWANN(I)ER 8A 83, WANNE(S)S G7 81, WANNES(S) G7 80, WANNES(T) G7 80
On 3rd draw, OU(T)SIDER 5D 82 --- OUTSIDER one that does not belong to a particular group [n]
Other tops: DESIROU(S) 5E 82, DE(S)IROUS 5E 82, DOURI(N)ES 5D 82, ERODIU(M)S 5D 82, OU(T)RIDES 5D 82
Other moves: ROU(N)DERS 8H 80, RO(N)DURES 8H 77, SU(B)ORDER 8A 77, C(A)ROUSED 4H 74, C(H)ORUSED 4H 74
On 4th draw, HONAN 10J 33 --- HONAN a fine silk [n]
Other tops: HENNA 10J 33, HENNA 6J 33
Other moves: HOA 10F 32, HAEN 10J 30, HAIN 10J 30, HONE 10J 30, NAH 6H 30
On 5th draw, LITHATE 12A 81 --- LITHATE a urate [n]
Other moves: HEAL 6J 30, HEAT 6J 30, HEIL 6J 30, NAH 6H 30, HET 6J 29
On 6th draw, JABOT M9 44 --- JABOT a decoration on a shirt [n]
Other moves: JOBE 12J 42, JOE 4D 41, JOB 12J 40, JIB 9M 39, JOB 9M 39
On 7th draw, ZAX L12 62 --- ZAX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: ZAPS L12 56, ZIPS L12 56, NIX 6H 54, SPAZ 4A 54, ZAPS 4A 54
On 8th draw, DOLOMITE D2 74 --- DOLOMITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: DIME 13B 31, DOME 13B 31, DOMED I5 30, IDEM 13A 30, MODELLI A7 30
On 9th draw, KNIVE B10 44 --- KNIVE to knife [v]
Other moves: KAINIT B10 40, KEA 10F 40, KELVIN A10 39, KEVIL A8 36, VAKIL A8 36
On 10th draw, DRIF(T)AGE F1 66 --- DRIFTAGE the act of drifting [n]
Other moves: DEFI C7 36, FAA 10F 34, FERIA 6J 33, GIFTED 8A 33, NIFE 6H 33
JAG 9M 13 debbieh
On 11th draw, PAIGLES O4 98 --- PAIGLE the cowslip [n]
Other moves: ESPIAL 15A 40, SAP 10D 37, PAGLES O5 36, PLAGES O5 36, ANILE N9 33
PLAGES O5 36 debbieh
On 12th draw, ONAGER K10 32 --- ONAGER a wild ass of central Asia [n]
Other moves: DOGEAR 1F 24, DROGUE 1F 24, AERO N12 23, AGUE N5 23, AGER C6 22
DROGUE 1F 24 PIThompson
OE N12 17 debbieh
On 13th draw, EDIFY 15A 62 --- EDIFY to enlighten [v]
Other moves: QADI C7 60, FAQIR 15G 51, EDIFY C6 47, QI C7 44, DEFY C7 42
QADI C7 60 PIThompson, queen66, sicilianc5
QI C7 44 debbieh
On 14th draw, WISELY L3 41 --- WISELY in a wise manner [adv]
Other moves: DEWILY 1F 39, WYLES L1 39, WE J14 36, YE J14 36, YU J14 36
DEWILY 1F 39 queen66
WE J14 36 sicilianc5
YEA 10F 34 PIThompson
DEWY 1F 33 debbieh
On 15th draw, CUTTOE 8A 24 --- CUTTOE a large knife [n]
Other tops: COTTAE 8A 24, DRACO 1F 24, DUCAT 1F 24, DUROC 1F 24, TROAT N2 24
Other moves: COT M2 22, COTTA N3 22, ACTOR 15G 21, CRUOR 15G 21, DOUC 1F 21
COT M2 22 Mycophot
COAT 8A 18 debbieh
CART 8A 18 PIThompson
On 16th draw, OMBU N4 35 --- OMBU a type of South American tree [n]
Other moves: BROMO N2 34, DUMBO 1F 30, BOA 10F 28, MOA 10F 28, VROOM N1 28
DUMBO 1F 30 PIThompson
BROOM N1 26 sicilianc5
MOB C1 25 Mycophot
DORM 1F 21 debbieh
On 17th draw, VAPOR 15G 30 --- VAPOR mist, fume or smoke [n] --- VAPOR to emit vapor (visible floating moisture) [v]
Other moves: POA 10F 28, QAID 2A 28, DIVA 1F 24, AVO M1 22, DIV 1F 21
VAPOR 15G 30 Mycophot
QAID 2A 28 sicilianc5, debbieh
On 18th draw, QUIET J2 36 --- QUIET making little or no noise [adj] --- QUIET to cause to be quiet [v]
Other moves: QUID 2A 28, QUOD 2A 28, QUOTER J1 19, ROQUET J1 19, DROIT 1F 18
QUIET J2 36 PIThompson
QUID 2A 28 debbieh, sicilianc5
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