Game on February 14, 2018 at 20:44, 5 players
1. 338 pts musdrive
2. 125 pts toutflou
3. 104 pts SQUAW1
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 28 28 


8A 80 108 


3G 38 146 


E5 94 240 


B5 70 310 


M1 63 373 


N4 40 413 


O1 31 444 


A11 38 482 


1H 36 518 


F5 36 554 


D10 36 590 


O7 86 676 


O7 39 715 


4A 61 776 


14J 48 824 


13I 38 862 


F10 31 893 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
musdrive 3 7:27 -555 338 1.8555 musdrive 3 7:27 -555 338
2. -
toutflou 0 5:53 -768 125 2.8024 SQUAW1 0 3:38 -789 104
SQUAW1 0 3:38 -789 104 Group: advanced
PIThompson 1 4:11 -805 88 1.7949 PIThompson 1 4:11 -805 88
sicilianc5 0 1:27 -859 34 2.7723 sicilianc5 0 1:27 -859 34
Group: not rated
1. - toutflou 0 5:53 -768 125
On 1st draw, OVATED H3 28 --- OVATE to receive with an ovation [v]
Other tops: VETOED H4 28
Other moves: VOTED H4 26, DEVOTE H4 24, OVATED H7 24, VETOED H7 24, DEAVE H4 22
On 2nd draw, RATOONED 8A 80 --- RATOON to sprout from a root planted the previous year [v]
Other moves: AEROTONE 7G 61, AEROTONE 7A 60, ATONER 2E 21, ORNATE 2F 21, RONEO 2F 20
On 3rd draw, COMBIER 3G 38 --- COMBY wavy [adj]
Other moves: BECRIME 7G 27, BECRIME G7 27, EMBER 9C 27, COMBIER D7 26, COMBIER E7 26
On 4th draw, EKLO(G)ITE E5 94 --- EKLOGITE a crystalline rock [n]
Other moves: TA(P)ELIKE B7 76, T(R)EELIKE L1 76, (B)AKELITE B7 76, (G)ATELIKE B7 76, TE(N)TLIKE C8 74
On 5th draw, ZONA(T)ION B5 70 --- ZONATION arrangement in zones [n]
Other moves: ZON(A)TION C4 67, ZON(A)TION 11A 66, ZIN(C)O D1 48, ZOOIE(R) 12A 48, ZOONE(D) 12A 48
On 6th draw, PARANOIC M1 63 --- PARANOIC one affected with paranoia [n]
Other moves: PANIC A11 37, COIN 4A 35, CONI 4A 35, ANOPIA A10 34, CAPON C2 31
On 7th draw, HAFT N4 40 --- HAFT to supply with a handle [v]
Other moves: HAAF 4L 38, HAUF 4L 38, HAUF D12 38, FAH F10 37, HAFT D10 37
On 8th draw, RUDIE O1 31 --- RUDIE a rude boy [n]
Other moves: DIAPER 1J 30, AURAE O1 28, DEAIR A11 27, DUPER 1K 27, EUPAD 1K 27
On 9th draw, WAIDE A11 38 --- WEIGH to determine the weight of [v]
Other moves: DEAW C3 32, AWED A12 30, DEAW D12 30, WAID D12 30, WEID D12 30
DEAW C3 32 musdrive
On 10th draw, MEGILP 1H 36 --- MEGILP a substance with which pigments are mixed in painting [n]
Other moves: GIMLET D10 33, GIMEL D10 29, GIMEL C11 26, TIMER D10 26, GEM D10 25
MEGILP 1H 36 musdrive
On 11th draw, AYIN F5 36 --- AYIN a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: UNSAY 13C 36
Other moves: ANY F4 33, NAY F4 33, SAY F4 33, SNY F4 33, YIN F6 33
YIN F6 33 musdrive
On 12th draw, PAWLS D10 36 --- PAWL a hinged mechanical part [n]
Other moves: PAWL D10 34, PAWS D10 34, SPAW C3 34, SWAPT C10 34, SWAPT D11 34
SPAW C3 34 musdrive
On 13th draw, SURFEIT O7 86 --- SURFEIT to indulge in excess [v]
Other moves: SURFEITS 14D 65, SURFIEST 14D 65, FREITS D1 39, FRUITS D1 39, REFITS D1 33
FRUITS D1 39 musdrive
On 14th draw, SURFEITED O7 39 --- SURFEIT to indulge in excess [v]
Other moves: SURFEITER O7 36, AVER G6 34, AVE G6 32, GED F10 29, DEVA C2 27
SURFEITED O7 39 musdrive
On 15th draw, JOYS 4A 61 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other tops: JOEY 4A 61, JOSH 4A 61
Other moves: JOES 4A 55, JORS 4A 55, JOEYS D1 49, JOEYS D2 46, HOYS 4A 45
JOEYS D1 49 musdrive
JOY C4 29 toutflou
On 16th draw, HEXONE 14J 48 --- HEXONE a hydrocarbon solvent [n]
Other tops: HEXENE 14J 48
Other moves: HEX I5 45, HOX I5 45, NOX I5 39, OXEN N11 39, EX I6 36
HEX I5 45 SQUAW1, musdrive
NOX I5 39 toutflou
PIX 10D 28 PIThompson
On 17th draw, TUBAL 13I 38 --- TUBAL pertaining to a tube [adj]
Other moves: BEGAT 13K 37, ABET 13J 34, BAGUET 15F 34, BUGLET 15F 34, GABLET 15F 34
ABET 13J 34 sicilianc5
BLAGUE 15E 32 toutflou
TAB 13K 29 PIThompson
On 18th draw, GENUS F10 31 --- GENUS a kind, sort, or class [n]
Other moves: GENS F10 28, GENU F10 28, GEN F10 27, NEG 15K 25, SEG 15K 25
GENUS F10 31 musdrive, PIThompson
NEG 15K 25 toutflou
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