Game on April 14, 2018 at 06:28, 5 players
1. 603 pts fatcat
2. 356 pts debbieh
3. 72 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


5D 90 112 


10B 77 189 


D7 74 263 


4A 56 319 


A4 48 367 


B1 55 422 


1B 48 470 


14A 36 506 


7G 67 573 


15A 31 604 


3B 28 632 


N1 40 672 


13C 41 713 


O1 34 747 


15G 48 795 


M3 51 846 


14I 38 884 


9C 42 926 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
fatcat 4 14:01 -323 603 1.8402 sicilianc5 0 0:30 -897 29
debbieh 2 12:54 -570 356 Group: advanced
PIThompson 1 2:02 -854 72 1.7825 PIThompson 1 2:02 -854 72
sicilianc5 0 0:30 -897 29 2.7649 queen66 0 1:05 -901 25
queen66 0 1:05 -901 25 Group: intermediate
1.6628 fatcat 4 14:01 -323 603
Group: novice
1.5909 debbieh 2 12:54 -570 356
On 1st draw, MORALE H4 22 --- MORALE the state of the spirits of an individual or group [n]
Other tops: MORALL H4 22
Other moves: MARLE H4 20, MOLAL H4 20, MOLAR H4 20, MOLLA H4 20, MORAE H4 20
MORALE H4 22 fatcat
On 2nd draw, FRI(J)OLES 5D 90 --- FRIJOL a bean used as food [n]
Other tops: (T)REFOILS 5D 90
Other moves: FERLI(E)S G7 79, LIF(T)ERS I7 79, RIFLE(R)S I7 79, RIF(F)LES I7 79, FERLI(E)S 10B 78
FIL(L)ERS 10B 28 fatcat
On 3rd draw, VARLET(S) 10B 77 --- VARLET a knave [n]
Other tops: VE(S)TRAL 10F 77
Other moves: TRAVEL(S) 10B 71, ELEVAT(O)R J3 70, LARV(A)TE G7 70, LARV(A)TE I7 70, LEVA(N)TER J4 70
RAVE 4A 26 fatcat
On 4th draw, SEARCING D7 74 --- SEARCE to sift [v]
Other tops: RESCALING E5 74
Other moves: AGENCIES J3 65, AGENCIES F8 63, CEASINGS K2 61, CAGE 4A 30, CANE 4A 28
CAGE 4A 30 fatcat
On 5th draw, QUAI 4A 56 --- QUAI a wharf [n]
Other moves: QUAI C12 44, PIQUES 4J 42, QUA C12 42, EQUIP 4K 40, EQUIPES J5 40
QI C12 37 fatcat
On 6th draw, QUOTED A4 48 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other moves: JETTED G7 45, QUOTE A4 42, JA 9C 34, JA C9 34, JOLED I3 34
QUOTED A4 48 fatcat
On 7th draw, DEPUTY B1 55 --- DEPUTY one appointed to act for another [n]
Other moves: KEPT G7 38, PINKEY 13B 38, DINKEY 13B 36, KILEY I3 36, D*K*YDIKEY 6J 34
PIKED 4J 30 fatcat
PI C12 16 debbieh
On 8th draw, DEFANGS 1B 48 --- DEFANG to make harmless [v]
Other moves: FAROS 6F 38, FARO 6F 31, FOGS 6J 31, FORA 6F 31, FOEN 6J 30
DEFANGS 1B 48 fatcat
FOES 6J 30 PIThompson
FANGOS 4J 29 debbieh
On 9th draw, WHIGGED 14A 36 --- WHIG to jog along [v]
Other moves: WHINGED 13A 34, HIM I7 33, WIGGED 14A 32, HIDE 6J 31, HIED 6J 31
HIM 6J 31 fatcat
HIE 6J 29 sicilianc5
HEW 4J 25 queen66
HIM 4J 23 debbieh
On 10th draw, PARTICLE 7G 67 --- PARTICLE a very small piece or part [n]
Other moves: RELICT 15F 29, EPIC 15G 27, PERP 3B 26, RECIT 15F 26, RECTI 15F 26
LICE 15F 23 fatcat
WE A14 15 debbieh
On 11th draw, EAN 15A 31 --- EAN to give birth [v]
Other tops: EAT 15A 31, PEDANT 3B 31
Other moves: DAWN A12 30, DAWT A12 30, INTEND 15G 30, DENTIN 15F 27, DETAIN 15F 27
DETAIN 15F 27 fatcat
DINT 4J 15 debbieh
On 12th draw, PERNIO 3B 28 --- PERNIO an inflammation on the hands or feet caused by exposure to cold [n]
Other moves: ORIENT 15E 26, ENROOT 15G 24, ORIENT 15G 24, INERT 15E 23, IRONE 15E 23
ROOT 15F 17 debbieh, fatcat
On 13th draw, MOONEYE N1 40 --- MOONEYE a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: MEANY 15F 37, MONEY 15F 37, MOONY 15F 37, MANY 15F 34, MAYO 15F 34
MONEY 15F 37 fatcat
MANY 4J 24 debbieh
On 14th draw, KNUB 13C 41 --- KNUB a knob [n]
Other moves: UNDO O1 38, ABOUND 15G 36, KAB M3 36, KNOB M2 36, KNUB M2 36
*B* O1ABO O1 33 debbieh
DANK 15F 33 fatcat
On 15th draw, INRO O1 34 --- INRO a Japanese ornamental container [n]
Other moves: ION O1 25, INTORT 15G 24, NITRO 15F 23, CITO 11D 20, CONI 11D 20
TORT 15F 20 fatcat
TORN 15F 20 debbieh
On 16th draw, AXOIDS 15G 48 --- AXOID a helix curve [n]
Other moves: DOUX 15F 45, SAX O7 43, SIX O7 43, SOX O7 43, AXOID 15G 42
SIX O7 43 fatcat
SOX 15F 38 debbieh
On 17th draw, JOB M3 51 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other moves: JOT M3 45, JO M3 41, THOU 14I 35, BOH M3 34, HAJ 2H 34
JOB M3 51 debbieh
THO 14I 32 fatcat
On 18th draw, WHA 14I 38 --- WHA (Scots) who [pron]
Other moves: HAUT 14J 33, RAW 6H 31, CHATTI L7 30, HA 14J 29, HI 14J 29
HAUT 14J 33 debbieh
HA 14J 29 fatcat
On 19th draw, ZA 9C 42 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: ZA C9 42
Other moves: ZITS L12 36, ZITE J2 33, VAUTS L11 26, AVIZE J1 25, VATS L12 24
ZA C9 42 PIThompson, debbieh, fatcat
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