Game on June 4, 2018 at 08:52, 2 players
1. 139 pts kellybelly
2. 95 pts debbieh
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 26 26 


9H 34 60 


J5 65 125 


4A 74 199 


A3 80 279 


C2 74 353 


8L 51 404 


7M 33 437 


11G 72 509 


H11 72 581 


K3 27 608 


B2 26 634 


12D 42 676 


N10 36 712 


15L 36 748 


B10 33 781 


A13 56 837 


12L 32 869 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
kellybelly 1 3:49 -730 139 1.7455 kellybelly 1 3:49 -730 139
debbieh 0 4:10 -774 95 Group: novice
1.5885 debbieh 0 4:10 -774 95
On 1st draw, SCAMTO H3 26 --- SCAMTO the argot of urban South African blacks [n]
Other tops: MASCOT H4 26
Other moves: CAMOS H4 24, COMAS H4 24, OCTADS H3 24, CODAS H4 22, MASCOT H3 22
On 2nd draw, SUP(L)EX 9H 34 --- SUPLEX a wrestling hold, grasping one's opponent around the waist from behind [n]
Other tops: (M)IXUPS 3C 34
Other moves: MIXUPS 6H 33, U(N)MIXES 6F 33, EX(O)MIS 6E 32, MIXUP 6H 32, MIXUP(S) 6H 32
On 3rd draw, OEDIPEAN J5 65 --- OEDIPEAN pertaining to a child's sexual feeling to a parent [adj]
Other moves: DEAN 8L 35, DEEN 8L 35, DENE 8L 35, DENI 8L 35, DOEN 8L 35
On 4th draw, GEO(D)ESIC 4A 74 --- GEODESIC a geometric line [n]
Other moves: EGO(T)ISE K1 73, GE(N)OISE K1 73, GENOI(S)ES 12H 72, SOIG(N)EE K1 71, EGO(T)ISES 3C 70
On 5th draw, AGREEING A3 80 --- AGREE to have the same opinion [v]
Other moves: REGINAE K1 75, GESNERIA F2 65, REGINAE 11E 32, RAGE 8L 30, RAGI 8L 30
On 6th draw, BLOUSIER C2 74 --- BLOUSY slovenly [adj]
Other moves: BLUESIER L3 72, BLUESIER L6 72, BLUESIER E1 70, BELS 8L 43, REBS 8L 33
On 7th draw, WORE 8L 51 --- WEAR to be dressed in clothing [v]
Other tops: WAIR 8L 51, WARE 8L 51, WEAR 8L 51, WEIR 8L 51, WERO 8L 51
Other moves: OWRE K4 29, WAE 8L 28, WAI 8L 28, WAR 8L 28, WOE 8L 28
On 8th draw, FAD 7M 33 --- FAD a practice or interest that enjoys brief popularity [n]
Other moves: ADRIFT K1 32, FAJITA 11E 32, FAJITA 11I 32, FAR 7M 31, FAT 7M 31
On 9th draw, NATATORY 11G 72 --- NATATORY pertaining to swimming [adj]
Other moves: FOXTROT M7 34, TYRO 10L 32, YO 6N 31, TYRO K4 29, NY 10L 28
On 10th draw, AZOLE H11 72 --- AZOLE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other tops: AZLON H11 72
Other moves: BONZE 2C 36, EVZONE E4 36, LOZEN 12D 35, ZONE K4 35, LOZEN K2 34
On 11th draw, RUBAI K3 27 --- RUBAI a Persian verse [n]
Other moves: ABRI K4 25, BI 6N 25, RIBAUD K1 25, TURBID K1 25, BUDA K4 24
On 12th draw, AWE B2 26 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other moves: WALE B1 25, NAW 12J 24, WAT G13 23, WAT I13 23, WIT I13 23
On 13th draw, THIAZIN 12D 42 --- THIAZIN a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: HAT L4 30, HIT L4 30, HOT L4 30, SHORTIA 3H 28, HA L4 25
On 14th draw, PYEING N10 36 --- PYE to jumble or disorder [v]
Other moves: PYNED N10 34, NEPIT L2 32, DYEING N10 30, DYING N10 28, PIGHTED E9 28
PITS 3E 16 debbieh
On 15th draw, FIGO 15L 36 --- FIGO a rude gesture [n]
Other moves: KIEF 13C 34, ROKE M11 32, FEIGN 15K 30, EIKS 3E 28, FEEL 12L 28
ROKE M11 32 kellybelly
KIN 13M 14 debbieh
On 16th draw, UNHOLY B10 33 --- HOLY having a divine nature or origin [adj] --- UNHOLY not holy [adj]
Other moves: YO 6N 31, DHOL 13F 30, HON L4 30, HOD 13G 29, YOD 13G 29
HOD 13G 29 kellybelly
YON 13G 25 debbieh
On 17th draw, DAK A13 56 --- DAK transportation by relays of men and horses [n]
Other moves: TAK A13 52, KEA A13 44, DYKE 15A 39, DEEK 12L 36, KYAT 15A 36
DAK A13 56 kellybelly
AYE 15A 18 debbieh
On 18th draw, DEEV 12L 32 --- DEEV in Persian legend, an evil spirit [n]
Other moves: VETCH E8 26, TEC K11 25, TEND K11 25, TED K11 24, TENT K11 24
QI 13M 22 debbieh, kellybelly
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