Game on June 4, 2018 at 18:47, 1 player
1. 78 pts worsie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


4D 24 52 


J2 77 129 


6B 63 192 


8J 39 231 


3I 37 268 


L1 40 308 


E6 76 384 


N7 86 470 


1L 33 503 


13C 42 545 


11G 72 617 


H13 43 660 


M13 46 706 


F9 52 758 


3C 27 785 


10J 34 819 


12J 33 852 


14F 26 878 


8A 27 905 


14A 20 925 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
worsie 0 3:16 -847 78 1.6310 worsie 0 3:16 -847 78
On 1st draw, VELUM H4 28 --- VELUM a thin membranous covering or partition [n]
Other moves: AMPULE H3 26, MAUVE H4 26, MVULE H4 26, VELUM H8 26, MAPLE H4 24
PALM H5 16 worsie
On 2nd draw, INWOVE 4D 24 --- INWEAVE to weave together [v]
Other moves: VINEW 4H 22, WANE G5 22, WENA G5 22, ANEW G6 21, ANEW I6 21
On 3rd draw, DENIERS J2 77 --- DENIER a unit of weight for silk, rayon or nylon yarn [n]
Other moves: DENIERS 3I 75, NEREIDS J4 75, REDENIES 5G 73, NEREIDES 5G 72, NEREIDS 3I 71
DEW F2 11 worsie
On 4th draw, SENSILLAE 6B 63 --- SENSILLA a simple sense organ [n]
Other moves: SALINISE D1 60, ISNAE 5B 21, SALINE 8J 21, SALSES 8J 21, SANIES 8J 21
SNAILS 8J 21 worsie
On 5th draw, SUBWA(Y) 8J 39 --- SUBWAY to travel by an underground railroad [v]
Other moves: WEAV(E) 3I 37, WEA(M)B 3I 35, BEWAI(L) 3I 33, BEVU(E) 3I 31, BEWI(G) 3I 31
On 6th draw, FEATURE 3I 37 --- FEATURE to give special prominence to [v]
Other moves: FEATER 3I 35, FERIAE 3I 35, FEUTRE 3I 35, FEARE 3I 33, FERIA 3I 33
On 7th draw, JOTTE(D) L1 40 --- JOT to write down quickly [v]
Other tops: JETTO(N) L1 40, JOTTE(R) L1 40
Other moves: JETO(N) L1 38, JETT(Y) L1 38, JOTT(Y) L1 38, JET(E) L1 36, JET(S) L1 36
JOE O1 30 worsie
On 8th draw, SALIENCY E6 76 --- SALIENCY a projecting feature or detail [n]
Other moves: SALIENCY B6 65, CARNEY N1 38, ALEYE O1 36, LEANY 5A 35, AERILY N1 34
On 9th draw, CAPESKIN N7 86 --- CAPESKIN a soft leather [n]
Other moves: PICKLE 8A 57, NICKLE 8A 51, SICKLE 8A 51, PEEKS O1 48, SPECK O1 48
On 10th draw, JOTA 1L 33 --- JOTA a Spanish dance [n]
Other tops: JATO 1L 33, JEAT 1L 33, JIAO 1L 33
Other moves: OATER O11 31, ORGEAT 3B 29, TAIGLE 8A 27, GRAILE 8A 24, REGILT 8A 24
On 11th draw, AVYZE 13C 42 --- AVYZE to advise [v]
Other moves: AZUKI 12K 38, VIZY 13B 38, AVIZES 11I 36, AVIZES B1 36, ZITE 10B 33
On 12th draw, PARAGONS 11G 72 --- PARAGON to compare with [v]
Other moves: ORANG 14F 27, ANGORA 14F 26, ANOA O12 26, ORGANA 14F 26, ARGAN 14F 25
On 13th draw, DYE H13 43 --- DYE to treat with a dye (a coloring matter) [v]
Other tops: DEY H13 43, DOY H13 43
Other moves: DIM H13 40, DOM H13 40, DYKE 12L 37, IDEM O12 36, TIMELY 8A 36
On 14th draw, QI M13 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: OOF F8 31, GIF 12J 30, IROKO 12K 29, FOG O13 28, OF 10I 28
On 15th draw, OX F9 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: DUX 12J 46, EXTOLD 8A 45, TUX 12J 43, EXTOL 8A 39, OX 12K 39
On 16th draw, IDIOT 3C 27 --- IDIOT a mentally deficient person [n]
Other moves: GID 12J 22, GOD 12J 22, DROIL 8A 21, RIGOL 8A 21, RID 12J 19
On 17th draw, HAG 10J 34 --- HAG to hack [v]
Other tops: HAD 10J 34
Other moves: AH 2E 33, DAH 10H 33, DOH 10H 33, HAO 10J 32, HAT 10J 32
On 18th draw, HER 12J 33 --- HER the objective or possessive case of the pronoun she [pron]
Other tops: HET 12J 33
Other moves: GET 12J 27, THURL 8A 27, THELF 8B 25, FEAT 7C 24, HEAT 7C 24
On 19th draw, ODYL 14F 26 --- ODYL a mystical pervasive force [n]
Other moves: DIF 7A 22, DOF 7A 22, GIF 7A 22, GOLF 8C 22, IF 7B 20
On 20th draw, MOGUL 8A 27 --- MOGUL an important person [n]
Other moves: RIGOL 8A 21, MIREX 10B 20, MOAT 7C 20, MUREX 10B 20, GUIRO 15B 19
On 21th draw, FIB 14A 20 --- FIB a trivial lie [n] --- FIB to tell a trivial lie [v]
Other tops: FIB 2A 20
Other moves: FIB 12A 16, BOW F2 14, FIB 5A 14, FIR 14A 14, FIT 14A 14
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