Game on June 16, 2018 at 09:20, 5 players
1. 461 pts debbieh
2. 318 pts PIThompson
3. 58 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 82 82 


11E 56 138 


10J 37 175 


12J 33 208 


I1 69 277 


1H 51 328 


J6 75 403 


10D 31 434 


12A 41 475 


2H 43 518 


8J 66 584 


4C 74 658 


A8 33 691 


15A 63 754 


O2 59 813 


13C 44 857 


D1 62 919 


N5 28 947 


3B 24 971 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
debbieh 0 15:25 -510 461 1.7855 PIThompson 3 5:00 -653 318
PIThompson 3 5:00 -653 318 2.7520 moonmonkey 0 1:29 -913 58
moonmonkey 0 1:29 -913 58 3.7720 sicilianc5 0 1:47 -928 43
sicilianc5 0 1:47 -928 43 4.7680 Mycophot 0 0:47 -941 30
Mycophot 0 0:47 -941 30 Group: novice
1.5866 debbieh 0 15:25 -510 461
On 1st draw, BEANERY H6 82 --- BEANERY a cheap restaurant [n]
Other moves: BEANERY H4 80, BEANERY H2 76, BEANERY H3 76, BEANERY H7 76, BEANERY H8 76
BEANY H8 28 debbieh
On 2nd draw, GEAR(B)OX 11E 56 --- GEARBOX an automotive transmission [n]
Other moves: EXOR(D)IA 11E 52, OXGA(T)E I6 52, AXIO(M) I6 47, AXIO(N) I6 47, (C)OXAE I5 46
AXE I6 41 debbieh
On 3rd draw, MAVIE 10J 37 --- MAVIE a songbird [n]
Other moves: MAGE 10J 32, MAGI 10J 32, MEGA 10J 32, MAG 10J 31, MEG 10J 31
IMAGE 12K 27 debbieh
On 4th draw, TERNED 12J 33 --- TERNE to cover with an alloy of lead and tin [v]
Other tops: RENTED 12J 33
Other moves: TENDER 12J 31, TENDRE 12J 31, DENET 12J 28, DETER 12J 28, TEEND 12J 27
QI M9 21 debbieh
On 5th draw, UNRIVET I1 69 --- UNRIVET to detach [v]
Other moves: VAUNTIER 8G 62, VIRTUE 12A 31, VERTU 12A 27, VIRTU 12A 27, ERUVIN 12A 25
DIVE O12 24 debbieh
On 6th draw, QUOPS 1H 51 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other moves: QUEP 1H 45, QUOP 1H 45, SUQS 1H 39, POSSED O7 38, SUQ 1H 36
QUEP 1H 45 debbieh
On 7th draw, ZHO J6 75 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZHOS O7 59, TOZES O6 53, ZONES O6 53, DZHO O12 51, ZINES 4H 48
ZONES O6 53 debbieh
On 8th draw, DAW 10D 31 --- DAW to dawn [v]
Other moves: LAW 10D 30, AW 10E 29, WAE 10F 29, WALDO 12A 29, WUD 13I 29
WO 12D 13 debbieh
On 9th draw, PIONEY 12A 41 --- PIONEY a showy flower [n]
Other tops: PINY 2G 41
Other moves: PAEONY C9 36, YAPON C9 36, PIONEY 12C 34, PINEY 12B 33, PONEY 12B 33
SNIPE L1 14 debbieh
On 10th draw, INFO 2H 43 --- INFO information [n]
Other moves: FEES 13C 41, FOES 13C 41, FETES O6 35, FOINS 2F 33, EFTS O7 32
FITS O7 32 debbieh
On 11th draw, O(B)JECT 8J 66 --- OBJECT to argue in opposition [v]
Other moves: J(U)ICE B10 58, JACO(N)ET C9 54, CAJEP(U)T A8 51, JATO(S) C9 46, JA(B)OT C9 46
J(U)ICE B10 58 PIThompson, moonmonkey
JAG(S) O7 43 sicilianc5
JOG C11 22 debbieh
On 12th draw, GERONTIC 4C 74 --- GERONTIC pertaining to old age [adj]
Other moves: GERONTIC B6 67, COIGNE B10 30, COPTER A10 30, CRINGE B10 30, RECTION B8 30
CRINGE B10 30 PIThompson, Mycophot
PORT A12 18 debbieh
On 13th draw, MEROPIA A8 33 --- MEROPIA partial blindness [n]
Other moves: GRAMP A8 30, MAIGRE B10 30, MOPIER A10 30, GOMER 5B 29, OMER 13B 29
GRAMP A8 30 PIThompson
POEM A12 24 debbieh
On 14th draw, SLAB 15A 63 --- SLAB to cover with slabs (broad, flat pieces of solid material) [v]
Other tops: SLUB 15A 63, STAB 15A 63, STUB 15A 63
Other moves: SUBA 15A 57, SAULT 15A 54, SAB 15A 51, SALT 15A 51, SAUL 15A 51
STUB 15A 63 PIThompson
DABS O12 21 debbieh
On 15th draw, UINTAITE O2 59 --- UINTAITE a variety of asphalt [n]
Other moves: ATONIA C10 20, TAUON C9 20, UNAI 3C 20, UNITE 5A 19, UNITE B6 19
UNITE B6 19 PIThompson
DENT O12 15 debbieh
On 16th draw, HADS 13C 44 --- HAD to hold [v]
Other moves: DADS 13C 36, DASH N3 36, DISH N3 36, HAD 13C 32, HAROS C9 32
HADS 13C 44 PIThompson
DID 3K 16 debbieh
On 17th draw, ASTEROID D1 62 --- ASTEROID a rocky object found in orbits [n]
Other moves: ODIST N2 31, ARSINO 9D 29, DORS 9C 28, ARSON 9D 27, AIRS 9C 26
RID 13I 23 PIThompson
UINTAITES O2 20 debbieh
On 18th draw, IF N5 28 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other moves: FIL 13I 27, FUGAL 1A 27, GUL 13I 23, WIG 3K 22, FILA 1A 21
IF N5 28 PIThompson
FIG 7C 11 debbieh
On 19th draw, KUTU 3B 24 --- KUTU head lice (Malay), origin of COOTIE [n]
Other tops: KULA 1A 24
Other moves: GUL 13I 23, GOWK 6C 22, GOWK F3 22, EWK N12 20, GOUK 6C 19
GUL 13I 23 PIThompson
LUSK 2B 16 debbieh
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