Game on September 7, 2018 at 08:58, 5 players
1. 457 pts debbieh
2. 381 pts PIThompson
3. 32 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 20 20 


5E 94 114 


4L 50 164 


9F 73 237 


O1 48 285 


8L 42 327 


2I 42 369 


1H 30 399 


7J 25 424 


4A 32 456 


A2 86 542 


1A 66 608 


6E 35 643 


10I 40 683 


11K 40 723 


12E 78 801 


O10 45 846 


M11 32 878 


H12 24 902 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
debbieh 0 17:20 -445 457 1.7861 PIThompson 4 5:26 -521 381
PIThompson 4 5:26 -521 381 2.7448 moonmonkey 1 0:57 -870 32
moonmonkey 1 0:57 -870 32 3.7632 sicilianc5 1 1:15 -870 32
sicilianc5 1 1:15 -870 32 4.7669 Mycophot 1 1:35 -870 32
Mycophot 1 1:35 -870 32 Group: novice
1.5714 debbieh 0 17:20 -445 457
On 1st draw, PEASE H4 20 --- PEASE a pea [n] --- PEASE to weigh [v]
Other moves: PEASE H8 16, PEASE H5 14, PEASE H6 14, PEASE H7 14, APES H5 12
On 2nd draw, ATHETO(I)D 5E 94 --- ATHETOID affected with a type of nervous disorder [adj]
Other moves: TH(R)OATED 5B 72, ATHETO(I)D 8E 63, TH(R)OATED 8B 61, ODAH(S) I4 31, DO(E)TH I3 30
HAD I7 24 debbieh
On 3rd draw, O(Y)EZ 4L 50 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: ZOE(A)E 4A 48, ZO(N)ED L1 48, ZOE(A)E 4J 44, ZO(I)C 4J 44, CE(A)ZE 4B 43
(R)EZ 4C 33 debbieh
On 4th draw, LUNYIES 9F 73 --- LUNYIE the loin [n]
Other moves: LUNYIES 9B 70, LUNYIES I8 64, UNEASILY E2 61, ZEINS O4 42, ZINES O4 42
LYE 4D 19 debbieh
On 5th draw, BRAZE O1 48 --- BRAZE to solder together [v]
Other tops: ZEBRA O4 48
Other moves: TREZ O1 39, EVEJAR N2 36, EVEJAR K7 32, EVEJAR K9 32, JABOT J2 32
RAJ 4C 29 debbieh
On 6th draw, OXID 8L 42 --- OXID oxide [n]
Other moves: SIXFOLD L9 40, FLIX 10J 39, FLIX 6B 31, OF 10I 31, FLEXO K7 30
FOX J4 29 debbieh
On 7th draw, THAWIER 2I 42 --- THAWY inclined to melt [adj]
Other moves: WHITER 2J 40, WITHER 2J 40, WEIGH 4A 37, WAITER 2J 34, WIGHT 4A 34
AH 7M 21 debbieh
On 8th draw, BAC 1H 30 --- BAC baccalaureate, a university degree [n]
Other moves: CABLE 1E 29, LACE 1H 29, LUCE 1H 29, ALEC 1G 27, BAEL 1H 27
BALE 1F 20 debbieh
On 9th draw, ORIOLE 7J 25 --- ORIOLE an American songbird [n]
Other moves: LOONIE 8A 23, NOLE 7L 23, NOLO 7L 23, ORIOLE 8A 23, EON 6M 22
LOONIER F9 11 debbieh
On 10th draw, VIVAT 4A 32 --- VIVAT an expression of applause [n]
Other moves: VAUNT 4A 26, VIVA 4B 22, BRAZENED O1 20, VIVA 6B 20, VIVAT 10C 19
VIVAT 4A 32 PIThompson, moonmonkey, sicilianc5, Mycophot
VAN 10E 14 debbieh
On 11th draw, RAVELING A2 86 --- RAVELING a loose thread [n]
VEALING A4 33 PIThompson
GRAVEN A1 30 debbieh
On 12th draw, GIUSTO 1A 66 --- GIUSTO suitable [adj]
Other moves: GAITS 1A 63, GIUST 1A 63, GOATS 1A 63, GOUTS 1A 63, GUSTO 1A 63
GAITS 1A 63 debbieh
GOATS 1A 63 PIThompson
On 13th draw, DOMAIN 6E 35 --- DOMAIN an area of control [n]
Other moves: OF 10I 31, INFORM B9 29, IF 2E 28, OF 2E 28, CHIRONOMID J1 24
OF 10I 31 PIThompson, debbieh
On 14th draw, AFF 10I 40 --- AFF off [adv]
Other tops: *FFEFF 10I 40, OFF 10I 40
Other moves: OVERFAT C3 36, TEFF 2D 35, TOFF 2D 35, AFT 10I 34, EFT 10I 34
TOFF 2D 35 PIThompson
EFFORT K9 24 debbieh
On 15th draw, TOQUE 11K 40 --- TOQUE a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other tops: CLOQUE 11D 40
Other moves: QUOTE 11E 34, TOQUE 11E 34, TOC 3K 28, TELCO 11K 26, CLIQUE N6 25
TOQUE 11K 40 PIThompson
QI M1 11 debbieh
On 16th draw, PINKEYS 12E 78 --- PINKEY a ship with a narrow overhanging stern [n]
Other moves: PEKINS O10 51, YIPE 12L 48, YIPS 12L 48, SPINE 12K 47, SNIPE 12K 45
YIPS 12L 48 PIThompson
SPINE 12K 47 debbieh
On 17th draw, DECREW O10 45 --- DECREW to decrease [v]
Other moves: DECARE O10 36, DECREE O10 36, RECEDE O10 36, WEARED O10 33, WEEDER O10 33
DECREW O10 45 PIThompson
CREED 13B 23 debbieh
On 18th draw, QUALM M11 32 --- QUALM a feeling of doubt or misgiving [n]
Other moves: KAME H12 30, EQUAL M10 28, MANURE 14J 28, QUALE M11 28, QUARE M11 28
KAME H12 30 PIThompson
MEAN 13C 18 debbieh
On 19th draw, KERN H12 24 --- KERN to be formed with a projecting typeface [v]
Other moves: BRAZENED O1 20, EGER 8F 16, GREN 13C 16, JINNE F11 14, JIRRE F11 14
KERN H12 24 PIThompson
GLEE 14L 10 debbieh
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