Game on September 12, 2018 at 12:32, 3 players
1. 662 pts kellybelly
2. 522 pts scrab21
3. 34 pts dannyboy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 26 26 


I7 31 57 


11E 52 109 


J6 44 153 


F6 68 221 


12D 36 257 


K5 27 284 


12K 39 323 


O10 48 371 


N12 40 411 


N6 51 462 


O2 104 566 


14C 74 640 


1I 131 771 


15A 44 815 


4F 74 889 


2F 27 916 


1A 31 947 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
kellybelly 6 17:57 -285 662 1.7331 kellybelly 6 17:57 -285 662
scrab21 2 17:45 -425 522 2.7385 dannyboy 0 0:34 -913 34
dannyboy 0 0:34 -913 34 Group: intermediate
1.6439 scrab21 2 17:45 -425 522
On 1st draw, OUTLAY H7 26 --- OUTLAY to pay out [v]
Other tops: AUNTLY H7 26
Other moves: ATONY H8 24, AUNTY H8 24, ONLAY H8 24, UNLAY H8 24, YULAN H4 24
AUNTY H8 24 kellybelly
On 2nd draw, BROOM I7 31 --- BROOM to sweep [v]
Other moves: BROOD I7 29, DROOB I7 27, BROOMY 12C 26, BYROOM 12G 26, TOMBOY 12C 26
BROOM I7 31 kellybelly
On 3rd draw, DEFAMES 11E 52 --- DEFAME to destroy the reputation of [v]
Other moves: FEEDS J6 36, EPODES J5 34, SEEP J7 34, SPEEDO 13H 34, SPEEDO J5 34
FOPS 13E 22 kellybelly
On 4th draw, ZIP J6 44 --- ZIP to fasten with a metal fastener with teeth [v]
Other moves: SPELTZ F9 43, UPSIZE F6 39, PUTZES F7 37, PUZELS F8 37, PIZES F8 36
ZEP F10 34 dannyboy
SIZE F8 33 scrab21
ZIT 12D 29 kellybelly
On 5th draw, DIVALENT F6 68 --- DIVALENT a chemical element with a valency of two [n] --- DIVALENT having a valence of two [adj]
Other moves: VALID 10B 31, VAT K5 29, DIVA K3 27, VINA K3 25, VITA K3 25
VAT K5 29 scrab21
VITA K3 25 kellybelly
On 6th draw, RENAYS 12D 36 --- RENAY to renounce [v]
Other moves: WAIRS 14B 35, WARES 14B 35, WEARS 14B 35, WEIRS 14B 35, WIRES 14B 35
WEARS 14B 35 kellybelly
WARES 14B 35 scrab21
On 7th draw, CAT K5 27 --- CAT to hoist an anchor to the cathead [v]
Other tops: GEAT K4 27
Other moves: GAT K5 25, CAGED E3 24, EAT K5 23, ACTED E3 22, CADET E3 21
CAT K5 27 scrab21, kellybelly
On 8th draw, HADJI 12K 39 --- HADJI a person who has made a hadj [n]
Other moves: JEHAD E3 38, JIHAD E3 38, JEHADI E1 37, HADJ 12K 35, HADJI E2 35
HADJI 12K 39 kellybelly
JADED 6B 30 scrab21
On 9th draw, ORIFEX O10 48 --- ORIFEX a mouth-like opening [n]
Other tops: FIXED O11 48
Other moves: FIXER O11 45, FOREX E3 42, EXO 13K 41, FOX E5 38, FOXED E3 38
FIXED O11 48 scrab21
FIXER O11 45 kellybelly
On 10th draw, JETE N12 40 --- JETE a ballet leap [n]
Other moves: AJEE N11 33, JEE N12 29, JET N12 29, VANE 13J 28, VENA 13J 28
JETE N12 40 kellybelly
AJEE N11 33 scrab21
On 11th draw, Q(U)ALM N6 51 --- QUALM a feeling of doubt or misgiving [n]
Other moves: T(A)LAQ E3 40, TAL(A)Q E3 39, Q(U)OAD 6B 34, LOQ(U)AT E2 33, QO(R)MA E2 33
Q(U)ALM N6 51 kellybelly
ZA(G) 6J 11 scrab21
On 12th draw, HEE(L)ING O2 104 --- HEELING the act of inclining laterally [n]
Other tops: HEE(D)ING O2 104, HEE(Z)ING O2 104, (T)HEEING O2 104
Other moves: EE(C)HING O2 101, NEIGHE(D) E1 74, GEH(L)ENITE 14G 62, NEIGH O4 58, H(O)ING O4 57
NEIGH O4 58 scrab21
(T)HING O4 45 kellybelly
On 13th draw, ROASTER 14C 74 --- ROASTER one that roasts [n]
Other moves: EROSTRATE 14G 61, ARRETS 1J 54, OATERS 1J 54, ORATES 1J 54, RATERS 1J 54
RATERS 1J 54 kellybelly
TEARS 1K 51 scrab21
On 14th draw, OUTGREW 1I 131 --- OUTGROW to grow too large for [v]
Other moves: GREW 1L 72, GROW 1L 72, TREW 1L 66, TROW 1L 66, REW 1M 60
GROW 1L 72 kellybelly, scrab21
On 15th draw, ANEW 15A 44 --- ANEW once more [adv]
Other tops: ENEW 15A 44
Other moves: LOWAN 10H 35, NEWIE 15H 35, ANEW 15G 31, ENEW 15G 31, AWEE 15A 29
ANEW 15A 44 kellybelly
ANEW 15G 31 scrab21
On 16th draw, ANODISE 4F 74 --- ANODISE to give a protective coat [v]
Other tops: ADONISE 4F 74
Other moves: ADONISE 2E 72, ANODISE 2E 70, SODAINE 2E 70, ANODISE 2C 64, ADONISE 2C 62
DEANS 15H 32 kellybelly, scrab21
On 17th draw, PIING 2F 27 --- PI to jumble or disorder [v]
Other moves: PIU 2J 26, POI 2J 26, UPO 2I 25, GIP 2H 24, GUP 2H 24
POI 2J 26 kellybelly
PO 2J 22 scrab21
On 18th draw, BINIOU 1A 31 --- BINIOU a small Breton bagpipe [n]
Other moves: LOBI 10H 28, NIEF 13L 22, BE J10 21, LOB 10H 21, VINO 3C 19
BE J10 21 kellybelly
RIB M1 10 scrab21
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