Game on September 14, 2018 at 14:52, 5 players
1. 334 pts moonmonkey
2. 36 pts Mycophot
3. 27 pts bt69
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 32 32
2. 4H 76 108
3. 8H 77 185
4. 6C 65 250
5. 5E 31 281
6. L7 72 353
7. 4A 39 392
8. 14J 56 448
9. A1 149 597
10. O10 36 633
11. O1 51 684
12. 15G 35 719
13. B8 44 763
14. A11 35 798
15. 2J 28 826
16. M6 29 855
17. 3A 31 886
18. 1G 49 935
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1. - moonmonkey 2 8:49 -601 334 1.7933 Mycophot 1 1:27 -899 36
2.7933 Mycophot 1 1:27 -899 36 2.7913 PIThompson 0 3:33 -908 27
3. - bt69 0 2:34 -908 27 3.7393 queen66 0 0:13 -927 8
4.7913 PIThompson 0 3:33 -908 27 Group: not rated
5.7393 queen66 0 0:13 -927 8 1. - moonmonkey 2 8:49 -601 334
2. - bt69 0 2:34 -908 27
On 1st draw, BORKED H4 32 --- BORK to denigrate a job applicant for partisan reasons [v]
Other tops: BONKED H4 32, BROKED H4 32
Other moves: BOKED H4 30, BONKED H7 30, BORKED H7 30, BROKED H7 30, BROKEN H4 30
On 2nd draw, BRATTICE 4H 76 --- BRATTICE to partition [v]
Other moves: RETRAICT 6H 68, ATRETIC G9 65, ATRETIC I9 65, RETRAICT 6E 64, TETRADIC 9C 64
On 3rd draw, EUDAE(M)ON 8H 77 --- EUDAEMON a good spirit [n]
Other moves: EUDAE(M)ON O4 74, UNCOA(T)ED N2 74, AUTOD(Y)NE K2 66, DOUANE(S) G8 66, DOUANE(S) I8 66
On 4th draw, UNHEARSE 6C 65 --- UNHEARSE to remove from a hearse [v]
Other moves: NESH 3J 30, HAEN 5J 27, HAES 3J 27, HAES 5J 27, HUES 3J 27
On 5th draw, UPDO 5E 31 --- UPDO an upswept hairdo [n]
Other moves: UNCAP N2 30, PUDENT O1 27, UPLEAD O1 27, UNDO 5E 25, APTED O1 24
On 6th draw, MEAGREST L7 72 --- MEAGRE inadequate [adj]
Other moves: MATTES K1 28, GAMERS O1 27, GAMEST O1 27, GAMETE O1 27, ESCARGOT N2 26
GAMERS O1 27 moonmonkey
On 7th draw, HEYED 4A 39 --- HEY to dance a country dance [v]
Other tops: HOYED 4A 39
Other moves: DECOY N2 38, HEYED O1 36, HOYED O1 36, SHAY K6 34, HOSED 4A 33
HOSEY O1 33 moonmonkey
On 8th draw, JOT(T)ER 14J 56 --- JOTTER one that jots [n]
Other moves: JETO(N) 14J 54, JO(S)HER A1 45, HEJR(A) A4 42, JEFE O1 42, JEFE(S) O1 42
JOT(T)ER 14J 56 moonmonkey
On 9th draw, LOTHARIO A1 149 --- LOTHARIO a seducer of women [n]
Other moves: TAILOR 15F 29, HARLOT A4 27, RIALTO 15E 27, THOLOI A3 27, THORIA A3 27
TOLAR 15G 26 moonmonkey
JA J14 9 bt69
On 10th draw, GIBERS O10 36 --- GIBER one that gibes [n]
Other moves: BEGIRT O10 33, BERG O12 30, BIGTI(M)E M3 30, BEGETS O1 27, BISTRE O10 27
GIBERS O10 36 Mycophot
BERG O12 30 moonmonkey
On 11th draw, FEZES O1 51 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: ZEST 3J 45, PECTIZES F5 41, FEZ B8 40, FIZ B8 40, PECTIZE F5 40
ZITE O1 39 moonmonkey
LIFES 1A 9 PIThompson
On 12th draw, TAWAI 15G 35 --- TAWAI (Maori) a New Zealand beech [n]
Other tops: AROW 15H 35, TROW 15H 35
Other moves: AWATO 15F 33, TROW 3A 31, TW*TTWAT 3A 31, TAWA 15G 30, WAIT 5J 28
TROW 15H 35 moonmonkey
LOWT 1A 8 queen66
On 13th draw, WAQF B8 44 --- WAQF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: WAIF 5J 37, QAT 14F 36, FAQIR 11H 34, TOFT 3A 34, QI 14F 33
QAT 14F 36 moonmonkey
WAY C2 18 bt69
On 14th draw, ICTAL A11 35 --- ICTAL pertaining to ictus [adj]
Other moves: CLAVIE 2J 34, ILIAC A11 29, CAITIVE 2I 28, CLIVIA 14B 28, VICIATE 2I 28
ILIAC A11 29 moonmonkey
On 15th draw, PINOLE 2J 28 --- PINOLE a finely ground flour [n]
Other tops: PROINE 2J 28, TROP 3A 28
Other moves: PION 5J 25, PIER B2 24, OP 3C 22, PROLINE 2I 22, TRON 3A 22
OP B1 18 PIThompson
On 16th draw, GI(M)MIE M6 29 --- GIMMIE an easy golf putt conceded to an opponent [n]
Other tops: GEUM 1H 29
Other moves: AIMING 14A 26, NEUM 1H 26, MI C9 25, ME 3C 24, MIEN B2 24
On 17th draw, TROY 3A 31 --- TROY a system of weights [n]
Other moves: VIOL 1H 27, OY 3C 25, RIVO 1G 25, VROU 1G 25, OY B1 22
On 18th draw, LINUX 1G 49 --- LINUX a nonproprietary computer operating system for personal computers [n]
Other moves: XI C9 45, XI B14 38, LUX 2D 32, NIX 2D 32, XI 5J 32
LUX 1I 23 moonmonkey
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