Game on September 20, 2018 at 21:01, 2 players
1. 107 pts GillesB
2. 87 pts dannyboy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 54 54 


3A 74 128 


A1 48 176 


D1 40 216 


E5 24 240 


1D 48 288 


9C 32 320 


4H 30 350 


11E 98 448 


N1 54 502 


12H 40 542 


O1 52 594 


B2 36 630 


A8 39 669 


B10 52 721 


10J 33 754 


13I 27 781 


J3 35 816 


O6 40 856 


F6 28 884 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
GillesB 2 4:09 -777 107 1.7596 dannyboy 1 2:55 -797 87
dannyboy 1 2:55 -797 87 Group: intermediate
1.6535 GillesB 2 4:09 -777 107
On 1st draw, SQUAW(K) H3 54 --- SQUAWK to utter a loud, harsh cry [v]
Other tops: SQ**W(S)SQUAW(S) H3 54, (S)Q**WS(S)QUAWS H3 54
Other moves: QUAL(M)S H4 48, QUA(I)LS H4 48, SQUAL(L) H3 48, SQUA(I)L H3 48, SQUA(L)L H3 48
SQ**W(S) H3SQUAW(S) H3 54 dannyboy
On 2nd draw, BRINGERS 3A 74 --- BRINGER one that brings [n]
Other moves: BERRIGAN 6B 69, BARREING 6G 67, BEINGS 3C 22, BINGERS 3B 22, BRINGS 3C 22
On 3rd draw, KIBBE A1 48 --- KIBBE an Eastern dish of ground lamb and crushed wheat [n]
Other tops: KIBBI A1 48
Other moves: KEBOB A1 42, KIBEI A1 36, KIBE A1 33, BIRKIE B1 28, KEB A1 27
KIBE A1 33 dannyboy
On 4th draw, JANNS D1 40 --- JANN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JANN D1 38, DRANTS B2 30, JEANS F2 30, JEATS F2 30, QANATS 4H 30
On 5th draw, TOECAP E5 24 --- TOECAP a covering for the front of a boot or shoe [n]
Other tops: ORATE B2 24
Other moves: OUTPACE 5G 22, PA 2F 22, PE 2F 22, PO 2F 22, GOOP E3 20
On 6th draw, JIHAD 1D 48 --- JIHAD a Muslim holy war [n]
Other tops: JADI(S)H 1D 48, JIHAD(I) 1D 48, JIHAD(S) 1D 48, J(E)HADI 1D 48, J(I)HADI 1D 48
Other moves: JIH(A)D 1D 45, J(E)HAD 1D 45, J(I)HAD 1D 45, JIHA(D) 1D 42, ORI(S)HA B2 41
On 7th draw, NEARLY 9C 32 --- NEARLY with close approximation [adv]
Other moves: YORE B1 31, AYRE 9G 30, EARLY 9D 30, EYRA 9G 30, LYNE 9G 30
On 8th draw, QUINTE 4H 30 --- QUINTE an attacking fencing position [n]
Other tops: QUEINT 4H 30
Other moves: QUIET 4H 28, QUINE 4H 28, QUINT 4H 28, QUITE 4H 28, TRINE B2 24
On 9th draw, (S)ERENED 11E 98 --- SERENE to tranquillize [v]
Other tops: (S)NEERED 11E 98
Other moves: EN(T)ERED N2 83, (S)ERENED N4 78, (S)NEERED N4 78, (K)ERNE(L)ED 8H 74, DEE(P)ENER M2 70
On 10th draw, MYSTIC N1 54 --- MYSTIC one who professes to have had mystical experiences [n]
Other moves: MISTY N2 52, METICS N2 48, MESIC N2 46, METIC N2 46, MYSTIC N2 46
On 11th draw, FERAL 12H 40 --- FERAL a person who abandons society's norms [n] --- FERAL wild [adj]
Other tops: FOREL 12H 40
Other moves: FAME 1L 39, FRORE B2 36, AFORE 10I 34, AFRO B1 34, FARLE 10J 34
On 12th draw, OATS O1 52 --- OAT a cereal grass [n]
Other tops: EATS O1 52
Other moves: DWAMS 1K 45, WAME 1L 39, WEMS 1L 39, WADSET M9 37, AWSOME 1J 36
On 13th draw, TRIAGED B2 36 --- TRIAGE to treat disaster victims using a triage [v]
Other moves: TRIAGE B2 32, TREAD B2 30, TRIAD B2 30, TRIED B2 30, TRADE B2 27
On 14th draw, OVATOR A8 39 --- OVATOR one who ovates [n]
Other moves: RIVA A7 32, RIVO A7 32, ARVO A8 30, TAV A7 29, ARIOT A8 27
On 15th draw, XI B10 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: OX C6 37, AXOID J1 29, LAXER J8 28, LAX B10 27, LOX B10 27
XI B10 52 GillesB
On 16th draw, FOOL 10J 33 --- FOOL to deceive [v]
Other tops: FOAL 10J 33, FOG 10J 33
Other moves: OF 10I 30, FAG 13I 29, FA F6 28, FLAG 13J 28, FLOG 13J 28
FOG 10J 33 GillesB
On 17th draw, DELI 13I 27 --- DELI a delicatessen [n]
Other tops: DELO 13I 27
Other moves: DEL 13I 24, ELOIN 13J 24, UNDUE 5H 23, ID I1 20, IN I1 19
On 18th draw, GINZO J3 35 --- GINZO (colloquial) a person of Italian descent [n]
Other moves: GAZON C11 34, GAZOO C11 34, GINZO C11 34, GONZO C11 34, ZINGANO K2 34
ZOO L8 22 GillesB
On 19th draw, HUMP O6 40 --- HUMP to arch into a hump (a rounded protuberance) [v]
Other tops: HEMP O6 40
Other moves: HOMIE O6 37, HOME O6 34, HOPE O6 34, HM F6 32, HEM O6 31
On 20th draw, WE F6 28 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other moves: NAOI K4 25, REAVOW 13A 24, AVINE K1 23, OVINE K1 23, AWE K6 22
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