Game on October 4, 2018 at 08:54, 5 players
1. 426 pts debbieh
2. 293 pts PIThompson
3. 35 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 30 30 


7A 67 97 


A1 45 142 


9G 66 208 


K2 84 292 


M2 72 364 


11E 84 448 


N2 50 498 


4A 80 578 


8A 55 633 


O4 45 678 


12A 31 709 


J6 37 746 


5C 26 772 


A10 33 805 


10D 63 868 


14A 28 896 


2A 24 920 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
debbieh 0 15:11 -494 426 1.7831 PIThompson 2 5:33 -627 293
PIThompson 2 5:33 -627 293 2.7160 moonmonkey 0 1:00 -885 35
moonmonkey 0 1:00 -885 35 3.7923 sicilianc5 0 1:48 -885 35
sicilianc5 0 1:48 -885 35 4.7310 queen66 0 0:27 -891 29
queen66 0 0:27 -891 29 Group: novice
1.5672 debbieh 0 15:11 -494 426
On 1st draw, SMUTTY H7 30 --- SMUTTY mildly obscene [adj]
Other moves: MUSTY H8 28, SMUTTY H3 28, MUSTY H4 26, SUETTY H7 26, SMUTTY H4 24
On 2nd draw, ERYNGOES 7A 67 --- ERYNGO a medicinal herb [n]
Other moves: GOEY G6 29, GROYNE I5 27, YGOE I8 26, EYE G8 25, OYE G8 25
On 3rd draw, FANBASE A1 45 --- FANBASE the body of fans of a celebrity [n]
Other moves: FANTADS 11E 44, BEFANAS A6 39, FADES A4 39, ABASED A3 36, FANES A4 36
BAT 10F 11 debbieh
On 4th draw, OUTASKED 9G 66 --- OUTASK to surpass in asking [v]
Other moves: SEA 8A 55, FANBASES A1 39, AKE 6E 38, OAK 6D 38, DOGATES E5 36
KA 6F 34 debbieh
On 5th draw, PEG(B)OXES K2 84 --- PEGBOX a part of a stringed instrument [n]
Other moves: EXPOSE(D) K5 60, EXPOSE(R) K5 60, EXPOSE(S) K5 60, (D)ETOX 10F 56, TEX(T) 10H 54
OX I12 22 debbieh
On 6th draw, METAIRIE M2 72 --- METAIRIE land cultivated under a system [n]
Other moves: METAIRIE M8 70, METAIRIE 3D 62, MIGRATE E5 40, RAGTIME E5 40, MATIER L1 37
PRAM 2K 16 debbieh
On 7th draw, ZAITECH 11E 84 --- ZAITECH investment in financial markets to augment business earnings [n]
Other moves: ZOEA J6 75, AZO J5 73, ZA J6 71, ZO J6 71, AZO 6E 68
AZO 6E 68 debbieh
On 8th draw, AHIND N2 50 --- AHIND behind [adv]
Other moves: SHAWN L11 46, KISH L9 44, SHAND L11 44, SHANDY 12C 42, SHAW L11 42
DAW 12D 30 debbieh
On 9th draw, BAILBOND 4A 80 --- BAILBOND a bond given by a prisoner [n]
Other moves: BAILOR B2 40, BALDY 12D 38, BANDY 12D 38, ABOIL B1 35, BONA J6 33
BANDY 12D 38 debbieh
On 10th draw, SEE 8A 55 --- SEE to perceive with the eyes [v]
Other moves: OWSE O1 42, SEWEL L11 40, SOWLE L11 40, SWEEL L11 40, FANBASES A1 39
WO J6 35 PIThompson, moonmonkey, sicilianc5
SLOW 12C 30 debbieh
On 11th draw, PIERT O4 45 --- PIERT a small plant with small greenish flowers [n] --- PIERT lively [adj]
Other moves: FORTY 12D 37, OPERA J5 35, PORTY 12D 35, FIER 5C 31, OPE J5 31
FORTY 12D 37 PIThompson
PO J6 29 queen66, debbieh
On 12th draw, CURIO 12A 31 --- CURIO an unusual art object [n]
Other moves: COD 12D 26, DOCO 12B 25, DOOR 5C 25, ROOD 12C 24, COR 12D 23
COD 12D 26 PIThompson, debbieh
On 13th draw, WE(T)A J6 37 --- WETA a grasshopper [n]
Other tops: WE(N)A J6 37
Other moves: WE J6 35, (A)WE J5 35, (O)WE J5 35, W(E) J6 33, W(O) J6 33
(O)WE J5 35 PIThompson
CREW A12 27 debbieh
On 14th draw, NAIRU 5C 26 --- NAIRU the lowest rate of unemployment at which there is no inflation [n]
Other tops: EOAN 13C 26
Other moves: EUCAIN A10 24, ORCEIN A10 24, ORCINE A10 24, RECOIN A10 24, UNCIAE A10 24
ROAN 10C 22 PIThompson
ACORN A11 21 debbieh
On 15th draw, UNCOWL A10 33 --- UNCOWL to remove the cowl from [v]
Other moves: CLOW A12 27, COWL A12 27, GOWD H1 27, UNCLOG A10 27, OWL 9B 26
CLOW A12 27 PIThompson
W*G 9CWOG 9C 24 debbieh
On 16th draw, TAJ 10D 63 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: JA 3C 41, WAQF 14A 38, JA O1 32, QAT 10D 30, JEAT 10C 29
TAJ 10D 63 PIThompson
FAVE 1A 11 debbieh
On 17th draw, WOLVER 14A 28 --- WOLVER a hunter of wolves [n]
Other moves: VELD H1 24, VERD H1 24, EURO B11 22, GOV 3G 22, WOLVE 14A 22
VERD H1 24 debbieh
VELD H1 24 PIThompson
On 18th draw, ALGOID 2A 24 --- ALGOID resembling algae [adj]
Other tops: FOID H1 24, FOLD H1 24, VILD H1 24, VOID H1 24
Other moves: OD 6E 23, GIF 3G 22, GOV 3G 22, LOD 13E 22, LOG 13E 22
FOLD H1 24 PIThompson
OF 12K 15 debbieh
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