Game on November 3, 2018 at 03:36, 6 players
1. 295 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 121 pts sunshine12
3. 84 pts WEASEL
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 30 30
2. I9 70 100
3. 11E 86 186
4. 13G 74 260
5. 15H 48 308
6. 14B 55 363
7. 4G 44 407
8. N10 32 439
9. A11 40 479
10. N2 52 531
11. O5 55 586
12. J1 66 652
13. 1G 30 682
14. K4 34 716
15. 10B 26 742
16. O1 41 783
17. M6 24 807
18. 6D 34 841
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7347 GLOBEMAN 0 9:29 -546 295 1.7347 GLOBEMAN 0 9:29 -546 295
2.7727 sunshine12 1 3:14 -720 121 2.7727 sunshine12 1 3:14 -720 121
3.7852 WEASEL 1 3:29 -757 84 3.7852 WEASEL 1 3:29 -757 84
4. - AMYtheROO 1 0:13 -800 41 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 1:17 -821 20 1. - AMYtheROO 1 0:13 -800 41
6. - BadBoyBen 0 0:14 -823 18 2. - chunk88 0 1:17 -821 20
3. - BadBoyBen 0 0:14 -823 18
On 1st draw, HIEMAL H4 30 --- HIEMAL pertaining to winter [adj]
Other moves: ALMEH H8 28, HEMAL H4 28, LEHAIM H7 28, LAIGH H8 26, HIEMAL H3 24
On 2nd draw, OVERBED I9 70 --- OVERBED spanning a bed [adj]
Other moves: BEHOVED 4F 32, HOVERED 4H 28, BREDE G5 27, OVERBID 5C 26, BEDE G6 24
On 3rd draw, (D)IOCESES 11E 86 --- DIOCESE an ecclesiastical district [n]
Other tops: ICO(N)ISES 5D 86
Other moves: CES(T)OIDS 15C 83, SCODIES(T) 15F 83, (A)CIDOSES 15F 83, SO(L)ECISE 14B 80, (M)ISCODES 15D 80
On 4th draw, NOBODIES 13G 74 --- NOBODY an unimportant person [n]
Other moves: DOMINOES 7F 64, MONODIES 7H 63, DOODIES 15I 33, IODINES 5E 32, IONISED 5E 32
On 5th draw, EDIFY 15H 48 --- EDIFY to enlighten [v]
Other moves: FEYED 14H 44, FINNED 15D 42, DEFINE 14H 41, FENDY I3 41, FENNY I3 39
On 6th draw, CREAKY 14B 55 --- CREAKY creaking [adj]
Other moves: CREAKY 10B 53, KARSEY N10 46, CAKY 10D 45, KYAR 12L 45, CREAK 10B 44
On 7th draw, WHAIZLE 4G 44 --- WHAIZLE to wheeze [v]
Other moves: WEIZE 6G 37, PEAZE 6G 36, PEIZE 6G 36, AIZLES N8 35, LAZIES N8 35
On 8th draw, HURST N10 32 --- HURST a small hill [n]
Other moves: RAH 10D 28, TA 5J 28, AH 10E 27, TZAR K3 26, HURRA 12A 25
On 9th draw, BURSA A11 40 --- BURSA a bodily pouch [n]
Other moves: BAGS N1 37, BUGS N1 37, BURSA N1 37, GABS N1 37, GUBS N1 37
On 10th draw, JA(S)PE N2 52 --- JASPE rayon cloth with a shaded effect [n]
Other moves: JU(B)ATE O7 49, JU(G)ATE O7 49, UPJET O7 49, JU(L)EP O7 48, JAP(S) N1 46
On 11th draw, AXMEN O5 55 --- AXMAN a man who uses an axe [n]
Other moves: EXO 10E 54, MAX 10D 54, MAX O1 54, EXAM O5 52, LAX 10D 52
On 12th draw, DEVIATOR J1 66 --- DEVIATOR one that deviates [n]
Other moves: AZOTED K3 32, TAO 5J 32, TOAZED K1 32, DA 5J 31, DO 5J 31
On 13th draw, ROADING 1G 30 --- ROADING a wood-cock's evening flight [n]
Other tops: GORDITA 1G 30, GRADINO 1G 30, TRADING 1G 30
Other moves: GRADIN 1G 27, RODING 1H 27, AA 5J 26, ZA K4 26, GANOID 1E 24
On 14th draw, ZEIN K4 34 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other moves: TENNO M6 22, TONNE M6 22, EON O1 20, ION O1 20, NON O1 20
TON O1 20 sunshine12, WEASEL, chunk88
On 15th draw, TULIP 10B 26 --- TULIP a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: DIPT 10D 26, PUTID 10B 26
Other moves: DIP 10D 23, DUSTILY L9 22, LIP 10D 22, PI 10F 22, TIP 10D 22
DIP 10D 23 sunshine12, WEASEL
PAT 3M 18 BadBoyBen
On 16th draw, FAW O1 41 --- FAW a gypsy [n]
Other moves: FAG O1 33, FOG O1 33, WAG O1 33, W*GWOG O1 33, TAW O1 32
FAW O1 41 AMYtheROO, sunshine12, WEASEL
On 17th draw, LINGO M6 24 --- LINGO strange or incomprehensible language [n]
Other moves: GUSTILY L9 22, LINGO 3C 20, GLUTTON B6 18, LING M6 18, LONG M6 18
LUG 9A 13 sunshine12
On 18th draw, TOQUE 6D 34 --- TOQUE a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other moves: QUOD C9 24, QUOTA 8D 24, DAW 3M 20, DE M3 20, OUDS L8 19
QUOD C9 24 sunshine12
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