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Game on November 29, 2018 at 18:33, 1 player
1. 28 pts lezaryne

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eghilnr   H4    80    80   herling
 2. ?iijosy  11E    40   120   joys
 3. ?eikopx  12D    42   162   pox
 4. beinotu   H1    45   207   netherlings
 5. ?efiknv   5E    48   255   venefic
 6. aefintu  10F    45   300   fagin
 7. dimnorv  13A    28   328   minor
 8. adkorsu  B10    40   368   kadis
 9. acehipr   2B    96   464   peachier
10. ?alortu   C2    68   532   emulator
11. adeegot  A11    35   567   tamed
12. abdeetu   K1    60   627   abductee
13. adeoqrs   4J    41   668   quoad
14. egiilor   8A    24   692   goolie
15. aeiiltu   3K    21   713   dital
16. aegsuwy   1K    45   758   aways
17. bimsuwz  K10    42   800   swiz
18. ceeinrt   2M    35   835   cee
19. begimnu  13I    38   873   mizen
20. beorrtu   M6    62   935   trueborn

Remaining tiles: gouv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3785 Filelezaryne    0  2:16  -907   28     1.3785 lezaryne    0  2:16  -907   28 

On 1st draw, HERLING H4 80 --- HERLING a young sea-trout [n]
Other moves: HERLING H6 76, HERLING H2 74, HERLING H3 74, HERLING H7 74, HERLING H8 74

On 2nd draw, JOYS 11E 40 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other tops: JO(E)YS 11D 40
Other moves: JIG(G)Y 10F 39, J(A)YS 11E 38, J(O)YS 11E 38, JOY(S) 11E 37, JI(A)OS 11D 34

On 3rd draw, POX 12D 42 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other moves: P(A)X 12D 39, P(O)X 12D 39, K(A)GO 10F 38, PEROXI(D) 6F 37, EXPO(S) 12B 36

Other moves: BETON 13C 40, BITOU 13C 40, BOGIE 10F 39, BITO 13C 36, BOG 10F 35

On 5th draw, VENEFI(C) 5E 48 --- VENEFIC acting by poison [adj]
Other moves: F(A)GIN 10F 43, F(O)GIE 10F 43, V(O)GIE 10F 43, V(A)GI 10F 40, F(A)G 10F 39

On 6th draw, FAGIN 10F 45 --- FAGIN a person who instructs others in crime [n]
Other moves: FURAN 6F 42, FAG 10F 41, FARE 6F 35, REF 6H 32, UNFIT 13A 30

On 7th draw, MINOR 13A 28 --- MINOR to pursue a specific subordinate course of study [v]
Other moves: NIDOR 13A 26, VOR 13C 26, MIR 13C 24, MOR 13C 24, MOR 6F 23

On 8th draw, KADIS B10 40 --- KADI a Muslim Judge [n]
Other moves: DUMKA A11 39, KORMAS A10 39, KURIS B10 38, KNAURS 9G 36, KNAUR 9G 35

On 9th draw, PEACHIER 2B 96 --- PEACHY dandy [adj]
Other moves: PEACHIER 2G 92, PATCHIER 3F 88, CHAPITER 3C 84, PHREATIC 3C 84, CHARPIE C5 76

On 10th draw, E(M)ULATOR C2 68 --- EMULATOR one that emulates [n]
Other moves: ROTULA(E) C5 65, ROTULA(S) C5 65, TORULA(E) C5 65, TORULA(S) C5 65, TU(M)ORAL C5 65

On 11th draw, TAMED A11 35 --- TAME to make tame [v]
Other tops: TEMED A11 35
Other moves: DERAT 6F 30, EARED 6F 30, TARED 6F 30, GEODE 8A 27, PAGED B2 26

On 12th draw, ABDU(C)TEE K1 60 --- ABDUCTEE one that has been abducted [n]
Other moves: ADOBE 8A 33, ABED B5 30, ABODE 8A 30, DERAT 6F 30, EARED 6F 30

On 13th draw, QUOAD 4J 41 --- QUOAD so far as [conj]
Other tops: QUADS 4J 41, QUODS 4J 41
Other moves: QUAD 4J 39, QUARE 4J 39, QUOD 4J 39, QUA 4J 35, DAES L1 30

On 14th draw, GOOLIE 8A 24 --- GOOLIE a small stone [n]
Other tops: AGILE 1K 24, GALORE 1J 24, GAOLER 1J 24, GLOIRE 8A 24, GOOIER 8A 24, GOORIE 8A 24, LEIGER 8J 24
Other moves: GODLIER N2 22, GOLDIER N1 22, ALGOR 1K 21, ARGIL 1K 21, ARGLE 1K 21

On 15th draw, DITAL 3K 21 --- DITAL a device which raises a guitar string's pitch [n]
Other moves: DITA 3K 19, DITE 3K 19, AALII 1K 18, ALATE 1K 18, AUDILE N2 18

On 16th draw, AWAYS 1K 45 --- AWAY a game won on the opponent's territory [n]
Other moves: SEWAGE 8J 42, ASWAY 1K 36, WAYS D1 36, STEWY 6J 35, GAY B4 33
YADS N2 16 lezaryne

On 17th draw, SWIZ K10 42 --- SWIZ to defraud [v]
Other moves: EMBUS 8K 36, SWIZ 14E 35, BEZ F4 34, SEZ F4 32, ZAS 6B 32
WEBS 8J 12 lezaryne

On 18th draw, CEE 2M 35 --- CEE the letter C [n]
Other moves: ICTERINE 8H 33, RECENT 8J 33, RECITE 8J 33, ZINC 13K 30, NEE 2M 29

On 19th draw, MIZEN 13I 38 --- MIZEN a type of sail [n]
Other moves: ZIMB 13K 34, BEGUIN 8J 33, ZINEB 13K 32, BEIGNE 8J 30, ZEBU 13K 30

On 20th draw, TRUEBORN M6 62 --- TRUEBORN genuinely such by birth [adj]
Other moves: REBORE 8J 33, OBITER 12I 30, BERRET 8J 27, BEURRE 8J 27, BITER 12J 24

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