Game on December 25, 2018 at 08:04, 2 players
1. 496 pts babsbedi
2. 57 pts debbieh
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


G7 28 50 


11B 30 80 


5E 90 170 


9C 63 233 


8J 25 258 


8A 29 287 


12A 27 314 


M6 92 406 


L1 50 456 


2E 83 539 


13C 90 629 


1E 73 702 


1L 39 741 


A12 42 783 


3C 38 821 


14D 42 863 


15H 45 908 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
babsbedi 1 17:37 -412 496 1.6759 babsbedi 1 17:37 -412 496
debbieh 0 2:14 -851 57 Group: novice
1.5669 debbieh 0 2:14 -851 57
On 1st draw, GROMET H4 22 --- GROMET a reinforcing ring of metal [n]
Other tops: MOTIER H4 22
Other moves: GEMOT H4 20, GOMER H4 20, GRIME H4 20, GROMET H3 20, GROMET H7 20
MERIT H4 20 babsbedi
On 2nd draw, HEAL G7 28 --- HEAL to make sound or whole [v]
Other moves: HAE G7 27, HOA G7 27, HOE G7 27, H**L*HAOLE G3 25, HALE I6 24
HOE G7 27 babsbedi
On 3rd draw, GLISKS 11B 30 --- GLISK a glimpse [n]
Other tops: GLIKES 11B 30, GLISKS 11D 30
Other moves: GLISK 11D 28, KISSEL 11D 28, KISSEL 11E 28, SKEGS 11C 28, SKEGS 11G 28
KEGS I8 21 babsbedi
On 4th draw, REFR(A)INS 5E 90 --- REFRAIN to keep oneself from action [v]
Other moves: FINIS(H)ER D8 80, FRES(H)ING 4A 80, SNIF(F)LER C6 80, REFINIS(H) D6 78, FEIGN(E)RS B8 76
IF 12C 22 babsbedi
On 5th draw, ARCUATION 9C 63 --- ARCUATION [n]
Other moves: CIAO 12A 27, CION 12A 27, COIN 12A 27, AURIC 4K 26, CORNUA 4A 26
CRANS L1 20 babsbedi
On 6th draw, LOERIE 8J 25 --- LOERIE an African bird [n]
Other tops: LIERNE 8J 25, NEROLI 8J 25
Other moves: LIERNE 4J 22, LOERIE 4J 22, RENIG 4D 21, EINE 8A 20, ELOIN 8K 20
ROLE 8A 20 babsbedi
On 7th draw, VOLA 8A 29 --- VOLA the hollow of a hand or foot [n]
Other moves: LAEVO F3 24, VULNS L1 24, LEVO F4 23, EVO F5 22, LUNA 8A 20
VAN 8A 20 babsbedi
On 8th draw, GOAD 12A 27 --- GOAD to drive animals with a goad (a pointed stick) [v]
Other tops: MOAT 12A 27
Other moves: DOGMA 10J 26, DOGMA 4A 24, OGAM 4L 24, DOAT 12A 23, GOAT 12A 23
DOM 10J 21 babsbedi
On 9th draw, EURYTH(M)Y M6 92 --- EURYTHMY harmony of movement or structure [n]
Other moves: YE(C)HY 13C 50, YE(C)HY 10J 46, Y(O)UTHY 10J 46, HE(F)TY 13C 44, YEU(K)Y 13C 44
YEH 10J 34 babsbedi
On 10th draw, QAIDS L1 50 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other tops: QADIS L1 50
Other moves: QAID 4J 45, QADI J2 34, PAIRED N1 33, REPAID N1 33, APED 13B 32
QAIDS L1 50 babsbedi
On 11th draw, ANOREXIA 2E 83 --- ANOREXIA lack of appetite [n]
Other moves: XOANA 2J 56, OX 10I 53, REX 6D 53, EX 6E 52, NIX N4 51
OX 10I 53 babsbedi
On 12th draw, BEPAINT 13C 90 --- BEPAINT to colour [v]
Other moves: BINATE 1E 49, PINETA 1E 49, PEBA 1G 47, BEPAT 1E 45, PEBA 1E 40
On 13th draw, JAWED 1E 73 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other tops: JOWED 1E 73
Other moves: JADE 1G 63, JAW 1G 59, J*WJEW 1G 59, JOW 1G 59, JADE 1E 56
JOW 1G 59 babsbedi
On 14th draw, QUIT 1L 39 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other moves: EVITE 3C 38, OUTVIE 3A 31, VITE 3D 28, OUTVIE N1 26, EVITE N2 24
GIVE A12 24 babsbedi
On 15th draw, GEEZ A12 42 --- GEEZ a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: SEZ F4 32, SITZ 3K 28, SIZE 3K 28, ZEE 4D 28, ZONES K7 28
On 16th draw, AFRIT 3C 38 --- AFRIT an evil spirit in Arabic mythology [n]
Other moves: RIF 3E 36, FA B14 31, ACRID 3B 30, CAIRD 3B 30, FARCI 3A 30
FA B14 31 babsbedi
On 17th draw, SOWNE 14D 42 --- SOWNE the sensation of hearing [n]
Other moves: SEWN 14D 39, SOWN 14D 39, OWSE 14E 36, SEW 14D 36, SOW 14D 36
WENTS 10J 35 babsbedi
SNOW H12 24 debbieh
On 18th draw, DUMBO 15H 45 --- DUMBO a stupid person [n]
Other moves: DOUBT 15H 39, DUMB 15H 39, BUDO 15H 36, BUM 15H 36, OMBU L11 34
DUMB 15H 39 babsbedi
TOMB 15H 33 debbieh
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