Game on February 3, 2019 at 04:57, 2 players
1. 345 pts debbieh
2. 55 pts dannyboy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 32 32 


5D 98 130 


6H 59 189 


7G 34 223 


8J 32 255 


4C 23 278 


N1 80 358 


4L 40 398 


D1 73 471 


1D 48 519 


B4 79 598 


A7 38 636 


1K 27 663 


3M 24 687 


L6 20 707 


11H 74 781 


H11 21 802 


O11 36 838 


2A 20 858 


14A 76 934 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
debbieh 2 14:32 -589 345 1.7528 dannyboy 0 1:58 -879 55
dannyboy 0 1:58 -879 55 Group: novice
1.5669 debbieh 2 14:32 -589 345
On 1st draw, HIMBO H4 32 --- HIMBO a superficial, stupid man, who is overly concerned with his looks [n]
Other moves: DHOBI H4 26, HIMBO H8 26, DHOBI H8 24, HIMBO H5 24, HIMBO H6 24
On 2nd draw, PISCINAE 5D 98 --- PISCINA a basin used in certain church ceremonies [n]
Other moves: PAINCHES 4C 80, PINCASE 9C 79, INSCAPE 9F 78, PEMICANS 6F 76, PISCINAE 5G 74
PAN I3 15 debbieh
On 3rd draw, MAXES 6H 59 --- MAX the greatest possible amount [n] --- MAX to reach a maximum, MAXED, MAXES, MAXING [v]
Other moves: MAX 6H 55, HAJES 4H 43, JANES 4J 35, JEANS 4J 35, JEATS 4J 35
MAX 6H 55 debbieh, dannyboy
On 4th draw, ABYE 7G 34 --- ABYE to pay the penalty [v]
Other moves: BYE 7H 32, REPLAY D3 30, RIPELY D3 30, ROPILY D3 30, RENAY I3 29
On 5th draw, SOLATE 8J 32 --- SOLATE to change to a fluid colloidal system [v]
Other moves: SLATE 4J 24, SLOOT 4J 24, STALE 4J 24, STEAL 4J 24, STELA 4J 24
On 6th draw, LODE 4C 23 --- LODE a deposit of ore [n]
Other moves: DELO 4A 22, DOLE 4C 22, DOTE 4C 22, ODE 4D 21, DIOL 4B 20
DOT 4C 18 debbieh
On 7th draw, C(H)AMPART N1 80 --- CHAMPART the right of the feudal lord [n]
Other moves: CAPMA(K)ER O2 66, PARACME(S) O2 64, CAMPA(N)A M7 36, CRAMP(E)T N2 36, CRAMP(I)T N2 36
LAMP(S) L8 16 debbieh
On 8th draw, ZIMB 4L 40 --- ZIMB an Ethiopian insect [n]
Other moves: ZEE 6B 37, OBELIZE K8 36, BENZAL 3J 34, BICE 1L 33, ZEES F2 33
ZA 3M 22 debbieh
On 9th draw, WHOOPING(S) D1 73 --- WHOOPING the act of whooping [n]
Other moves: HOWB(E) O1 66, HI(M)BO O1 54, WHIC(H) 1K 48, WICH 1L 48, W(I)CH 1L 45
WINCH 1K 42 debbieh
On 10th draw, WILTJA 1D 48 --- WILTJA an Aboriginal shelter [n]
Other moves: WILJA 1D 45, JINGAL 8A 42, JUNGLI 8A 42, THUJA 2C 31, HAJI 2D 30
TI M3 8 debbieh
On 11th draw, GOWDEST B4 79 --- GOWD of the colour of gold [adj]
Other moves: DOWSE 9K 43, DOWS 9K 40, OWSE 9L 38, W*GSWOGS 9K 36, SOWCE 1K 33
OWED 2H 24 debbieh
On 12th draw, EYE A7 38 --- EYE the organ of sight [n] --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other moves: GRYCE 1K 36, ENERGY A10 35, YE A8 32, GRECE 1K 27, YEGG 8A 27
YE 8A 15 debbieh
On 13th draw, DRACO 1K 27 --- DRACO as in draco lizard, a flying lizard. [adj]
Other moves: NARCO 1K 24, ANDRO 2H 21, ARCO 1L 21, ORCA 1L 21, ADORN 2H 20
AND 2H 19 debbieh
On 14th draw, KA 3M 24 --- KA the spiritual self of a human being in Egyptian religion [n] --- KA to serve [v]
Other tops: KI M3 24
Other moves: RUKH 2A 22, ARK I1 12, AUK I1 12, RAXES J4 12, (S)UNK 9D 12
KO 5A 6 debbieh
On 15th draw, SULFITE L6 20 --- SULFITE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: FIE 2J 19, FEH 2B 18, OUTFIT K8 18, FIE 9K 17, FIT 9K 17
FE 2J 16 debbieh
On 16th draw, DURATIVE 11H 74 --- DURATIVE a type of verb [n]
Other moves: DERV K10 25, AIDE 2H 23, DERV M10 23, AVIDER C10 22, EARD 2G 22
DIRE K10 19 debbieh
On 17th draw, DINER H11 21 --- DINER one that dines [n]
Other tops: NERINE O10 21
Other moves: UNREIN 12D 20, ENNUI O11 18, ENURE O11 18, URINE 10F 18, ENNUI 12D 16
DINER H11 21 debbieh
On 18th draw, EVENT O11 36 --- EVENT something that occurs [n] --- EVENT to ride in a horse-riding event [v]
Other tops: EVITE O11 36
Other moves: VENINE O10 30, VENITE O10 30, FINITE M10 25, FIENT M10 23, INVENIT 12C 22
EVENT O11 36 debbieh
On 19th draw, OUGHT 2A 20 --- OUGHT to owe [v]
Other tops: ONTO 2H 20, OUTGONE 14B 20
Other moves: OONT 2G 19, ORTHO 2A 18, OUTGO E7 18, OUTGRIN 12C 18, ROGNON 14J 18
On 20th draw, FLUORINE 14A 76 --- FLUORINE a gaseous element [n]
Other moves: FLORIN 14J 34, ORF 2H 25, FOU N13 23, FLUORIN 12C 22, FLUORIN 13B 22
OAF K10 13 debbieh
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