Game on Mars 18, 2019 at 00:43, 1 player
1. 135 pts debbieh
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 50 50 


H1 60 110 


4C 38 148 


J2 90 238 


8J 39 277 


N7 70 347 


15H 95 442 


G7 75 517 


13E 61 578 


5C 32 610 


K5 36 646 


8A 51 697 


11B 76 773 


12A 40 813 


B10 38 851 


3G 41 892 


C1 36 928 


1A 36 964 


10J 27 991 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
debbieh 1 6:38 -856 135 1.5643 debbieh 1 6:38 -856 135
On 1st draw, ZONED H4 50 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: ZONES H4 48, MOZED H4 40, MOZED H8 38, MOZES H4 38, DOZENS H4 36
On 2nd draw, BLAZONED H1 60 --- BLAZON to proclaim [v]
Other moves: HEBONAS 5E 48, SAHEB G5 33, SAHEB I5 33, BANES I3 29, HABLE G7 29
On 3rd draw, DOPIAZA 4C 38 --- DOPIAZA an Indian dish, meat or fish in onion sauce [n]
Other moves: NAIAD I3 32, APOD I4 31, DOPA I3 31, ZONDA 4H 30, DAP I3 28
On 4th draw, FESTOON J2 90 --- FESTOON to hang decorative chains or strips on [v]
Other tops: EFTSOON J1 90
Other moves: FESTOON G7 78, FESTOON I7 78, EFTSOON G8 68, EFTSOON I8 68, SOFTEN J4 37
On 5th draw, NEPHE(W) 8J 39 --- NEPHEW the son of one's brother or sister [n]
Other tops: HA(Y)EY G3 39
Other moves: HEYE(D) 5B 37, HAYE(D) 3G 36, HAYE(R) 3G 36, HAYE(Y) 3G 36, EPHE(B)E K5 35
On 6th draw, GE(M)ATRIA N7 70 --- GEMATRIA a numerical method of interpreting Hebrew scriptures [n]
Other tops: AERATI(N)G N7 70, AT(T)AGIRL 2A 70, A(T)TAGIRL 2A 70, GRADATI(M) C1 70, (M)ARITAGE N1 70
Other moves: TRAGI(C)AL 2A 66, TAGHAIR(M) M5 64, (M)ARITAGE 7A 61, ARIET(T)A K5 32, ARIE(T)TA K5 32
On 7th draw, DIVERTS 15H 95 --- DIVERT to turn aside [v]
Other tops: VERDITS 15H 95
Other moves: DIVERTS G7 76, DIVEST 15J 51, VEST 15L 42, VISE 15L 42, VERIST 15J 39
On 8th draw, BILGIER G7 75 --- BILGY smelling like seepage [adj]
Other moves: GIBE 5B 29, BAGIE G3 27, BILGIER 12H 26, BALER G3 25, ALIBI G4 24
On 9th draw, CERULEAN 13E 61 --- CERULEAN a blue colour [n]
Other moves: CANE 5B 25, ANELACE 3H 23, CAUL F8 23, ADUNC C3 22, CLEANUP L2 22
On 10th draw, AYIN 5C 32 --- AYIN a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: YAK 3B 32
Other moves: KAY 3B 31, KAY G3 31, KARRI 12K 30, KIRRI 12K 30, PRANKY E4 30
On 11th draw, AENEOUS K5 36 --- AENEOUS having a greenish gold color [adj]
Other moves: OWSEN 6B 35, WEAN 6C 32, WENS 6C 32, OWSEN 6A 31, AWES 6B 27
On 12th draw, TETROXID 8A 51 --- TETROXID a type of oxide [n]
Other moves: REX 12F 37, TEX 12F 37, AJEE 3H 36, EX 12G 34, JA 3G 34
On 13th draw, HIMATION 11B 76 --- HIMATION a loose outer garment [n]
Other moves: HAME 3G 32, HOM 3B 32, AMENTIA 3H 31, OHM 14D 31, HM 14E 30
On 14th draw, YODE 12A 40 --- YEAD to go or proceed [v] --- YEDE to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: DOREE 12C 31, DYER 6B 30, YOD 3B 29, DUROY L1 28, REDO 12A 28
YA I3 19 debbieh
On 15th draw, WHORE B10 38 --- WHORE to consort with prostitutes [v]
Other moves: FIVER L1 33, WIVER L1 33, VIRGE L1 29, WE 13B 27, HOWF B11 26
FIVER 2J 22 debbieh
On 16th draw, FAKER 3G 41 --- FAKER one that fakes [n]
Other moves: FAKE 3G 40, FLAKER 3F 39, FLAKE 3F 38, KULFI L1 37, FIRK L2 29
ELK F13 9 debbieh
On 17th draw, QUIDAM C1 36 --- QUIDAM a certain person [n]
Other moves: QIS L1 35, SUQ 15B 34, GISM L1 31, QIS L4 30, SIM L3 28
QIS L1 35 debbieh
On 18th draw, SUQ 1A 36 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: GUSLI L1 32, VIS L1 23, WIS L1 23, WUS L1 23, SUI L3 22
WIS L1 23 debbieh
On 19th draw, JUG 10J 27 --- JUG to put into a jug (a large, deep container with a narrow mouth and a handle) [v]
Other moves: JIG 10E 26, GUV 2B 20, CWM 6A 18, JIG 3B 18, JIN I9 18
JUG 10J 27 debbieh
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