Game on April 21, 2019 at 07:48, 2 players
1. 502 pts babsbedi
2. 275 pts debbieh
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 24 24 


I2 23 47 


H1 34 81 


G7 28 109 


11D 90 199 


E5 78 277 


D8 33 310 


F2 41 351 


H11 30 381 


K4 74 455 


13H 100 555 


D1 39 594 


15H 77 671 


12L 47 718 


8J 27 745 


C12 38 783 


14A 28 811 


1A 30 841 


10J 36 877 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
babsbedi 3 17:03 -375 502 1.6585 babsbedi 3 17:03 -375 502
debbieh 1 11:32 -602 275 Group: novice
1.5676 debbieh 1 11:32 -602 275
On 1st draw, QAT H6 24 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QAT H7 24, QAT H8 24
Other moves: ALOED H8 16, DEALT H4 16, DELTA H4 16, DOTAL H4 16, LATED H8 16
QAT H7 24 babsbedi
On 2nd draw, THOLI I2 23 --- THOLUS a cupola [n]
Other tops: HILT G7 23, HILT I7 23, HINT G7 23, HINT I7 23, HOLT I7 23, HOUT I7 23, HUNT G7 23
Other moves: HIN G7 22, HIN I7 22, HIT G7 22, HIT I7 22, HOI I7 22
THIN I4 22 babsbedi
On 3rd draw, FEES H1 34 --- FEE to pay a fee (a fixed charge) to [v]
Other tops: FEUS H1 34
Other moves: FOGIES 4H 28, FUGIES 9C 28, GEES H1 28, GIES H1 28, GUES H1 28
SIEGE J6 24 babsbedi
On 4th draw, KETOL G7 28 --- KETOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: KALE G7 27, KELT G7 27, KETA G7 27, KETO G7 27, KAE G7 26
KETOL G7 28 babsbedi
On 5th draw, REFLO(W)ER 11D 90 --- FLOWER to put forth flowers (reproductive structures of seed-bearing plants) [v] --- REFLOWER to flower again [v]
Other moves: FLO(W)ERER 11F 70, FORE(G)OER 10B 68, FORE(G)OER 10F 68, REROOFE(D) 10D 64, ROOF(T)REE 10E 64
FOO(T)ER 10F 18 babsbedi
On 6th draw, BESNOWED E5 78 --- BESNOW to cover with snow [v]
Other moves: BOWNED H10 52, BOWSED H10 52, BOWNES H10 49, BOWSED L8 41, DOBSON H10 39
BOWNED H10 52 babsbedi
On 7th draw, ADORES D8 33 --- ADORE to love deeply [v]
Other moves: ADORE D8 31, SOREDIA D9 31, IODISE H10 29, DORIES D9 28, DORISE D9 28
ASIDE L10 23 babsbedi
On 8th draw, MANEH F2 41 --- MANEH a Greek weight [n]
Other moves: MANEH 10J 36, OHONE H11 36, HEAME 10J 35, AHEM 10I 33, HAEM 10J 32
HOME 10J 32 babsbedi
On 9th draw, OPERA H11 30 --- OPERA a form of musical drama [n]
Other moves: PALIER 10J 28, PAIRE 10J 27, PALER 10J 27, PARLE 10J 27, PEARL 10J 27
PEARL 10J 27 babsbedi
PEAR 10J 24 debbieh
On 10th draw, TAWDRIER K4 74 --- TAWDRY gaudy [adj]
Other moves: WAITERED J7 68, TAWDRIER K7 62, WARED 10J 36, WEIRD 10J 36, WAIRED 10J 35
WEIRD 10J 36 babsbedi
WED G13 25 debbieh
On 11th draw, EXOGAMI(C) 13H 100 --- EXOGAMIC pertaining to exogamy [adj] --- EXOGAMY marriage outside of a particular group [adj]
Other moves: EXOGAM(Y) 13H 48, EXOMI(S) 13H 44, AXMAN 8A 42, A(D)MIX L1 41, AXME(N) J8 40
(W)AX I11 38 debbieh
MAX L3 37 babsbedi
On 12th draw, VENDOR D1 39 --- VENDOR a seller [n]
Other moves: COVED L1 35, DROVER 8J 33, COVEN L1 32, COVER L1 32, COVIN N10 32
CODE L3 26 debbieh
ROD 14L 20 babsbedi
On 13th draw, ALATIONS 15H 77 --- ALATION the state of having wings [n]
Other tops: AILANTOS 15H 77
Other moves: AILANTOS 15E 59, ALATIONS 15F 59, IOTAS 14J 31, SOLAN 14J 31, ASLANT L10 27
RATIO 8K 18 babsbedi
TIN L3 12 debbieh
On 14th draw, JAG 12L 47 --- JAG to cut unevenly [v]
Other moves: JET 12L 44, REJIG 8K 42, JA 12L 40, JAY L3 35, JEAT C7 34
JAG 12L 47 babsbedi
JAY L3 35 debbieh
On 15th draw, PRUINE 8J 27 --- PRUINE a prune [n]
Other moves: PENIE 10J 25, PENNE 10J 25, PENNI 10J 25, REPIN 8K 24, RIPEN 8K 24
RIPEN 8K 24 babsbedi
REPIN 8K 24 debbieh
On 16th draw, BIZ C12 38 --- BIZ slang for business [n]
Other moves: ZINC N6 35, BEZIL 10J 34, LUZ C12 32, RIZ C12 32, ZIN N6 32
ZINC N6 35 babsbedi
BIZ M7 27 debbieh
On 17th draw, CUZ 14A 28 --- CUZ a cousin [n]
Other moves: GUV C8 26, LUZ 14A 24, CUT C8 22, VIG L3 21, GUL C8 20
CUZ 14A 28 debbieh
VINT N6 15 babsbedi
On 18th draw, CLAVI 1A 30 --- CLAVUS a horny thickening of the skin [n]
Other moves: CILIA L1 26, CLAG L2 21, PAC 12H 21, ALGINIC N4 20, GAL C8 20
CLAG L2 21 debbieh
On 19th draw, YEVING 10J 36 --- YEVE to give [v]
Other moves: LYTING B1 28, YETI 10J 28, YEN 10J 27, YET 10J 27, GUV C8 26
VYING N5 20 babsbedi
VINT N6 15 debbieh
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