Game on May 25, 2019 at 21:48, 6 players
1. 403 pts debbieh
2. 244 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 165 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 82 82 


11A 72 154 


A8 140 294 


C7 96 390 


10E 53 443 


I2 67 510 


D4 45 555 


B1 74 629 


G3 78 707 


E2 34 741 


13G 78 819 


A1 35 854 


2I 34 888 


N10 34 922 


O6 53 975 


15L 69 1044 


1M 37 1081 


10A 21 1102 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
debbieh 0 16:59 -699 403 1.7207 GLOBEMAN 1 10:40 -858 244
GLOBEMAN 1 10:40 -858 244 2.7729 sunshine12 1 6:02 -937 165
sunshine12 1 6:02 -937 165 3.7400 roocatcher 1 5:35 -949 153
roocatcher 1 5:35 -949 153 4.7795 SQUAW1 0 4:23 -1039 63
SQUAW1 0 4:23 -1039 63 5.7432 enzotiger 0 0:34 -1078 24
enzotiger 0 0:34 -1078 24 Group: novice
1.5735 debbieh 0 16:59 -699 403
On 1st draw, MEATHES H8 82 --- MEATHE an alcoholic drink [n]
Other moves: MEATHES H4 80, MEATHES H2 76, MEATHES H3 76, MEATHES H6 76, MEATHES H7 76
MATHS H4 26 debbieh
On 2nd draw, AERODUCT 11A 72 --- AERODUCT a type of jet engine [n]
Other tops: EDUCATOR 11C 72, OUTRACED 11F 72
Other moves: CAROUSED 14C 67, CADRE I7 26, CHORDAE 12G 26, ROACHED 12D 26, CHADOR 12G 24
CRUD G12 20 debbieh
On 3rd draw, OLEANDER A8 140 --- OLEANDER a flowering shrub [n]
Other moves: RELOANED A7 80, ENCODER G9 30, ENCODE G9 29, RECODE G9 29, DEEN 12A 27
LED G7 16 debbieh
On 4th draw, INJUR(I)ES C7 96 --- INJURY harm inflicted or suffered [n]
Other tops: INJURE(R)S C7 96
Other moves: (I)NJURIES C7 94, INJU(R)ES I5 90, JUN(K)IES B2 82, (B)UNJIES B2 82, (D)ISJUNE B2 82
JOIN(T)S D10 26 debbieh
On 5th draw, AX 10E 53 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: MAXI I7 47, MIXT I7 47, LIMAX I5 46, MAX I7 44, MIX I7 44
MAX I7 44 debbieh
On 6th draw, OUTRACE I2 67 --- OUTRACE to run faster or farther than [v]
Other tops: OUTRACE G2 67
Other moves: TURACO B2 30, CROUTE D3 23, CURATE D3 23, AUTOCADE E5 22, CUATRO B2 22
CARE I7 19 debbieh
On 7th draw, POWNY D4 45 --- POWNY a pony [n]
Other moves: PORNY D4 39, PYRO J1 34, WYN H1 34, WYN J1 32, OWN J1 29
PAW 6H 16 debbieh
On 8th draw, DOUT(I)NG B1 74 --- DOUT to extinguish [v]
Other moves: DOUG(H)NUT 3G 72, GONODU(C)T 2H 72, TONGU(E)D G3 71, DOUT(I)NG J8 70, TONGU(E)D B1 70
DOG H1 20 debbieh
On 9th draw, BOINGED G3 78 --- BOING to reverberate by bouncing [v]
Other moves: GABIONED 6H 70, OBSIGNED 14F 68, BOGIED H1 46, BOGIE H1 37, BIDON E3 36
ID A1 21 debbieh
On 10th draw, WAIF E2 34 --- WAIF to throw away [v]
Other tops: FLAW E2 34
Other moves: ADRIFT 1A 33, FAW E3 32, HALFWIT 12H 32, FRA J2 31, AFT J1 29
AW J1 26 debbieh, GLOBEMAN
On 11th draw, PEARLIER 13G 78 --- PEARLY resembling a pearl [adj]
Other moves: PRIER J2 35, CAPER G11 26, LIRA H1 26, PEARLER 13G 26, PEREIRA 13G 26
LOPER 2H 13 debbieh
On 12th draw, ETNAS A1 35 --- ETNA a container for heating liquids [n]
Other moves: HEARTS N10 34, HEARS N10 32, HEART N10 32, ASHEN 12K 31, ASHET 12K 31
HEAT 12L 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
AHS J1 29 debbieh
On 13th draw, OVATES 2I 34 --- OVATE to receive with an ovation [v]
Other moves: VAIRE N10 32, VAIRS N10 32, VEERS N10 32, VIERS N10 32, SIEVERT N8 24
VAST 14F 21 debbieh
VIES L12 16 sunshine12
On 14th draw, FORRIT N10 34 --- FORRIT toward the front [adv]
Other moves: FIRK L12 32, MOTIF 3K 32, MIRK L12 30, RIFT 3K 30, TRIFORM N8 28
KO 12L 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
KIT 1K 19 debbieh
On 15th draw, QIBLA O6 53 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: BARK 12L 40, KATI 15L 39, KIBLA O6 38, QIS 14F 36, LARK 12L 32
QI M9 26 debbieh
BAG 1M 24 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 16th draw, ZITE 15L 69 --- ZITE a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other tops: ZYMITE 15J 69
Other moves: MIZ 1M 48, VIZY L12 46, MYTH 15L 45, HYTE 15L 42, AVYZE K2 40
ZITE 15L 69 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
ZEE M11 25 debbieh
ZEE M1 24 enzotiger
On 17th draw, YOK 1M 37 --- YOK a boisterous laugh [n] --- YOK to laugh [v]
Other moves: HOY 1M 34, GORY 12L 32, HOKILY K9 32, HOY 3M 30, KISH 14F 30
HOY 1M 34 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
HIS 14F 18 debbieh
On 18th draw, EMU 10A 21 --- EMU a large, flightless bird [n]
Other tops: ME B10 21
Other moves: GHIS 14E 20, GISM 14F 19, HM C1 19, HIM D13 18, HIS 14F 18
HIS 14F 18 debbieh
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