Game on May 27, 2019 at 22:25, 1 player
1. 21 pts debbieh
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 28 28 


8A 77 105 


12H 22 127 


D1 78 205 


1D 33 238 


M9 32 270 


N8 57 327 


2I 40 367 


O5 44 411 


K6 72 483 


G3 73 556 


1L 93 649 


H8 39 688 


G13 44 732 


F5 35 767 


J10 28 795 


L1 28 823 


B7 80 903 


A13 44 947 


C11 30 977 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
debbieh 0 0:43 -956 21 1.5684 debbieh 0 0:43 -956 21
On 1st draw, SNOOK H8 28 --- SNOOK to sniff [v]
Other tops: KAONS H4 28, KOANS H4 28, KOLAS H4 28, KOLOS H4 28, SLANK H8 28
Other moves: ALKOS H4 20, ALKOS H8 20, KAONS H8 20, KOANS H8 20, KOLAS H8 20
On 2nd draw, TONSURES 8A 77 --- TONSURE to shave the head of [v]
Other moves: TENOURS 13B 76, TONSURE 13E 69, TENOURS I5 68, OUTSNORE 11C 66, OUTSNORE 11H 66
On 3rd draw, KEELED 12H 22 --- KEEL to capsize [v]
Other moves: DEAL I10 17, EASELED D6 16, LEADEN C3 16, NEALED C8 16, NEEDLE C8 16
On 4th draw, PIRAGUAS D1 78 --- PIRAGUA a dugout canoe [n]
Other moves: PAGURIAN C1 74, PARA 11J 25, PARDI M9 22, PURDA M9 22, GAP 7E 21
On 5th draw, PEYOTE 1D 33 --- PEYOTE a hallucinogen derived from cactus [n]
Other tops: PAEONY 1D 33, TEAPOY 1A 33
Other moves: ATOPY 1A 30, PANTY 1D 30, PAYEE 1D 30, PEATY 1D 30, PEEOY 1D 30
On 6th draw, HARDY M9 32 --- HARDY a blacksmith's chisel [n] --- HARDY very sturdy [adj]
Other tops: FAH 11J 32, FAW 11J 32, FAY 11J 32, HAW 11J 32, HAY 11J 32, HAY C2 32, RARIFY 3B 32, WAY 11J 32, WHARFIE J6 32, WIRRAH 3B 32, YAH 11J 32, YAW 11J 32
Other moves: HIYA 13L 31, WHIRRY F5 31, AYAH 7D 30, FROWY 10F 30, FROWY B6 30
On 7th draw, W(A)X N8 57 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: W(E)X N8 57, W(O)X N8 57
Other moves: (F)LIX N7 56, IL(E)X N7 55, (F)IX N8 55, (M)IX N8 55, (N)IX N8 55
On 8th draw, AFFAI(R) 2I 40 --- AFFAIR something which is to be done [n]
Other moves: FAV(E) O5 39, FIF(E) O5 39, FIV(E) O5 39, VIA(E) O5 30, (T)ARIFF 3B 30
On 9th draw, BIDES O5 44 --- BIDE to wait [v]
Other tops: INDIES O4 44
Other moves: BENDS O1 42, BINES O5 41, BED O7 39, BEND O1 39, INSIDE O3 39
On 10th draw, GAINABLE K6 72 --- GAIN to acquire [adj] --- GAINABLE able to be gained [adj]
Other moves: ABEARING F4 65, SNOOKING H8 39, BEG O1 30, BEN O1 27, NEB O1 27
On 11th draw, ATHENEUM G3 73 --- ATHENEUM a literary institution [n]
Other moves: HAEM 1L 51, HAEN 1L 45, HAET 1L 45, HAUT 1L 45, AHEM 1L 39
On 12th draw, ZOEA 1L 93 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: ZOEAE J10 73, ZOEAL J10 73, ZOEA J10 70, L*ZLEZ J8 67, L*ZLEZ O1 48
On 13th draw, SNOOKING H8 39 --- SNOOK to sniff [v]
Other moves: GLEI 3L 31, GLEN 3L 31, CLINE 2B 27, LICE F3 23, NICE F3 23
On 14th draw, QI G13 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 6N 31, ZATI L1 26, QI J8 24, ODOR F5 23, DOILT L4 22
On 15th draw, OWER F5 35 --- OWER over [prep]
Other moves: WERT F6 33, WORT F6 33, OW F5 31, WE F14 27, WO F14 27
On 16th draw, MOER J10 28 --- MOER to attack (South African slang) [v]
Other tops: ZAIRE L1 28
Other moves: MOIRE 2B 27, LIME H3 26, LOME H3 26, REGAINABLE K4 26, RIME H3 26
On 17th draw, ZATIS L1 28 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: ZATI L1 26, DUITS L4 22, LIST H3 22, DINTS 14F 21, SLUIT L4 20
On 18th draw, COEDITOR B7 80 --- COEDITOR one that coedits [n]
Other moves: COEDITOR B2 76, DEW(A)X N6 29, DOCTRINE 14B 26, TRIDE 2B 26, NOTICED C8 22
On 19th draw, JUD A13 44 --- JUD a mass of coal holed ready for removal [n]
Other moves: JUT A13 41, DJIN 14E 28, JIN 14F 26, JIRD 3B 24, JOLT 13A 22
On 20th draw, NIL C11 30 --- NIL nothing [n]
Other tops: NIT C11 30, TIL C11 30
Other moves: IT C12 26, JOINT 13A 24, CIVIL 2A 22, JOIN 13A 22, JOLT 13A 22
PI F14 21 debbieh
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