Game on June 6, 2019 at 17:32, 8 players
1. 557 pts Empire8
2. 130 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 95 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 46 46
2. 3G 88 134
3. 9B 81 215
4. M3 63 278
5. 10B 60 338
6. 8J 36 374
7. N6 34 408
8. 5C 72 480
9. O10 47 527
10. 4A 38 565
11. A2 27 592
12. 2J 31 623
13. 1K 40 663
14. 2C 39 702
15. 14J 40 742
16. 15H 41 783
17. 13K 34 817
18. 1G 30 847
19. B9 22 869
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8892 Empire8 7 15:03 -312 557 1.8892 Empire8 7 15:03 -312 557
2.7365 GLOBEMAN 0 4:37 -739 130 2.8689 musdrive 1 1:27 -797 72
3.7715 sunshine12 0 4:13 -774 95 Group: advanced
4.7419 roocatcher 0 4:29 -794 75 1.7365 GLOBEMAN 0 4:37 -739 130
5.8689 musdrive 1 1:27 -797 72 2.7715 sunshine12 0 4:13 -774 95
6.7532 WEASEL 0 1:46 -839 30 3.7419 roocatcher 0 4:29 -794 75
7. - chunk88 0 1:47 -843 26 4.7532 WEASEL 0 1:46 -839 30
8.7432 enzotiger 0 1:17 -853 16 5.7432 enzotiger 0 1:17 -853 16
Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 1:47 -843 26
On 1st draw, Q(U)ATE H4 46 --- QUATE quiet [adj]
Other tops: Q(U)IET H4 46, Q(U)ITE H4 46
Other moves: FAQI(R) H4 40, FIQ(U)E H4 40, FIQ(U)E H8 34, FAQI(R) H5 32, FAQI(R) H6 32
Q(U)IET H4 46 musdrive
Q(U)ITE H4 46 Empire8
On 2nd draw, RENOWNS 3G 88 --- RENOWN to make famous [v]
Other moves: WONNERS 3D 76, WONNERS I6 72, RENOWNS I6 69, WONNERS G8 67, RENOWNS G8 64
RENOWNS 3G 38 Empire8
OWER 3F 26 musdrive
On 3rd draw, ATAXIAS 9B 81 --- ATAXIA loss of muscular coordination [n]
Other moves: ATAXIAS G7 72, ATAXIAS I7 72, ATAXIAS G8 68, ATAXIAS I8 68, ATAXIA 2B 32
TAXA 2D 29 Empire8
On 4th draw, SLEEPIE(R) M3 63 --- SLEEPY ready or inclined to sleep [adj]
Other moves: ESPIE(G)LE M2 60, LEEPE(D) 8A 51, (C)LEPE 8A 47, (C)LIPE 8A 47, (P)EEPE 8A 47
LEEPE(D) 8A 51 Empire8
On 5th draw, BOEUF 10B 60 --- BOEUF as in boeuf bourguignon, a casserole of beef, herbs etc cooked in red wine. [adj]
Other moves: FLUB 8A 47, ENUF 8A 46, ENUF 10C 41, BUFO 8B 37, BOEUF L8 36
FLUB 8A 47 Empire8
On 6th draw, DEBITS 8J 36 --- DEBIT to charge with a debt [v]
Other moves: BEETS L8 30, BESIDE 8J 30, BETIDE 8J 30, BIDE 8L 30, BIDS 8L 30
On 7th draw, METRE N6 34 --- METRE to measure of mechanical means [v]
Other tops: HETE N6 34, METH N6 34
Other moves: HET N6 31, MORPHED J2 29, EH 2I 28, EH N5 28, GRAPHEME 6F 28
HETE N6 34 Empire8
On 8th draw, GEEPO(U)ND 5C 72 --- GEEPOUND a unit of mass [n]
Other moves: DEPONE O10 39, PONGEE O1 38, PONGED O10 37, DEPONE O1 35, PONGEE O10 34
PONGED O10 37 Empire8
On 9th draw, SCHUIT O10 47 --- SCHUIT a Dutch sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: WISH K3 44, IWIS K2 38, WIST K3 38, SICE K5 36, WIS K3 36
On 10th draw, MIAOW 4A 38 --- MIAOW to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: WAI 2J 34, MAWR 4B 33, WIRRA 6B 31, WO 2J 31, WARMER D1 30
WAI 2J 34 Empire8
On 11th draw, LIMINAL A2 27 --- LIMINAL pertaining to the limen [adj]
Other moves: ANIMI A1 21, ANTI N12 21, MAILL A4 21, MATIN A4 21, MILIA A4 21
On 12th draw, YA 2J 31 --- YA you [pron]
Other tops: YO 2J 31
Other moves: AY 2I 28, OLDY 4L 28, OY 2I 28, YA B6 28, VINA L1 26
YO 2J 31 Empire8
On 13th draw, DURGY 1K 40 --- DURGY dwarfish [adj]
Other moves: RIDGY 1K 39, YGO 3C 38, DUROY 1K 37, ROGUY 1K 36, DRAGGY C2 32
DURGY 1K 40 Empire8
On 14th draw, FURZE 2C 39 --- FURZE a spiny shrub [n]
Other moves: FAZE 2D 38, FUZE 2D 38, DAZER J8 35, FRA 3C 35, RAZE 2D 35
FURZE 2C 39 Empire8
On 15th draw, KONINI 14J 40 --- KONINI the edible dark purple berry of the KOTUKUTUKU or tree fuchsia [n]
Other moves: KALI 4K 32, KOLA 4K 32, KOLO 4K 32, OKA N13 30, KA N14 26
OKA N13 30 GLOBEMAN, Empire8, sunshine12, roocatcher
KA N14 26 chunk88
On 16th draw, AJAR 15H 41 --- AJAR partly open [adj]
Other moves: RAJA 15G 39, DRACO 15F 30, RAJAH 12K 30, CODA 15G 27, JOCO K11 26
AJAR 15H 41 Empire8
JO 13K 20 sunshine12
On 17th draw, VODOU 13K 34 --- VODOU a primitive religion [n] --- VODOU to bewitch [v]
Other moves: DOH 13K 30, VID 13K 28, DOLOR 4K 27, HID 1G 27, HOD 1G 27
DOH 13K 30 Empire8, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, WEASEL
On 18th draw, HIC 1G 30 --- HIC used to represent a hiccup [interj]
Other tops: HOC 1G 30
Other moves: HOG 1G 27, TORGOCH C9 26, CHOGS O4 25, HOI 1G 24, ICHORS O3 24
HIC 1G 30 Empire8
HOG 11A 16 enzotiger
On 19th draw, ABVOLT B9 22 --- ABVOLT a unit of electromotive force [n]
Other moves: LIVORS O3 20, TOLL 4K 20, TOLT 4K 20, TORA 6E 20, LAEVO D8 18
IO 2N 15 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
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