Game on June 13, 2019 at 10:09, 1 player
1. 384 pts Empire8
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


I7 78 102 


11D 82 184 


5E 40 224 


L1 105 329 


1G 107 436 


2A 79 515 


C2 84 599 


O1 93 692 


B6 34 726 


8A 36 762 


D1 39 801 


3I 48 849 


12A 34 883 


A1 30 913 


M7 39 952 


N10 38 990 


15K 39 1029 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Empire8 7 11:40 -645 384 1.8922 Empire8 7 11:40 -645 384
On 1st draw, BEGOES H4 24 --- BEGO to beset [v]
Other tops: BOGLES H4 24
Other moves: BLOGS H4 22, BOGLE H4 22, GLEBES H4 22, GLOBES H4 22, BEGOES H3 20
On 2nd draw, UNHOAR(D) I7 78 --- UNHOARD to take from a hoard [v]
Other moves: UNHOAR(D) G6 75, UNHOAR(D) I6 75, UNHOAR(D) G9 64, UNHOAR(D)S 9A 64, HA(V)EOUR 5E 36
On 3rd draw, REAR(W)ARD 11D 82 --- REARWARD the rearmost division of an army [n]
Other tops: RERE(W)ARD 5E 82, (L)ARDERER 5D 82
Other moves: DREAR(I)ER 5B 66, DREAR(I)ER 5F 66, REAR(W)ARD 11G 66, REDRA(W)ER 5B 66, REDRA(W)ER 5G 66
On 4th draw, PREEDIT 5E 40 --- PREEDIT to edit beforehand [v]
Other moves: PRIED 12A 29, RIPED 12A 25, GRIPED D10 24, PIERT 10B 23, PRE J10 23
On 5th draw, XERASIA L1 105 --- XERASIA dryness of the hair [n]
Other moves: XERASIA L7 89, XERASIA 14E 78, RAXES L1 37, SIXER L11 35, AXES L2 33
On 6th draw, DYSTAXIA 1G 107 --- DYSTAXIA a form of muscular tremor [n]
Other moves: XYST 1L 42, STAY 8L 40, TSADI 8K 37, SADI 8L 34, SAID 8L 34
On 7th draw, PICANTE 2A 79 --- PICANTE prepared with a spicy sauce [adj]
Other moves: PE(D)ANTIC 13G 78, PICANTE 10A 75, PATIENCE E7 62, PENTA(D)IC 13D 62, PREACT J10 35
On 8th draw, CHAMELOT C2 84 --- CHAMELOT a type of cloth [n]
Other moves: APOTHEM A1 45, MEATH 10B 41, OPAH A1 39, LOATHE 10B 38, METHO 10C 37
On 9th draw, SELF O1 93 --- SELF the total, essential, or particular being of one person [n] --- SELF to inbreed [v]
Other moves: NESTFUL L9 81, NESTFUL B8 78, NETFULS 14C 78, NETFULS B8 78, SUENT O1 78
SELF O1 93 Empire8
On 10th draw, FENI B6 34 --- FENI an alcoholic spirit made from coconuts [n]
Other tops: FEIGN 6J 34
Other moves: FEG B6 33, NEF B4 33, FIVE 12A 32, FAIN D1 31, FEN B6 31
NEF B4 33 Empire8
On 11th draw, GNOW 8A 36 --- GNOW West Australian aboriginal name for Mallee fowl [n]
Other moves: ENOW 8A 33, AWEE N1 31, WENGE 2K 31, WENGE 12C 29, NGWEE 12A 26
GNOW 8A 36 Empire8
On 12th draw, KAED D1 39 --- KAE to serve [v]
Other moves: BOKED 12A 37, OKE 10E 37, EBOOK 12K 35, KO 10F 34, BOKE 12A 30
KAED D1 39 Empire8
On 13th draw, QUIRE 3I 48 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other tops: QUERN 3I 48
Other moves: NIQAB F8 36, UNBE 10D 28, QUAI 4J 26, BREI J10 25, QUA 4J 25
QUERN 3I 48 Empire8
On 14th draw, VINEAL 12A 34 --- VINEAL pertaining to wine [adj]
Other moves: VALET 12A 30, (W)AIVE H11 28, VALE 12A 26, VANE 12A 26, VIAE 12A 26
(W)AIVE H11 28 Empire8
On 15th draw, OPTIC A1 30 --- OPTIC an eye [n]
Other tops: OPIUM A1 30
Other moves: OB 1A 28, OM 1A 28, UM 1A 28, BO 10F 23, CUBOI(D) 13D 23
OPIUM A1 30 Empire8
On 16th draw, YUZU M7 39 --- YUZU a type of Japanese citrus fruit [n]
Other moves: YOU 13C 28, GAZY 7K 27, YGO 10E 27, BOYG M7 24, YOB M7 24
On 17th draw, MONGO N10 38 --- MONGO the waste produced in a woollen-mill from felted cloth [n]
Other moves: TOMO N8 35, NOM N8 34, T*MTOM N8 34, MOG N8 32, OM N9 31
MONGO N10 38 Empire8
On 18th draw, OBOLI 15K 39 --- OBOLUS an ancient Greek coin [n]
Other moves: BOLO 15L 36, OWL O13 26, OWN O13 26, OWN 13C 25, NOLO 15L 24
OBOLI 15K 39 Empire8
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