Game on November 15, 2019 at 20:15, 1 player
1. 56 pts bt69
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 9G 65 89
3. 5E 40 129
4. F9 78 207
5. 15A 60 267
6. 11E 40 307
7. 13D 62 369
8. 6D 56 425
9. N9 38 463
10. L1 41 504
11. 1I 42 546
12. 4D 37 583
13. 10I 35 618
14. 2C 66 684
15. 3I 75 759
16. L12 38 797
17. 15H 33 830
18. 14B 43 873
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. - bt69 0 2:00 -817 56 1. - bt69 0 2:00 -817 56
On 1st draw, BLAGUE H4 24 --- BLAGUE humbug [n]
Other tops: BANGLE H4 24, BELUGA H4 24, BLUNGE H4 24, BUNGLE H4 24
Other moves: BAGEL H4 22, BEGAN H4 22, BEGUN H4 22, BELGA H4 22, BELUGA H8 22
On 2nd draw, GELASTIC 9G 65 --- GELASTIC relating to laughter [adj]
Other tops: GESTICAL 9G 65
Other moves: GLACIS 10C 25, GASLIT 10F 23, ACTS 10E 22, AGIST I5 22, CAST 10F 22
On 3rd draw, TAILFAN 5E 40 --- TAILFAN a fanlike swimming organ at the rear of some crustaceans [n]
Other moves: TAFIA F8 28, AFT F9 26, CAFTAN N9 26, CONFIT N9 26, OAF F8 26
On 4th draw, AB(O)RTER F9 78 --- ABORTER one that aborts [n]
Other tops: TABR(E)RE F8 78, TAB(O)RER F8 78
Other moves: TABRER(E) F8 76, ARB(I)TER F9 74, ARB(O)RET F9 74, RAREB(I)T F8 74, BARRET(S) F8 72
On 5th draw, JIMPER 15A 60 --- JIMP natty [adj]
Other moves: JERI(D) 15D 57, JIMP(E)R 15A 57, JIR(R)E 15D 57, J(I)MPER 15A 57, J(U)MPER 15A 57
On 6th draw, Y(O)UNGER 11E 40 --- YOUNGER an inferior in age [n]
Other moves: YOUNG 6J 36, GURNEY 6A 35, YOURN 6J 33, GOEY 6C 31, GREY 6C 31
YEN 6J 29 bt69
On 7th draw, MOTORISE 13D 62 --- MOTORISE to provide with motors [v]
Other moves: MOROSE L1 33, EROTISM L6 31, MERIS L1 31, MIRES L1 31, MOERS L1 31
ROOMS L1 27 bt69
On 8th draw, WEX 6D 56 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other tops: WOX 6D 56
Other moves: EX 10I 55, OX 10I 55, NOX 6D 53, TEX 6D 53, EX 6E 52
On 9th draw, CHIRUS N9 38 --- CHIRU (Tibetan) a Tibetan antelope, having a dense woolly pinkish-brown fleece [n]
Other tops: CHIRLS N9 38, CHURLS N9 38, CHURNS N9 38
Other moves: HILUS L1 35, HURLS L1 35, HURLS 6J 33, ISH 10L 33, RUNTISH L6 33
On 10th draw, KUDOS L1 41 --- KUDO award; honor [n] --- KUDOS honour [n]
Other moves: KILOS L1 39, KI 10J 36, KUDO 12A 36, DOUKS L1 35, KILO 12A 34
On 11th draw, FOLKIER 1I 42 --- FOLKIE being in the style of folk music [adj] --- FOLKY down to earth [adj]
Other moves: FLUIER 2J 34, FOULER 2J 34, FOULIE 2J 34, KERF 1L 33, KIEF 1L 33
On 12th draw, QAT 4D 37 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: AYE 10I 35, OYE 10I 35, CAY 2H 34, TOEY 2G 33, YAE 10J 33
On 13th draw, OVA 10I 35 --- OVUM the female reproductive cell of animals [n]
Other tops: AVE 10I 35
Other moves: VADED 2F 34, CAVED 2F 33, COVED 2F 33, VAE 10J 33, CAVE 12A 32
On 14th draw, CONNATE 2C 66 --- CONNATE innate [adj]
Other moves: CENTAI B10 28, TENON O11 27, CANDENT 3I 26, CANE 12A 26, CATE 12A 26
On 15th draw, ZENDI(K) 3I 75 --- ZENDIK a heretic [n]
Other moves: ZY(M)E 12A 58, ZINE 12A 54, ZE(Z)E 12A 52, ZI(N)E 12A 52, ZI(T)E 12A 52
On 16th draw, EDDY L12 38 --- EDDY to move against the main current [v]
Other moves: NERVY H11 36, VIDE 12A 32, NERDY H11 30, VINE 12A 30, DEY M11 29
On 17th draw, WOOLY 15H 33 --- WOOLY a woolly [n] --- WOOLY resembling wool [adj]
Other moves: LOOPY 15H 30, POLEY 15H 30, POW O13 30, WALE 12A 30, PEA 14B 29
On 18th draw, PEANED 14B 43 --- PEAN to beat with a rounded hammer head [v]
Other moves: PAVE 12A 32, VADE 12A 32, VANE 12A 30, VENA 12A 30, PEA 14B 29
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