Game on February 28, 2020 at 05:27, 6 players
1. 582 pts fatcat
2. 46 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 28 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 74 74
2. H1 39 113
3. I7 33 146
4. G5 49 195
5. 2H 74 269
6. M2 68 337
7. 5E 40 377
8. O1 39 416
9. 6J 30 446
10. 8K 30 476
11. N8 38 514
12. J9 66 580
13. 4A 52 632
14. A1 39 671
15. L1 33 704
16. 15F 33 737
17. M13 28 765
18. K11 25 790
19. F2 39 829
20. 14D 30 859
21. 15A 45 904
22. 13A 22 926
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6605 fatcat 2 18:29 -344 582 1.7156 GLOBEMAN 0 2:38 -880 46
2.7156 GLOBEMAN 0 2:38 -880 46 2.7231 sunshine12 0 1:29 -898 28
3.7231 sunshine12 0 1:29 -898 28 3.7742 TWEEKS 0 1:21 -915 11
4.7742 TWEEKS 0 1:21 -915 11 4.7190 roocatcher 0 1:54 -915 11
5.7190 roocatcher 0 1:54 -915 11 5.7548 WEASEL 0 0:28 -920 6
6.7548 WEASEL 0 0:28 -920 6 Group: intermediate
1.6605 fatcat 2 18:29 -344 582
On 1st draw, OPERATE H3 74 --- OPERATE to perform a function [v]
Other moves: OPERATE H2 70, OPERATE H4 70, OPERATE H6 70, OPERATE H7 70, OPERATE H8 70
OPERATE H3 24 fatcat
On 2nd draw, REOPERATED H1 39 --- OPERATE to perform a function [v]
Other moves: FARED I3 37, FADER I3 35, REOPERATE H1 33, FADEUR G7 32, AFEARD G6 31
FADE 10F 27 fatcat
On 3rd draw, WEM I7 33 --- WEM a womb [n]
Other tops: MEW G7 33
Other moves: WEM I3 29, WERO I7 29, WORE I7 29, WORE G3 28, WORE I3 28
MOVER G9 24 fatcat
On 4th draw, HAJ G5 49 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: JA G7 41, JOE G3 41, HAJES J4 40, JO G3 38, JOSEPH 4D 36
JOE G3 41 fatcat
On 5th draw, ENGRA(V)EN 2H 74 --- ENGRAVE to carve a design upon [v]
Other moves: (C)RANNOGE 3C 72, NEAR(I)NG J8 71, ENGRA(V)EN 2B 70, ENRANGE(D) 2B 70, ENRANGE(D) 2H 70
TEENAG(E)R 8H 27 fatcat
On 6th draw, (V)ENULOSE M2 68 --- VENULE a small vein [adj] --- VENULOSE resembling a venule [adj]
Other moves: ENSOULED 10A 63, UNHELES 5E 40, UNSEEL J5 32, NOUSLE J4 30, ESNE J6 28
NOSE J5 23 fatcat
On 7th draw, ATHEISE 5E 40 --- ATHEISE to talk as an atheist [v]
Other moves: SAE J7 25, EAST J5 23, EST J6 22, AITS J4 20, ATES J4 20
INSET O1 18 fatcat
On 8th draw, (E)NOKI O1 39 --- ENOKI a small white edible mushroom [n]
Other moves: KADI L1 35, GLISK(S) J2 33, INKL(E)D O1 33, KAD(E) L1 31, KAD(I) L1 31
DISK(S) 8K 30 fatcat
On 9th draw, HEIL 6J 30 --- HEIL to salute [v]
Other tops: THELF 6J 30
Other moves: FIVE G9 29, HEFT G9 29, HIVE G9 29, THIEF 4A 29, FANE L1 28
HEIL 6J 30 fatcat
On 10th draw, OPSIN 8K 30 --- OPSIN a type of protein [n]
Other moves: BOVIDS 10D 29, PSIS 8L 27, VISON 8K 27, BIPODS 10D 26, SPIN N6 26
BINS L9 16 fatcat
On 11th draw, INFARES N8 38 --- INFARE a reception for newlyweds [n]
Other moves: PREFABS L8 30, FABS G9 28, FANE L1 28, FANES G9 28, FARE L1 28
FEARS G9 28 fatcat
On 12th draw, ORATION J9 66 --- ORATION a formal speech [n]
Other moves: ORATIONS 14G 60, NORITE 8D 21, PRONAOI L8 21, PRONOTA L8 21, RATITE 8D 21
TRAIN 4A 14 fatcat
On 13th draw, ZERDA 4A 52 --- ZERDA an African fox [n]
Other moves: ZANDER 15H 51, ZED M11 45, MAZE 4C 43, MAZED 4A 43, AZURN 15F 42
MAZED 4A 43 fatcat
On 14th draw, LUTZ A1 39 --- LUTZ a jump in figure skating [n]
Other moves: GLUCAN 15E 27, CLANG 15G 24, CLUNG 15G 24, CANG 15H 21, CUITTLE 13H 20
CLANG 15G 24 fatcat
On 15th draw, MAYO L1 33 --- MAYO mayonnaise [n]
Other moves: BOY M11 32, BUY M11 32, MOY M11 32, YOB M11 31, YOM M11 31
MOBY G9 28 fatcat
On 16th draw, ACCEND 15F 33 --- ACCEND to kindle [v]
Other moves: ACCENT 15F 30, ACNED 15H 30, BANED 15H 30, BANTED 15H 30, BRACTED C3 30
DANCE 15H 27 fatcat
On 17th draw, WAB M13 28 --- WAB a web [n]
Other moves: TABI M11 26, TAW M11 26, WAT K11 26, WIT K11 26, TWAITE 8D 24
TAB 14D 21 fatcat
On 18th draw, BID K11 25 --- BID to make a bid (an offer of a price) [v]
Other moves: GLIB 14C 23, DIB 14D 22, GIB 14D 22, BILGE I11 21, BLITE 8E 21
GLIB 14C 23 fatcat
On 19th draw, VISTO F2 39 --- VISTO a view [n]
Other moves: OVIST F1 32, VISITE 8D 27, VIE I13 23, VOE I13 23, VOL L10 23
VIE I13 23 fatcat
On 20th draw, IVY 14D 30 --- IVY a climbing vine [n]
Other tops: FLY 14D 30, VLY 14D 30
Other moves: FY 14E 29, IF 14E 26, FIE I13 23, VIE I13 23, FLITE 8E 22
IF 14E 26 fatcat
On 21th draw, QUIT 15A 45 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other moves: QUILT C10 38, QUIT C11 36, QUIRT C1 28, QUIT 13A 28, QUIT D12 28
QUIT 15A 45 fatcat
QUIT 13A 28 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
QI D13 11 roocatcher
On 22th draw, GULF 13A 22 --- GULF a deep chasm [n] --- GULF to swallow up [v]
Other moves: TIX 12J 20, FUG 13B 18, XU B14 18, FIGO 3E 16, FRUG C3 16
TIX 12J 20 fatcat
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