Game on Mars 20, 2020 at 00:53, 6 players
1. 364 pts rangerjake
2. 121 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 110 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 82 82
2. 11B 94 176
3. 12A 29 205
4. D8 50 255
5. 4H 74 329
6. 8A 54 383
7. 6A 67 450
8. 5D 32 482
9. J4 69 551
10. A12 39 590
11. B10 44 634
12. A1 33 667
13. 10B 26 693
14. O1 39 732
15. 2J 32 764
16. B1 33 797
17. 1E 34 831
18. C8 30 861
19. K10 30 891
20. 14J 40 931
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.4887 rangerjake 0 26:00 -567 364 1.7049 GLOBEMAN 1 5:02 -810 121
2.7049 GLOBEMAN 1 5:02 -810 121 2.7175 roocatcher 1 6:31 -821 110
3.7175 roocatcher 1 6:31 -821 110 3.7156 sunshine12 0 5:05 -833 98
4.7156 sunshine12 0 5:05 -833 98 4.7742 TWEEKS 0 1:31 -909 22
5.7742 TWEEKS 0 1:31 -909 22 5.7680 enzotiger 0 1:28 -911 20
6.7680 enzotiger 0 1:28 -911 20 Group: not rated
1.4887 rangerjake 0 26:00 -567 364
On 1st draw, MADWORT H4 82 --- MADWORT a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: MADWORT H2 80, MADWORT H3 78, MADWORT H6 78, MADWORT H7 78, MADWORT H8 78
WORM H5 18 rangerjake
On 2nd draw, HA(P)AX(E)S 11B 94 --- HAPAX a word that occurs only once [n]
Other moves: XA(N)(T)HAMS 4B 86, HA(N)DAX(E)S 6E 85, XA(N)THA(M)S 10E 70, XA(N)THA(N)S 10E 70, HA(P)AX(E)S 5E 60
TAX(E)S 10H 27 rangerjake
On 3rd draw, QAT 12A 29 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT G3 28, QAT I3 28, TALAQ 5E 28, TALAQ 5G 28, TALAQ C10 28
TAXER F9 14 rangerjake
On 4th draw, CHI(P)S D8 50 --- CHIP to break a small piece from [v]
Other tops: CHO(P)S D8 50
Other moves: HOO(P)S D8 48, COO(P)S D8 44, GOO(P)S D8 40, HI(P)S D9 38, HO(P)S D9 38
HASH B11 20 rangerjake
On 5th draw, MODELLER 4H 74 --- MODELLER one that models [n]
Other moves: ROWELLED 7F 66, WELLDOER 7H 64, REROLLED 9F 63, REROLLED 9H 61, DOLCE 8A 24
RIDE 10C 24 rangerjake
On 6th draw, ZOCCO 8A 54 --- ZOCCO a plinth at the bottom of a wall [n]
Other moves: ZITE 3I 51, ZIT 3I 48, ZOO 3I 48, ZO 3I 45, ZOIC 8A 45
DOZE 6H 34 rangerjake
On 7th draw, GATEFOLD 6A 67 --- GATEFOLD a folded insert in a book or magazine [n]
Other moves: AGILE 10B 35, FROGLET O3 33, FLOREAT O1 30, FOAL 5K 30, REFLAG O4 30
REGAL O4 18 rangerjake
On 8th draw, BOP 5D 32 --- BOP to dance to pop music [v]
Other moves: BENI 5B 30, BINE 5B 30, EBON 5C 30, OBIING A1 30, PENI 5B 30
POINT C2 14 rangerjake
On 9th draw, DIMEROUS J4 69 --- DIMEROUS composed of two parts [adj]
Other moves: ERODIUMS J1 65, QUIM A12 45, MOISER I3 36, SOME I6 35, COMATES C8 34
SO F8 21 rangerjake
On 10th draw, QATS A12 39 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: VAPORS F3 30, VITA 10C 28, TRAVIS O3 27, POAS F5 25, POIS F5 25
SI F8 21 rangerjake
On 11th draw, WHALE B10 44 --- WHALE to engage in the hunting of whales (large marine mammals) [v]
Other moves: REWIND 8J 42, WEID 10B 39, WEIL 10B 37, DEWING A1 36, LWEI 10A 35
TEW 14A 12 rangerjake
On 12th draw, EYEING A1 33 --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other tops: RETYING O4 33, TYEING A1 33
Other moves: TEENY N2 32, ENERGY O1 30, GREENY O3 30, TRYING O3 30, GEEING A1 27
TEERING O1 24 rangerjake
On 13th draw, WRITE 10B 26 --- WRITE to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument [v]
Other moves: BARRET O1 24, BEAR 3K 24, BEAT 3K 24, PEAR 3K 24, PEAT 3K 24
PRATER O3 24 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
RAPER O4 21 rangerjake
On 14th draw, INBREAK O1 39 --- INBREAK a violent rush in [n]
Other moves: BLANK M3 32, BLEAK M3 32, BLINK M3 32, CARATE C8 30, ENLINK M2 30
RANKE O4 27 roocatcher
BEAR O1 18 rangerjake
On 15th draw, PIDGIN 2J 32 --- PIDGIN a mixed language [n]
Other moves: YEDING 2A 30, PIDGIN K10 28, PINGED K10 28, PENED K3 27, PIEING K10 26
DEN B1 23 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
ED K4 12 rangerjake
On 16th draw, FERN B1 33 --- FERN a flowerless vascular plant [n]
Other moves: CURATE C8 30, ERF B2 29, ERF N4 29, FEN B1 29, FER B1 29
REF B1 29 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
SERF 11J 14 rangerjake
On 17th draw, VIRAGO 1E 34 --- VIRAGO a noisy, domineering woman [n]
Other moves: CARATE C8 30, VEGO 1G 28, VIREO 1F 28, OGIVE K9 27, RIVAGE K10 26
AG C2 20 sunshine12, enzotiger
RATE C10 14 rangerjake
On 18th draw, CURATE C8 30 --- CURATE to act as curator of [v]
Other moves: YU I7 25, AYIN 5H 23, VIREO 9F 23, IVY K11 22, SENVY 11J 22
RATE C10 14 rangerjake
On 19th draw, NINJA K10 30 --- NINJA a feudal Japanese warrior [n]
Other moves: JIBE D3 26, JA 6N 25, DAE 3K 24, JA G8 22, JAK 7M 22
NINJA K10 30 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
JA 6N 25 sunshine12
SAND 11J 10 rangerjake
On 20th draw, VAUNTY 14J 40 --- VAUNTY boastful [adj]
Other moves: VAUTED 14J 36, VANED 14J 34, VAUNT 14J 32, VAUTE 14J 32, JUDY 13K 30
JUDY 13K 30 sunshine12
YAE 14J 14 rangerjake
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