Game on Mars 20, 2020 at 01:41, 1 player
1. 418 pts rangerjake
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 74 74 


10F 73 147 


K5 86 233 


8J 39 272 


O1 77 349 


9G 50 399 


11D 39 438 


12A 30 468 


B9 36 504 


A4 35 539 


N5 32 571 


N10 39 610 


15L 40 650 


B1 28 678 


1B 33 711 


L1 32 743 


2E 63 806 


C3 30 836 


12H 30 866 


6F 28 894 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
rangerjake 0 25:55 -476 418 1.4871 rangerjake 0 25:55 -476 418
On 1st draw, PORNIER H4 74 --- PORNY pornographic [adj]
Other moves: PORNIER H2 70, PORNIER H3 70, PORNIER H6 70, PORNIER H7 70, PORNIER H8 70
RIPEN H4 16 rangerjake
On 2nd draw, FORHAI(L)E 10F 73 --- FORHAILE to distract [v]
Other tops: FORHAI(L)E 6F 73
Other moves: FAI(T)H G9 29, FAI(T)HER 10B 28, FAI(T)HER 6B 28, (K)HARIF 10E 27, (K)HARIF 6E 27
PHO(N)E 4H 18 rangerjake
On 3rd draw, PALATI(N)E K5 86 --- PALATINE a high officer of an empire [n]
Other tops: AP(H)OLATE 5E 86, (S)TAPELIA K4 86
Other moves: PATEL(L)AE M7 76, PATE(L)LAE M7 76, TAPEA(B)LE M7 76, PA(L)L(I)ATE L8 74, PA(N)ETELA M7 74
PELTE(R) M9 20 rangerjake
On 4th draw, CAMLET 8J 39 --- CAMLET a durable fabric [n]
Other tops: LACTAM 8J 39
Other moves: MA(L)ATE L8 34, TAMALE 8J 33, CAMLET L1 32, ACETA 8K 30, AMATE 8K 30
TEAM G5 18 rangerjake
On 5th draw, RUNTIEST O1 77 --- RUNTY small [adj]
Other moves: NUTSIER 13H 76, NEURITES 9B 75, REUNITES 9B 75, NUTSIER 11A 71, TRIUNES 11A 71
STURE N10 30 rangerjake
On 6th draw, ZEE 9G 50 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other tops: ZEA 9G 50
Other moves: GRAZE L1 38, GAZER 11C 37, ZERK 6F 37, GAZER L2 36, GRAZER 6C 36
ZAG 6J 33 rangerjake
On 7th draw, KVAS 11D 39 --- KVAS a Russian bear [n]
Other moves: SKATE N10 38, STAKE N10 38, STEAK N10 38, AUK J4 37, EUK J4 37
SKATE N10 38 rangerjake
On 8th draw, BANI 12A 30 --- BAN a monetary unit of Romania [n]
Other tops: BUNA 12A 30
Other moves: BILIAN L1 28, ALB N4 25, BAC J6 25, NUB J4 25, BAEL N6 24
BAN 6J 11 rangerjake
On 9th draw, AFRAID B9 36 --- AFRAID filled with apprehension [adj]
Other moves: FRAUD B10 34, FRAUD J2 32, AUF J4 31, IGAD 13A 31, DIF N10 30
BARF A12 27 rangerjake
On 10th draw, BOURNE A4 35 --- BOURNE a stream [n]
Other moves: UNROBE A5 33, BOURNE A5 31, BOOB A12 29, UNBORE A4 29, UNROBE A4 29
BORON A5 23 rangerjake
On 11th draw, TYEE N5 32 --- TYEE a food fish [n]
Other moves: YAE N6 29, AY N5 28, YENTA L1 28, YENTE L1 28, AYE N1 26
TUNY 7F 12 rangerjake
On 12th draw, DOULA N10 39 --- DOULA (modern Greek) a woman trained to give support for childbirth [n]
Other moves: ABLED A11 31, DALE N10 28, DEAL N10 28, DELE N10 28, DELO N10 28
DOL M6 16 rangerjake
On 13th draw, WOST 15L 40 --- WIT to know [v]
Other tops: WAST 15L 40, WIST 15L 40
Other moves: TAWS O12 34, TOWS O12 34, WAIST 15K 34, WOADS B2 33, ODIST 15K 31
WO O14 20 rangerjake
On 14th draw, GLUONS B1 28 --- GLUON a hypothetical massless particle binding quarks together [n]
Other moves: BLOG A12 26, GONG B3 23, LONG B3 22, SOLGEL M6 22, SONG B3 22
PALATI(N)ES K5 10 rangerjake
On 15th draw, GARMENT 1B 33 --- GARMENT to clothe [v]
Other moves: MANRED L1 31, MARTED L1 31, GRANTED 1B 30, DAMNER L1 28, MARTEN L1 28
AE A1 17 rangerjake
On 16th draw, WIGGA L1 32 --- WIGGA (derogatory) a white youth who adopts black youth culture [n]
Other moves: CAWED 12H 28, WAGED 12H 28, CAW L4 25, CAGED 12H 24, AIGA C1 23
BOW 4A 8 rangerjake
On 17th draw, OXY 2E 63 --- OXY containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: EXO 2E 57, EX 2E 54, OX 2E 54, EXO N1 42, YEXED 12H 40
BOXY 4A 32 rangerjake
On 18th draw, HOE C3 30 --- HOE to use a hoe (a gardening tool) [v]
Other moves: JOCO 5E 26, JOR 6F 26, HO C3 25, JA 6J 25, JEE G5 25
JA 6J 25 rangerjake
On 19th draw, VICED 12H 30 --- VICE to grip with a special tool [v]
Other moves: CEDED 12H 24, CIDED 12H 24, DIVED 12H 24, DICED 12H 22, MOVED E1 22
DIVE J12 19 rangerjake
On 20th draw, JIRD 6F 28 --- JIRD an African gerbil [n]
Other moves: JEDI 8E 26, JA 6J 25, JEE G5 25, QI I3 25, JEE I3 24
JA 6J 25 rangerjake
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