Game on Mars 24, 2020 at 00:43, 1 player
1. 161 pts rangerjake
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 32 32 


9B 63 95 


B4 67 162 


E4 114 276 


A3 37 313 


D1 25 338 


1A 149 487 


2H 70 557 


8H 91 648 


1N 44 692 


M7 88 780 


12I 38 818 


N12 34 852 


12A 39 891 


J6 32 923 


F4 33 956 


K5 28 984 


A12 27 1011 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
rangerjake 0 12:54 -850 161 1.4866 rangerjake 0 12:54 -850 161
On 1st draw, VOTIVE H4 32 --- VOTIVE a small squat candle [n] --- VOTIVE performed in fulfillment of a vow [adj]
Other tops: VOTIVE H8 32
Other moves: VIVER H4 30, VOTIVE H3 26, VOTIVE H7 26, VIREO H4 24, VIVER H8 24
On 2nd draw, MANNITES 9B 63 --- MANNITE an alcohol [n]
Other moves: TAMIS 10D 26, AMIS 10E 25, MAST 10F 25, MIST 10F 25, SIMA 10H 25
On 3rd draw, EUDAEMON B4 67 --- EUDAEMON a good spirit [n]
Other moves: DONEE 8A 32, NODE 8A 28, NUDE 8A 28, DENE 8A 27, DONA 8A 27
On 4th draw, EXPOUN(D)S E4 114 --- EXPOUND to explain in detail [v]
Other moves: EXPOUN(D)S D4 84, SEXPO(T) A10 70, (A)USPEX C2 70, EXPOS A11 68, EXPO(S) A11 65
On 5th draw, ORGA(N)A A3 37 --- ORGANON a system of rules for scientific investigation [n]
Other tops: ARGA(L)A A3 37
Other moves: AGA(M)A A4 34, OARAG(E) A1 29, ORGA(N)A A1 28, AGORA D1 27, GO(U)RA D1 27
On 6th draw, TESTE D1 25 --- TESTE a witness [n]
Other tops: SETTLE A10 25
Other moves: QIS 7G 23, STEEL 10H 22, STELE 10H 22, LEETS C2 21, QI 7G 21
On 7th draw, DIPTERAN 1A 149 --- DIPTERAN a two-winged insect [n]
Other moves: SPRAINED 11E 72, PAINED A10 36, PAIRED A10 36, PANDER A10 36, PARDIE A10 36
On 8th draw, OLEARIA 2H 70 --- OLEARIA an Australian daisy-tree [n]
Other moves: OLEARIA 10I 63, LOIR F4 27, ALOE F3 25, OAR F5 23, PROA C1 23
On 9th draw, VISIONED 8H 91 --- VISION to imagine [v]
Other moves: VISIONED 4H 78, IRONISED L1 74, IRONSIDE L1 72, RESINOID L2 70, IODINES 10I 64
SOD 12B 20 rangerjake
On 10th draw, ZA 1N 44 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: GAZIER N4 36, RIZAS J4 34, ZARIBA K1 34, ZAG G5 33, ZATI 7L 33
ZO 5G 11 rangerjake
On 11th draw, ENWREATH M7 88 --- ENWREATH to encircle with a wreath [v]
Other moves: WETHER A10 46, HEATER A10 37, HEREAT A10 37, WREATH L1 32, WRETHE L1 32
WIT 7G 15 rangerjake
On 12th draw, OUTWALK 12I 38 --- OUTWALK to surpass in walking [v]
Other moves: KIWI 7G 32, LAWK 12L 32, WALK 12L 32, WAUK 12L 32, TIKI 7G 28
HOW 14M 18 rangerjake
On 13th draw, LIMY N12 34 --- LIMY resembling or containing lime [adj]
Other moves: MURLIN A10 33, PYIN C1 32, YUM 12B 31, LIMN N12 28, MY N14 28
LUNY J11 15 rangerjake
On 14th draw, BYRL 12A 39 --- BYRL to carouse [v]
Other moves: COIR F4 31, YOB 12B 31, BIOLYTIC K7 30, CIBOL 7G 27, LOIR F4 27
YO 15N 15 rangerjake
On 15th draw, QIS J6 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: CHEF 13F 29, FETICH K10 28, FEY 15L 28, FITCHE K10 28, HEY 15L 28
QI 7G 21 rangerjake
On 16th draw, FOEN F4 33 --- FOE an enemy [n]
Other moves: FEEN 2B 30, FOE F4 30, FOEN 2B 30, FEY 15L 28, BUFO A12 27
TOQUE 6H 14 rangerjake
On 17th draw, BIDI K5 28 --- BIDI (Hindi) a hand rolled cigarette [n]
Other moves: BLUB A12 24, BULB A12 24, CRIB L1 22, DIEL 2B 22, BUDI A12 21
CLUB J10 14 rangerjake
On 18th draw, BUHL A12 27 --- BUHL a style of furniture decoration [n]
Other tops: BUHR A12 27
Other moves: GULCH 13E 25, FRUG L1 24, LURCH 13E 24, CURF 13F 23, GULF 13F 22
BLUR A12 18 rangerjake
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