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Game on April 24, 2020 at 20:43, 1 player
1. 303 pts PIThompson

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeeovz   H4    46    46   zoeae
 2. beeepst   G5    24    70   tepees
 3. ?aioqsv   I3    34   104   qat
 4. aehilos   J1    38   142   ahis
 5. eeimnpr  10G    66   208   spermine
 6. bdfiors   O4   114   322   forbids
 7. aeiilno  11H    28   350   olein
 8. deiiloy  H10    42   392   podley
 9. afilmnt  14C    67   459   filament
10. cginotv   1D    39   498   cotinga
11. abkoors  12L    40   538   krab
12. deiootv   M3    78   616   devotion
13. aehiuwx   L6    45   661   wax
14. eiosuvw   L1    41   702   view
15. aenotuy  15A    32   734   yuan
16. agijotu  O12    39   773   baju
17. aeglnrt   1L    24   797   vang
18. cehirrs   6E    33   830   creesh
19. deilorr   E4    20   850   dociler
20. agorttu   D1    24   874   cagot

Remaining tiles: rtuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7946 FilePIThompson  5  5:02  -571  303     1.7946 PIThompson  5  5:02  -571  303 

On 1st draw, ZOE(A)E H4 46 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: EVZO(N)E H3 42, EVZO(N)E H4 36, EVZO(N)E H7 36, EVZO(N)E H5 34, EVZO(N)E H6 34

On 2nd draw, TEPEES G5 24 --- TEPEE a conical tent of some North American Indians [n]
Other moves: BEEPS G5 23, TEPEE G5 23, BEEP G5 21, BEEPS G6 21, BEEPS G7 21

On 3rd draw, QA(T) I3 34 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: S(U)QS 10D 32, OVISA(C) H10 29, ZO(Y)SIA 4H 28, ZA(T)IS 4H 26, ZI(L)AS 4H 26

On 4th draw, AHIS J1 38 --- AHI a Hawaiian fish (yellowfin tuna or bigeye) [n]
Other moves: HIS J2 37, HOISE J1 36, HALOES H10 35, H**L*S H10 35, HELIOS H10 35

On 5th draw, SPERMINE 10G 66 --- SPERMINE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: AMPERE 1J 39, EMPAIRE 1G 36, PERINEA 1D 36, PRENAME 1F 36, APEMEN 1J 33

On 6th draw, FORBIDS O4 114 --- FORBID to command not to do something [v]
Other moves: FIBROIDS L5 80, FIBROSED N4 70, ROSBIF O8 49, FIBROS O5 46, FIORDS O5 43

On 7th draw, OLEIN 11H 28 --- OLEIN the liquid portion of a fat [n]
Other moves: PENIAL H10 27, PINEAL H10 27, PINOLE H10 27, ALINE N2 25, ALONE N2 25

On 8th draw, PODLEY H10 42 --- PODLEY a young coalfish [n]
Other moves: LEADY 1H 39, EYLIAD 1F 30, POODLE H10 30, POOLED H10 30, YIELD 12D 30

On 9th draw, FILAMENT 14C 67 --- FILAMENT a very thin thread or threadlike structure [n]
Other moves: LIFTMAN 1E 36, ALMAIN 1J 33, FANTAIL 1F 33, FANTAIL 1I 33, TAILFAN 1I 33

On 10th draw, COTINGA 1D 39 --- COTINGA a bird with bright plumage [n]
Other moves: INCAVO 1G 36, OVATING 1H 36, ANGICO 1J 33, COATING 1H 33, ACTING 1J 30

On 11th draw, KRAB 12L 40 --- KRAB a steel link used in mountaineering [n]
Other moves: BOAK 9I 36, BOOK 13A 36, KABS 12L 36, KBAR 12L 36, KOBO 12L 36
KOBS 12L 36 PIThompson

On 12th draw, DEVOTION M3 78 --- DEVOTION the act of devoting [n]
Other moves: VIED 15A 40, VOTED 13B 35, TIED 15A 31, TOED 15A 31, VIDE 13B 31
VIED 15A 40 PIThompson

On 13th draw, WAX L6 45 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: HEX 13B 45, HEX L6 45, WEX 13B 45, WEX L6 45
Other moves: EX 13C 37, AX L7 36, EX L7 36, AXE 15A 35, WHAE L1 35
WAX L6 45 PIThompson

On 14th draw, VIEW L1 41 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: OWES 15A 32, VIES 15A 32, VOES 15A 32, WOES 15A 32, VOW L2 31
VIEW L1 41 PIThompson

On 15th draw, YUAN 15A 32 --- YUAN a monetary unit of China [n]
Other tops: YEAN 15A 32
Other moves: YEA 13L 29, YEN 13L 29, YET 13L 29, AYE 13K 27, BAYE O12 27
YEN 13L 29 PIThompson

On 16th draw, BAJU O12 39 --- BAJU a short Malayan jacket [n]
Other moves: GAIJIN D10 28, JAFA C12 28, AJEE 6E 27, AGOUTI 15J 26, JEE 6F 26
BAJU O12 39 PIThompson

On 17th draw, VANG 1L 24 --- VANG a rope on a ship [n]
Other tops: VEGA 1L 24
Other moves: VALE 1L 21, VANE 1L 21, VANT 1L 21, VARE 1L 21, VEAL 1L 21
VANG 1L 24 PIThompson

On 18th draw, CREESH 6E 33 --- CREESH to grease [v]
Other tops: CHEESE 6E 33
Other moves: CHIELS E10 30, CHIRLS E10 30, ICHS 2B 27, CHICER D1 26, CHIRRED 12B 26
RICH 2A 25 PIThompson

On 19th draw, DOCILER E4 20 --- DOCILE easily trained [adj]
Other moves: DREIDL 12D 19, CLERID E6 18, COILED E6 18, COLDER E6 18, COLDIE E6 18

On 20th draw, CAGOT D1 24 --- CAGOT a member of an outcast class [n]
Other moves: CURAT D1 22, ARGOL 8A 21, GORAL 8A 21, RUGAL 8A 21, GOA 9I 20
CAGOT D1 24 PIThompson

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