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Game on May 21, 2020 at 01:56, 9 players
1. 125 pts sunshine12
2. 121 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 69 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eggimnr   H4    78    78   merging
 2. ?aeeltx   5E   106   184   axletree
 3. eknopss   8E    65   249   pokiness
 4. bcdiort   4K    32   281   boric
 5. aimoopt   4A    39   320   matipo
 6. ?ailosu  11E    86   406   outsail
 7. ehinory   6B    53   459   horny
 8. aeehjlu  10J    36   495   haj
 9. aeiottu   A4    36   531   mattie
10. aegintu   M9    30   561   giant
11. addelsu  N10    39   600   slued
12. cdeinrv   O4    36   636   cervid
13. adnoqrz   N2    41   677   azido
14. aelnqry  F10    45   722   query
15. adeelnv  12A    30   752   vendee
16. abceruu  O12    41   793   beau
17. eilotuw  A12    30   823   view
18. aciloru   C9    24   847   cornual
19. ffinotw  B10    29   876   woe

Remaining tiles: ffint

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6992 Filesunshine12  0  3:43  -751  125     1.7018 GLOBEMAN    2  3:06  -755  121 
  2.7018 FileGLOBEMAN    2  3:06  -755  121     2.7831 roocatcher  1  2:40  -807   69 
  3.7831 Fileroocatcher  1  2:40  -807   69     3.7570 enzotiger   1  1:07  -846   30 
  4.7570 Fileenzotiger   1  1:07  -846   30     4.7892 WEASEL      1  1:34  -846   30 
  5.7892 FileWEASEL      1  1:34  -846   30     5.7742 TWEEKS      0  1:58  -854   22 
  6.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:48  -848   28            Group: intermediate
  7.7742 FileTWEEKS      0  1:58  -854   22     1.6992 sunshine12  0  3:43  -751  125 
  8.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:42  -856   20            Group: not rated
  9.  -  FileAMYtheROO   0  1:17  -856   20     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:48  -848   28 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:42  -856   20 
                                             3.  -  AMYtheROO   0  1:17  -856   20 

On 1st draw, MERGING H4 78 --- MERGE to combine [v] --- MERGING an act of merging [n]
Other moves: GERMING H4 76, GERMING H6 76, MERGING H6 76, GERMING H2 74, GERMING H3 74
MERGING H4 28 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, AXLET(R)EE 5E 106 --- AXLETREE a type of axle [n]
Other moves: EXALTE(D) 3H 104, EXALTE(R) 3H 104, LATEXE(S) 3C 104, TELE(F)AX 3G 92, EXALTE(D) 3C 90
LATEXE(S) 11B 37 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, POKINESS 8E 65 --- POKINESS the state of being poky [n]
Other moves: KNOSPS M2 41, PENK 4L 38, PONK 4L 38, KNOPS M1 37, KNOSP M2 37
SPOKE 4B 37 sunshine12

On 4th draw, BORIC 4K 32 --- BORIC pertaining to boron [adj]
Other moves: DORIC 4K 29, BIRD 4L 26, BORD 4L 26, BROD 4L 26, DORB 4L 26
BIDON 9D 23 sunshine12

On 5th draw, MATIPO 4A 39 --- MATIPO a New Zealand shrub [n]
Other moves: POMATO 4A 37, COMPOT O4 36, OPTIMA 4A 35, CAMPI O4 33, CAMPO O4 33

On 6th draw, OU(T)SAIL 11E 86 --- OUTSAIL to sail faster than [v]
Other moves: U(N)ISONAL 9C 78, LAMI(N)OUS A2 77, OU(R)ALIS 11B 74, OUT(S)AILS C2 68, PLIOSAU(R) E8 68

On 7th draw, HORNY 6B 53 --- HORNY hornlike in hardness [adj]
Other tops: HENRY 6B 53
Other moves: RHY 6D 46, HERY 6C 44, IRONY 6B 44, ONERY 6B 44, HENRY 10J 42

On 8th draw, HAJ 10J 36 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: CHELAE O4 33, JA 3L 32, JA 3B 31, CHELA O4 30, HALE 10J 30

On 9th draw, MATTIE A4 36 --- MATTIE a young herring [n]
Other tops: MUTATE A4 36
Other moves: MATTE A4 33, MOTET A4 33, MOTTE A4 33, TOUTIE A6 30, TATIE A6 27

On 10th draw, GIANT M9 30 --- GIANT a person or thing of great size [n]
Other moves: GUANINE 9C 28, INGATE M10 28, TINGE M9 28, ACTING O3 27, CANGUE O4 27

On 11th draw, SLUED N10 39 --- SLUE to cause to move sideways (pr p SLUING, SLUEING) [v]
Other moves: CAUDLED O4 33, CUDDLES O4 33, SCALDED O3 33, SCAUDED O3 33, SCUDDLE O3 33

On 12th draw, CERVID O4 36 --- CERVID a type of deer [n] --- CERVID of the deer family [adj]
Other moves: VICED 12A 33, VERDIN 12A 32, VERIDIC N1 30, VINED 12A 29, VIRED 12A 29

On 13th draw, AZIDO N2 41 --- AZIDE a type of chemical compound [adj] --- AZIDO relating to azide [adj]
Other moves: QUOAD F10 39, ZA 3B 37, DZO B9 36, AZON B9 35, AZO B9 34

On 14th draw, QUERY F10 45 --- QUERY to question [v]
Other moves: QUEYN F10 39, QUALE F10 36, QUARE F10 36, QUAY F10 36, QUEAN F10 36

On 15th draw, VENDEE 12A 30 --- VENDEE a buyer [n]
Other tops: ADVENE B9 30
Other moves: ANELE 9G 28, DEV O13 28, NEED O12 28, LEAVED B9 26, NEAL O12 25
DEV O13 28 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88

On 16th draw, BEAU O12 41 --- BEAU a boyfriend [n]
Other tops: BEAR O12 41
Other moves: REZ 3L 31, CAB O13 29, VERB A12 27, CARBY 14B 24, CAR O13 23
BEAR O12 41 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 17th draw, VIEW A12 30 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: OVULE A11 24, OWELTY 14A 24, TEW 7A 24, TOW 7A 24, LOATHE B2 22
VIEW A12 30 GLOBEMAN, enzotiger, WEASEL

On 18th draw, CORNUAL C9 24 --- CORNU a hornlike bone formation [adj] --- CORNUAL pertaining to the cornu [adj]
Other moves: CORNUA C9 22, CRINAL C9 22, CORNI C9 20, CORNU C9 20, GIAOUR 7H 18

On 19th draw, WOE B10 29 --- WOE tremendous grief [n]
Other moves: TOW 7A 24, FIT 3B 23, OW O1 20, WOF 3J 20, FOIN 7J 17
OW O1 20 BadBoyBen, AMYtheROO

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