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Game on June 21, 2020 at 00:01, 5 players
1. 366 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 268 pts bumpkin
3. 229 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eegnpsy   H8    28    28   seepy
 2. ahiottw  11E    60    88   towpath
 3. ?aiiosz  10F    78   166   zoeas
 4. egmorsy   L7    44   210   gyrose
 5. abiloor  12D    40   250   bialy
 6. ?aegiln   8A    80   330   aligners
 7. ?aiinst   A1    74   404   fistiana
 8. deortuv   C3    84   488   outdrive
 9. aelmruu  B10    38   526   mauler
10. defikmn   8K    48   574   fyked
11. achimor   E1    80   654   choirman
12. cdeeopr   O1   101   755   precoded
13. enotuuv  15A    36   791   trove
14. abglnuw   1E    27   818   claw
15. begnorx  A11    36   854   ex
16. aegiiot   2J    22   876   goiter
17. abijruu   N5    34   910   jiber
18. afiinqu   3I    59   969   quina
19. dfinnnu   4H    25   994   fin

Remaining tiles: dnnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7048 FileGLOBEMAN    2  9:15  -628  366     1.7048 GLOBEMAN    2  9:15  -628  366 
  2.7554 Filebumpkin     1  9:44  -726  268     2.7554 bumpkin     1  9:44  -726  268 
  3.7157 Filesunshine12  3  7:31  -765  229     3.7157 sunshine12  3  7:31  -765  229 
  4.7236 Filedannyboy    0  2:29  -951   43     4.7236 dannyboy    0  2:29  -951   43 
  5.  -  FileAMYtheROO   1  1:41  -958   36            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  AMYtheROO   1  1:41  -958   36 

On 1st draw, SEEPY H8 28 --- SEEPY soaked or oozing with water [adj]
Other moves: PEYSE H4 26, PYNES H4 26, PEYSE H8 22, PYNES H8 22, SEEPY H4 22

On 2nd draw, TOWPATH 11E 60 --- TOWPATH a path along a river that is used by animals towing boats [n]
Other moves: WHOA G9 37, WHO G9 31, THAW G6 29, HAW G7 28, HOW G7 28

On 3rd draw, ZOEAS 10F 78 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: ZOE(A)S 10F 76, Z(O)EAS 10F 76, ZOEA(E) 10F 72, ZOEA(S) 10F 72, ZOEA 10F 71
SAZ 10D 65 GLOBEMAN, bumpkin

On 4th draw, GYROSE L7 44 --- GYROSE marked with wavy lines [adj]
Other moves: MOSEY 12D 40, GORSY L8 38, MORSE L8 36, MOSEY L9 36, MOSEY 12K 35
YOW G9 22 bumpkin

On 5th draw, BIALY 12D 40 --- BIALY an onion roll [n]
Other moves: ABOIL 12B 28, BALOO 12B 28, BORAL 12B 28, BRAIL 12B 28, BROIL 12B 28
BORAL 12B 28 bumpkin
REB 9G 24 dannyboy

On 6th draw, ALIGNE(R)S 8A 80 --- ALIGNER one that aligns [n]
Other tops: NA(R)GILES 8A 80
Other moves: EANLI(N)GS 8A 77, EA(N)LINGS 8A 77, GAINLE(S)S 8A 77, GA(L)LEINS 8A 77, GELA(T)INS 8A 77
GLEAN 13A 19 dannyboy

On 7th draw, (F)ISTIANA A1 74 --- FISTIANA boxing tales [n]
Other tops: A(C)TINIAS A8 74, INTA(R)SIA A1 74
Other moves: ANTI(B)IAS A8 71, AL(P)INIST B7 68, A(G)ISTING D1 68, IN(I)TIALS B2 68, LATINIS(E) B8 68
SAYIN(G) 8J 24 GLOBEMAN, bumpkin

On 8th draw, OUTDRIVE C3 84 --- OUTDRIVE to drive a golf ball farther than [v]
Other moves: VOYEUR 8J 36, TYRED 8K 27, LOUVRED B8 26, ROVED 13A 26, VOTED 13A 26
VOYEUR 8J 36 bumpkin, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 9th draw, MAULER B10 38 --- MAULER one that mauls [n]
Other moves: MARLE B10 36, MURAL B10 36, MYLAR 8K 30, ULEMA D1 28, YELM 8L 27
MAULER B10 38 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 10th draw, FYKED 8K 48 --- FYKE to fidget restlessly [v]
Other moves: DREK 15A 42, FREMD 15A 42, KYNDE 8K 39, DRINK 15A 33, FRIEND 15A 33

On 11th draw, CHOIRMAN E1 80 --- CHOIRMAN a male chorister [n]
Other moves: CHIMO D1 42, MORICHE N2 40, ARCH 15A 39, CHORIA D1 39, ORACH 15A 39
HO A14 26 sunshine12

On 12th draw, PRECODED O1 101 --- PRECODE to code beforehand [v]
Other moves: PRECODED O3 65, PRECODE 15A 45, PROCEED 15A 45, CREPED 15A 42, COERCED 1E 36
CROP 15A 33 sunshine12, bumpkin

On 13th draw, TROVE 15A 36 --- TROVE a valuable discovery [n]
Other moves: COVENT 1E 33, ERUV 15A 33, COVEN 1E 30, COVET 1E 30, COVE 1E 27
COVENT 1E 33 bumpkin, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 14th draw, CLAW 1E 27 --- CLAW to scratch with claws (sharp, curved toenails) [v]
Other moves: GUNWALE 3I 26, CLANG 1E 24, CLUB 1E 24, CLUNG 1E 24, AWN F2 22
CLAW 1E 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, bumpkin

On 15th draw, EX A11 36 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: OXO C13 33, EXON 14E 29, OXEN 14E 29, OXER 14E 29, BOXER 2K 28
EX A11 36 sunshine12, AMYtheROO

On 16th draw, GOITER 2J 22 --- GOITER an enlargement of the thyroid gland [n]
Other tops: GAITER 2J 22, OLEA 13A 22
Other moves: GOATIER 2I 20, HATE 2E 20, HOTE 2E 20, GOAF K5 19, ATOKE M5 18

On 17th draw, JIBER N5 34 --- JIBER one that jibes [n]
Other moves: JIBE N5 33, BAJU 3G 27, JIB 3I 27, JA N5 25, JAI 1K 25

On 18th draw, QUINA 3I 59 --- QUINA tree bark [n]
Other moves: QI 1L 44, QUIN 3I 30, QUAI 3G 27, FANE 3L 25, FINE 3L 25

On 19th draw, FIN 4H 25 --- FIN to equip with fins (external paddle-like structures) [v]
Other moves: FIND L1 24, FINI L1 22, DIN 4H 21, FIND M12 21, FUND M12 21

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