Game on July 11, 2020 at 17:35, 1 player
1. 22 pts girolle
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


4H 70 94 


O1 27 121 


6D 76 197 


8H 104 301 


E5 78 379 


12D 82 461 


1H 110 571 


8A 39 610 


13G 32 642 


F12 40 682 


14I 40 722 


15K 42 764 


B5 66 830 


2B 76 906 


1A 47 953 


3C 33 986 


A12 51 1037 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. -
girolle 0 0:34 -1015 22 1. - girolle 0 0:34 -1015 22
On 1st draw, MODGE H4 24 --- MODGE (Dial.) to do shoddy work , MODGING, MODGED [v]
Other tops: COMET H4 24, COMTE H4 24
Other moves: COTED H4 22, MOTED H4 22, COMET H8 20, COMTE H8 20, COTED H8 20
On 2nd draw, ME(U)NIERE 4H 70 --- MEUNIERE cooked in browned butter [adj]
Other moves: E(S)ERINE 9G 68, NEE(D)IER 9E 67, NEED(F)IRE 6E 62, NEED(L)IER 6E 62, REDENIE(D) 6F 62
On 3rd draw, SKIER O1 27 --- SKIER one that skis [n]
Other tops: KORES O1 27, ROKES O1 27, SIKER O1 27
Other moves: GOUKS 9D 25, GROKS 9D 25, KORE O1 24, RISK 9F 24, ROKE O1 24
On 4th draw, JEMIDARS 6D 76 --- JEMIDAR an Indian army officer [n]
Other moves: MAJORS 5E 33, MASJID 6C 32, JADES 6F 31, JEDIS 6F 31, JARK 2L 30
On 5th draw, ENQUIRES 8H 104 --- ENQUIRE to inquire [v]
Other moves: ENQUIRES E6 84, INQUERES E2 84, SQUIREEN E1 84, REQUINS 9B 78, ENQUIRES 8B 77
On 6th draw, (D)ELETION E5 78 --- DELETION the act of deleting [n]
Other tops: ELE(C)TION E4 78
Other moves: EL(A)TIONS 1H 74, EL(U)TIONS 1H 74, ETIOL(I)NS 1H 74, ET(I)OLINS 1H 74, LENTOI(D)S 1H 74
On 7th draw, UNSAYING 12D 82 --- UNSAY to retract something said [v]
Other moves: YINS 9I 35, GANSEY 8A 33, GYNAES 8A 33, GYNIES 8A 33, SAYING D9 33
On 8th draw, ACOLYTHS 1H 110 --- ACOLYTH an assistant [n]
Other moves: LYTHE 8A 45, CHYLE 8A 42, CLOYE 8A 42, TACHE 8A 42, CHALET 8A 36
On 9th draw, TAPPET 8A 39 --- TAPPET a sliding rod that causes another part of a mechanism to move [n]
Other tops: TAPPER 8A 39, TOPPER 8A 39
Other moves: RAPPE 8A 36, YAPP H12 33, TRAPE 8A 30, TROPE 8A 30, TYPTO H11 30
On 10th draw, WED 13G 32 --- WED to marry [v]
Other tops: DEF 13G 32
Other moves: BEDE 13G 31, FES F10 29, TEF F8 29, BED 13G 28, NEF 13G 28
On 11th draw, SAZ F12 40 --- SAZ a stringed instrument of the Middle East [n]
Other moves: VIZOR 10D 37, ZA 14F 37, BEZOAR M3 36, TZAR 2E 35, BIZ 10D 34
On 12th draw, ECHARD 14I 40 --- ECHARD the water in the soil not available to plants [n]
Other moves: EUCHRED N8 38, YECH H12 36, RHEA 11H 35, HAE 2J 34, HEARD 11I 33
On 13th draw, AXE 15K 42 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: BRONZE 14B 40, AX 15K 39, BEAN 15L 39, BEAR 15L 39, EX 15K 39
EX 9M 22 girolle
On 14th draw, DONATIVE B5 66 --- DONATIVE a donation [n]
Other moves: DOIT 9H 33, OINTED 9I 33, DOVE 11G 31, DEI 9H 30, NEVI 11G 29
On 15th draw, FLOUTER 2B 76 --- FLOUTER one that flouts [n]
Other moves: FELT A12 42, FLOE A12 42, FLOR A12 42, FLUE A12 42, FORE A12 42
On 16th draw, BOAB 1A 47 --- BOAB a tropical tree with a swollen trunk [n]
Other moves: BAWL A12 43, BLAW A12 43, BLOW A12 43, BOWL A12 43, WAIL A12 42
On 17th draw, LOGIN 3C 33 --- LOGIN the process of identifying oneself to a computer [n] --- LOGIN to access a computer system by name and password (no inflections) [v]
Other tops: LIGAN 3C 33, LOGAN 3C 33, LOGIA 3C 33
Other moves: GRANIVORE M7 32, VIAL 11I 30, NOVA 11G 29, VIA 11I 28, ALONG 7D 27
On 18th draw, WAIF A12 51 --- WAIF to throw away [v]
Other moves: WAIF 13L 42, AVOW A12 36, MOTIF F6 35, FOU 2J 34, WAI 13L 34
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