Game on October 2, 2020 at 06:15, 2 players
1. 512 pts Chelsea
2. 280 pts boyerdan
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


5B 36 60 


4C 31 91 


6C 36 127 


8H 83 210 


N7 72 282 


O12 58 340 


K1 72 412 


1J 45 457 


I8 65 522 


11E 48 570 


2I 39 609 


12A 32 641 


A7 92 733 


10E 32 765 


15G 51 816 


M11 23 839 


14A 40 879 


4J 28 907 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 4 15:28 -395 512 1.7495 Chelsea 4 15:28 -395 512
boyerdan 3 8:50 -627 280 2.7985 boyerdan 3 8:50 -627 280
On 1st draw, VERRA H4 24 --- VERRA (Scots) very [adv]
Other moves: TAVERN H3 20, TAVERN H4 20, TAVERN H7 20, TAVERN H8 20, AVERT H4 18
VERRA H4 24 boyerdan
On 2nd draw, MARQUEE 5B 36 --- MARQUEE a rooflike structure projecting over an entrance [n]
Other tops: MARQUEE 5C 36
Other moves: MARQUE 5C 34, QUEME 5D 32, QUAERE 5C 30, QUAERE 5E 30, MARQUE 7F 28
MARQUEE 5B 36 boyerdan
QUARE 5D 28 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, JA 4C 31 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JANDAL C1 28, UNJAM B1 28, RAJA 6H 27, JUD 4A 26, RAJ 6H 26
JA 4C 31 Chelsea
UNJAM B1 28 boyerdan
On 4th draw, GEIT 6C 36 --- GEIT a child [n]
Other moves: FIG 6D 35, FIRER 6D 33, TIGER 6D 33, REIF 6A 31, TERF 6A 31
FIG 6D 35 Chelsea
FIGURE F2 20 boyerdan
On 5th draw, APODO(S)ES 8H 83 --- APODOSIS the main clause of a conditional sentence [n]
Other tops: APE(H)OODS 8H 83, APODOSE(S) 8H 83
Other moves: OP(P)OSED G7 69, O(P)POSED G7 69, OP(C)ODES G7 68, E(X)OPODS I7 66, S(C)ROOPED 7F 66
O(P)POSED G7 69 boyerdan
SE(E)D I5 29 Chelsea
On 6th draw, DESTAINS N7 72 --- DESTAIN to remove stain from [v]
Other moves: SANDIEST N3 65, DISAS 7A 36, NADS 7B 36, SADS 7B 36, TADS 7B 36
DESTAINS N7 72 boyerdan
TADS 7B 36 Chelsea
On 7th draw, FOHN O12 58 --- FOHN a warm dry wind [n]
Other moves: HOOF M12 31, HOUF M12 31, FOH O12 29, GONIF 12K 26, GOOF M12 25
HOOF M12 31 Chelsea, boyerdan
On 8th draw, UNG(A)RBED K1 72 --- GARB to clothe [adj] --- UNGARBED not garbed [adj]
Other moves: BOURGE(O)N L7 70, BURGEON(S) L3 70, BURGONE(T) L4 70, B(O)URGEON J2 70, B(O)URGEON L2 70
On 9th draw, HUSKED 1J 45 --- HUSK to remove the husk (the outer covering) from [v]
Other moves: KNISH 2J 44, HEID L1 42, OXHIDES L8 36, OXHIDE L8 34, HOIKED L7 33
HUSKED 1J 45 Chelsea
On 10th draw, PARVOLIN I8 65 --- PARVOLIN an oily liquid obtained from fish [n]
Other moves: ANION 2J 33, ROAN M12 26, ROIL M12 26, ROIN M12 26, VIGOR 3I 26
VIA 7A 20 Chelsea
On 11th draw, BOLIVIA 11E 48 --- BOLIVIA a soft fabric [n]
Other tops: BOLIVAR 11E 48
Other moves: BROIL M11 36, BILIAN 15D 33, INORB 15H 30, *B*ABO H13 27, ROBINIA 15E 27
*B* H13ABO H13 27 Chelsea
On 12th draw, PANTIE 2I 39 --- PANTIE a woman's or child's undergarment [n]
Other moves: PATIENT 15D 36, AWE 10E 33, ENTIA 2J 33, PATTEN 15D 33, PAW 10D 33
PAW 10D 33 Chelsea
On 13th draw, WINTER 12A 32 --- WINTER to pass the winter (the coldest season of the year) [v]
Other moves: FINNER 15G 30, WINNER 15G 30, WINTER 15G 30, FE J14 28, IF J13 28
WINTER 15G 30 Chelsea
On 14th draw, UNCLAWED A7 92 --- CLAW to scratch with claws (sharp, curved toenails) [adj] --- UNCLAWED not clawed [adj]
Other moves: DULCINEA B8 76, DULCINEA 14E 65, DECLAW A7 36, LAUNCED 15F 36, NUANCED 15F 36
UNCLAWED A7 42 Chelsea
On 15th draw, OF 10E 32 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other moves: FE 10F 29, FE J14 28, OF J13 28, FUNGO 15G 27, GONEF 15G 27
OF 10E 32 Chelsea
On 16th draw, WANZE 15G 51 --- WANZE to decrease [v]
Other moves: ZANTE 15G 42, AGUIZE 14F 38, GRAZE 10H 35, WIZ 14H 35, WANZE C10 34
DAZE 14A 28 Chelsea
On 17th draw, EGO M11 23 --- EGO conscious thinking subject [n]
Other moves: GITE B11 21, DEGOUT 14A 20, DUGITE 14A 20, GO M12 19, EGG 3I 18
EGO M11 23 Chelsea
On 18th draw, DIOECY 14A 40 --- DIOECY separation of sexes in plants [n]
Other moves: YITIE B11 29, YITE B11 27, MEINY C9 26, MEYNT C9 26, (A)MITY 4K 26
MINCY C10 24 Chelsea
On 19th draw, M(A)TILY 4J 28 --- MATILY in a maty manner [adv]
Other moves: KITTLY M1 26, (A)MITY 4K 26, (A)TIMY 4K 26, KILTY M1 24, KITTY M1 24
M(A)LTY 4J 18 Chelsea
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