Game on October 10, 2020 at 12:21, 1 player
1. 195 pts boyerdan
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 66 66 


I3 90 156 


5E 82 238 


11E 36 274 


10J 28 302 


N8 78 380 


O3 69 449 


15I 45 494 


G9 30 524 


13A 72 596 


F8 36 632 


L1 54 686 


1L 39 725 


H1 37 762 


8A 45 807 


B10 62 869 


14J 52 921 


12K 34 955 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
boyerdan 1 6:30 -760 195 1.7993 boyerdan 1 6:30 -760 195
On 1st draw, STATION H7 66 --- STATION to assign to a position [v]
Other tops: STATION H2 66, STATION H3 66, STATION H4 66, STATION H6 66, STATION H8 66
Other moves: STATION H5 64, STATIN H3 14, STATIN H4 14, STATIN H7 14, STATIN H8 14
On 2nd draw, POACHED I3 90 --- POACH to trespass for the purpose of taking game or fish [v]
Other moves: CHADO I6 35, CHODE I6 35, ACHED I5 33, EPHOD I5 33, HOAED I7 33
On 3rd draw, (F)OEDARIE 5E 82 --- FOEDARIE an accomplice [n]
Other moves: OREIDE(S) 14B 79, INDOR(S)EE 13G 72, RE(C)OINED 13C 70, RE(J)OINED 13C 70, O(S)IERED 14G 66
On 4th draw, PARISON 11E 36 --- PARISON a lump of pre-moulded glass [n]
Other tops: PORINAS 11E 36
Other moves: BROND H1 34, BARP 4L 30, PROB 4L 30, BAPS G9 28, BARPS 4K 28
On 5th draw, MANTLE 10J 28 --- MANTLE to cloak [v]
Other tops: MALLET 10J 28, MALLET 12A 28, MANTEL 10J 28, MANTEL 12A 28, MARTEL G9 28, MARTEN G9 28, MENTAL 10J 28, MENTAL 12A 28
Other moves: MANET 10J 27, MARLE G9 27, MEANT 10J 27, MENTA 10J 27, METAL 10J 27
On 6th draw, FILABEGS N8 78 --- FILABEG a Scots kilt [n]
Other moves: BEEFS O8 33, FEEBS O8 33, FERIAS G9 32, FARSE G9 31, FERIA G9 31
On 7th draw, Q(U)OOKE O3 69 --- QUAKE to shake or vibrate [v]
Other moves: KIO(R)E O4 54, KOI(N)E O4 54, EQ(U)ID H1 51, Q(U)OOKE F2 48, KEF(S) 8L 45
On 8th draw, FIRMEST 15I 45 --- FIRM unyielding to pressure [adj]
Other moves: EMIT O12 39, FREMITS 15H 39, INFEST 15J 39, RIFEST 15J 39, FIRMER G9 36
On 9th draw, CARDIE G9 30 --- CARDIE a short form of cardigan, a woollen jacket which buttons in front [n]
Other moves: CARDI G9 29, CARIED G9 29, CARTED G9 29, CARTEL G9 28, CARLE G9 27
On 10th draw, TRAGULINE 13A 72 --- TRAGULINE
Other moves: GAULT F10 31, LAAGER F10 28, TAULD H1 28, LAURAE F10 26, LAURA F10 25
On 11th draw, LEVA F8 36 --- LEV a monetary unit of Bulgaria [n]
Other moves: GLEBA F7 32, BEGILT A8 30, GIBLET A8 30, VENTIL A10 30, BLIVE 4A 27
On 12th draw, ZINGERS L1 54 --- ZINGER a pointed witty retort or remark [n]
Other moves: ZINGER L1 52, ZIG 12J 43, ZIN 12J 41, GROSZ M2 39, ZINGS M1 39
On 13th draw, ZITI 1L 39 --- ZITI a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other tops: ZATI 1L 39
Other moves: WIRRA B10 32, TAWA 6D 31, AWA 6E 30, RAW 6D 28, TAW 6D 28
On 14th draw, WOUND H1 37 --- WOUND to inflict an injury upon [v]
Other moves: AWE 6E 30, AWN 6E 30, NOW N4 30, UNWEAL 8A 30, ANEW 6C 29
ANEW 6C 29 boyerdan
On 15th draw, BEHOWL 8A 45 --- BEHOWL to howl at [v]
Other moves: HERBAL 8A 42, HARROW B10 40, RHEA 14I 40, RHEA J5 39, THAW M10 39
HARROW B10 40 boyerdan
On 16th draw, JERRY B10 62 --- JERRY a German soldier [n]
Other moves: JIRRE B10 56, JAI 12C 40, JAY 6D 35, JA 12C 33, YAY 6D 31
JERRY B10 62 boyerdan
On 17th draw, XU 14J 52 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other tops: LAX 6D 52
Other moves: AX 6E 51, XYLAN 6B 38, TAX A13 35, LYNX 6D 33, UNLAY 6B 32
XYLAN 6B 38 boyerdan
On 18th draw, DAUBY 12K 34 --- DAUBY smeary [adj]
Other moves: ANY G1 29, DAY 6D 29, NAY 6D 28, NY N5 28, YA 6F 28
INBY 12L 26 boyerdan
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