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Game on October 13, 2020 at 20:54, 5 players
1. 304 pts dannyboy
2. 162 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 77 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeloptx   H7    46    46   poleax
 2. ?npuuvw  13G    29    75   pew
 3. degorru  14E    34   109   uredo
 4. abeknno  15A    38   147   baken
 5. ?abeiny  15I   101   248   ebaying
 6. ddeelnr  11E    90   338   relanded
 7. eiinort   L4    70   408   retinoid
 8. ccerstu   8C    63   471   stuccoer
 9. aeeilos  12J    35   506   easle
10. diorstu   5F    68   574   outsider
11. emnnort  B10    28   602   monera
12. aaestuv   A7    39   641   savate
13. ahiloot   6B    31   672   loath
14. afggino   H1    30   702   fagot
15. ahiotuy   4D    33   735   yahoo
16. fimquvw  14M    37   772   qi
17. fintuwz   J4    35   807   wiz
18. ggiimnt   C5    25   832   moisting
19. fgiijuv  F10    26   858   jeu

Remaining tiles: fgiiv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7468 Filedannyboy    4 10:11  -554  304     1.7468 dannyboy    4 10:11  -554  304 
  2.7182 FileGLOBEMAN    2  5:56  -696  162     2.7182 GLOBEMAN    2  5:56  -696  162 
  3.7340 Filesunshine12  1  4:39  -781   77     3.7340 sunshine12  1  4:39  -781   77 
  4.  -  FileAMYtheROO   0  1:20  -829   29            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:52  -847   11     1.  -  AMYtheROO   0  1:20  -829   29 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  1:52  -847   11 

On 1st draw, POLEAX H7 46 --- POLEAX to strike with an axlike weapon [v]
Other moves: LATEX H8 40, POLEAX H4 36, POLEAX H3 32, POLEAX H8 32, EXPAT H4 30

On 2nd draw, P(E)W 13G 29 --- PEW a bench for seating people in church [n]
Other moves: N(E)W 13G 25, W(E)N 13G 25, P(A)WN G11 24, P(O)WN G11 24, N(E)P 13G 23

On 3rd draw, UREDO 14E 34 --- UREDO a skin irritation [n]
Other moves: REDO 14F 33, RODE 14F 33, ROUGED 14C 33, DOGE 14H 32, URGED 14D 32

On 4th draw, BAKEN 15A 38 --- BAKE to prepare food in an oven [v]
Other tops: KOBAN 15A 38
Other moves: OAKEN 15A 32, KOBAN G6 27, KOBAN I6 27, BANK G8 26, BEAK G8 26

On 5th draw, EBAYIN(G) 15I 101 --- EBAYING selling on eBay [n]
Other moves: EBAYIN(G) I5 79, AYENBI(T)E 10A 72, AYENBI(T)E 10F 70, EN(V)IABLY 9B 70, (D)ENIABLY 9B 70

On 6th draw, RELANDED 11E 90 --- RELAND to land again [v]
Other tops: ENLARDED 11E 90
Other moves: DEEPEN G10 23, DEEPER G10 23, DELENDA B9 22, DEEDY L11 20, DERNLY L10 20

On 7th draw, RETINOID L4 70 --- RETINOID a compound analogous to vitamin A [n]
ON 14A 12 dannyboy

On 8th draw, STUCCOER 8C 63 --- STUCCOER one that stuccoes [n]
Other moves: CERCUS 3I 38, CRUCES 3I 38, SCUR 12L 34, SCUT 12L 34, SECT 12L 34

On 9th draw, EASLE 12J 35 --- EASLE hot ashes [n]
Other tops: EASEL 12J 35
Other moves: ESILE 12K 34, ALSO 12J 33, EASE 12J 33, ELSE 12J 33, ALS 12J 31
LOX 12F 18 dannyboy

On 10th draw, OUTSIDER 5F 68 --- OUTSIDER one that does not belong to a particular group [n]
Other tops: IODURETS 5G 68, OUTRIDES 5F 68, SUITORED 5F 68
Other moves: OUTRIDES N6 63, OUTSIDER N6 63, SUITORED N6 63, DROITS O7 31, DIRTS O8 28
DOUTS O8 28 dannyboy

On 11th draw, MONERA B10 28 --- MONER an evolution theory [n]
Other moves: MOTE 14K 27, NOME 14K 27, TOME 14K 27, ENORM 6B 25, MOTET H1 24
NOX 12F 18 dannyboy

On 12th draw, SAVATE A7 39 --- SAVATE a pugilistic sport [n]
Other moves: VAUTES O7 37, VAUTE A8 36, TAVAS O8 34, UVEAS O8 34, VATUS O8 34
STAVE A6 28 dannyboy

On 13th draw, LOATH 6B 31 --- LOATH unwilling [adj]
Other tops: LAITH 6B 31, LOTAH 6B 31
Other moves: HALO 14K 30, TOHO 14K 30, HAE 10F 29, LAH 10D 29, OHIA 14L 29
LOATH 6B 31 dannyboy

On 14th draw, FAGOT H1 30 --- FAGOT to bind together into a bundle [v]
Other tops: FAT 6J 30, FIT 6J 30
Other moves: FAE 10F 29, OAF 10D 29, FAIN M7 28, FANO M7 28, FOIN M7 28
FAT 6J 30 dannyboy, GLOBEMAN

On 15th draw, YAHOO 4D 33 --- YAHOO a coarse, uncouth person [n]
Other tops: TAHOU 14K 33
Other moves: HAY 10D 32, HOY 10D 32, YAH 10D 32, YOUTH 4B 31, HAE 10F 29
HOY 10D 32 dannyboy

On 16th draw, QI 14M 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: FIQUE N8 37, QUIM 3A 37
Other moves: FUM M7 33, QUAI 2F 33, QUA 2F 32, FIT 6J 30, QUIFF 1D 30
QI 14M 37 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
QUIM 3A 37 dannyboy

On 17th draw, WIZ J4 35 --- WIZ a very clever or skillful person [n]
Other tops: FIZ J4 35
Other moves: FUZIL B2 34, ZITI J2 33, FIT 6J 30, ZIN 3B 29, IF 6I 28
WIZ J4 35 dannyboy
ZA E3 11 chunk88

On 18th draw, MOISTING C5 25 --- MOIST to wet slightly [v]
Other moves: DIM K5 22, MIX 12F 22, SIMI 7A 22, DIG K5 20, MINT 3B 19
MIX 12F 22 dannyboy
MINT 3B 19 sunshine12

On 19th draw, JEU F10 26 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: JIVY D1 25, FIX 12F 24, GIF 3B 22, RIF M5 21, DIG K5 20
RIF M5 21 sunshine12
JOG 9K 13 dannyboy

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