Game on February 13, 2021 at 13:00, 1 player
1. 61 pts Chris19
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 40 40 


11E 90 130 


10D 69 199 


L8 84 283 


12A 31 314 


8J 24 338 


B10 48 386 


J5 67 453 


C11 34 487 


O2 66 553 


15F 36 589 


K2 36 625 


1H 38 663 


2C 69 732 


3B 21 753 


N2 38 791 


4A 33 824 


A4 27 851 


1A 46 897 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. -
Chris19 0 9:45 -836 61 1. - Chris19 0 9:45 -836 61
On 1st draw, LINUX H8 40 --- LINUX a nonproprietary computer operating system for personal computers [n]
Other moves: LINUX H4 26, DOUX H5 24, DOUX H6 24, DOUX H7 24, DOUX H8 24
On 2nd draw, MODULA(R)S 11E 90 --- MODULAR something built in self-contained units [n]
Other moves: DAMOS(E)L G9 82, ALOD(I)UMS 11C 70, SALMON(I)D 10C 70, LOD(E)SMAN 10A 68, MANDOL(A)S 10F 68
On 3rd draw, BEZ 10D 69 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: NAZE 10H 67, ZEA 10J 66, ZA 10J 63, ZABETA J10 39, ZABETA J6 39
On 4th draw, MOUSEP(A)D L8 84 --- MOUSEPAD a flat pad on which a computer mouse is used [n]
Other tops: PO(S)SUMED L8 84
Other moves: MOU(S)EPAD J5 70, MOPE(S) 12B 32, MOPU(S) 12B 32, MOUPED 10J 32, POME(S) 12B 32
On 5th draw, BRAVO 12A 31 --- BRAVO a hired killer [n] --- BRAVO to applaud by shouting "bravo" [v]
Other moves: BORA 9C 30, BR(A)VA 14J 30, BR(A)VO 14J 30, RAVIN 9E 30, BOA 12D 27
ZOO F10 12 Chris19
On 6th draw, REMOTE 8J 24 --- REMOTE a broadcast originating outside a studio [n] --- REMOTE situated far away [adj]
Other tops: ENROBE A8 24, ENTROLD 15F 24, ERODENT 15I 24, LOMENT 8J 24, NOBLER A10 24, REMELT 8J 24
Other moves: LENO M12 22, LERE M12 22, LONE M12 22, LORE M12 22, LOTE M12 22
LORD 15I 5 Chris19
On 7th draw, KERFED B10 48 --- KERF to make an incision with a cutting tool [v]
Other tops: FECKED 15G 48
Other moves: FIRKED B10 44, DECKED 15G 42, D*CK*DDICKED 15G 42, FIKED 15H 39, BECK A12 36
KIT N6 17 Chris19
On 8th draw, FAIRLEADS J5 67 --- FAIRLEAD a device used to hold a ship's rigging in place [n]
Other moves: ABIDE A11 43, BIDE A12 38, DISLEAF 15B 36, FADDLES 15I 36, FAULDS 10J 36
On 9th draw, NAYS C11 34 --- NAY a negative vote [n]
Other tops: RAYS C11 34
Other moves: NOYS K3 32, SORRY K1 32, AYS C12 30, NAY C11 30, NOSY K2 30
RYE O6 6 Chris19
On 10th draw, ARCHINES O2 66 --- ARCHINE a Russian unit of linear measure [n]
Other moves: INARCHES O2 64, RANCHOS M3 37, CHAINE K3 36, CHAISE K3 36, CHARDS 15H 36
PANS 13L 12 Chris19
On 11th draw, TWANGED 15F 36 --- TWANG to make a sharp, vibrating sound [v]
Other moves: GNAWED 15G 33, GNAW K3 31, TAWTED 15G 30, WAGED 15H 30, WANTED 15G 30
TAG 6I 4 Chris19
On 12th draw, VERY K2 36 --- VERY absolute [adj]
Other moves: TYG K4 33, GREY K2 32, GYVE K2 32, TRYE K3 32, GREY K3 31
GO M7 5 Chris19
On 13th draw, HATER 1H 38 --- HATER one that hates [n]
Other tops: ITHER 1H 38
Other moves: ARUHE 1G 35, HATER N6 35, HAUTE 1G 35, HUTIA N6 35, RATHE 1G 35
On 14th draw, OUTGAIN 2C 69 --- OUTGAIN to gain more than [v]
Other moves: AGUTI N5 26, GITANO N6 24, TATUING N8 22, TAUTING N8 22, TOUTING N8 22
On 15th draw, TORII 3B 21 --- TORII the gateway of a Japanese temple [n]
Other tops: TERAI 3B 21
Other moves: RATO 1A 20, REATE 3G 20, RETIE 3G 20, TRIO 1A 20, AIRT 3E 19
On 16th draw, JO N2 38 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other tops: EJECTOR 3I 38, JURE D1 38
Other moves: JIN 7M 37, COPE 4A 35, EJECT 3I 34, JET 1A 33, JOT 1A 33
On 17th draw, WITE 4A 33 --- WITE to blame [v]
Other moves: QI 6N 31, TEW M12 26, TOW M12 26, GITE 4A 25, WIG 1A 25
On 18th draw, WONGA A4 27 --- WONGA money [n]
Other tops: WAGON A4 27
Other moves: CAGE M3 24, CANG M3 24, COATE N5 24, CAG M3 22, CANE M3 22
On 19th draw, CALP 1A 46 --- CALP a type of limestone [n]
Other moves: CAPI 1A 38, PILI 1A 30, PETAL N6 29, CAP 1A 27, CEP 1A 27
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