Game on February 18, 2021 at 00:48, 5 players
1. 575 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 550 pts sunshine12
3. 129 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 26 26
2. G3 21 47
3. 9F 68 115
4. M3 74 189
5. N10 55 244
6. K5 44 288
7. O6 44 332
8. 13G 68 400
9. J6 75 475
10. 8A 36 511
11. 15K 33 544
12. 12D 30 574
13. F4 38 612
14. C2 24 636
15. 10C 37 673
16. 14A 85 758
17. 15G 34 792
18. 2A 36 828
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7249 GLOBEMAN 5 20:07 -253 575 1.7249 GLOBEMAN 5 20:07 -253 575
2.7087 sunshine12 2 19:06 -278 550 2.7087 sunshine12 2 19:06 -278 550
3.7003 roocatcher 3 5:02 -699 129 3.7003 roocatcher 3 5:02 -699 129
4.7898 WEASEL 2 3:18 -764 64 4.7898 WEASEL 2 3:18 -764 64
5. - chunk88 1 1:42 -795 33 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 1 1:42 -795 33
On 1st draw, FORTIS H4 26 --- FORTIS a consonant pronounced with relatively strong release of breath [n]
Other tops: FORRIT H4 26
Other moves: FIRST H4 24, FOIST H4 24, FORTS H4 24, FRIST H4 24, FRITS H4 24
FORRIT H4 26 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12, WEASEL
On 2nd draw, LODES G3 21 --- LODE a deposit of ore [n]
Other tops: DELES G3 21, DELOS G3 21, DOLES G3 21, SEELED G5 21
Other moves: FEESED 4H 20, LEESE G5 19, ODES G4 19, FEEDS 4H 18, FEODS 4H 18
FLEES 4H 16 sunshine12
On 3rd draw, DISVALUE 9F 68 --- DISVALUE to treat as of little value [v]
Other moves: DELIVER 6B 23, LIVERED 6D 23, VALIDER 6B 23, DERIVE 6F 22, DEVALL 3B 20
DOVED 5G 20 sunshine12
On 4th draw, VESTURES M3 74 --- VESTURE to clothe [v]
Other moves: VESTURES M8 72, VESTURERS 6A 66, REDOUTS 5E 32, VERSTS N6 32, VERSUS N6 32
VETS N6 28 sunshine12
On 5th draw, HOB(D)AY N10 55 --- HOBDAY to cure a horse's breathing impediment [v]
Other tops: HAYBO(X) N10 55
Other moves: HOB(B)Y N10 53, HO(B)BY N10 53, H(E)RBY N10 53, HOARY N10 51, HORA(R)Y N10 51
HORSY 10J 44 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 6th draw, FOOTLED K5 44 --- FOOTLE to potter about [v]
Other moves: GOOFED O6 42, FOOTED O6 39, FEOD F6 33, EGO O13 31, ODE O13 31
GOOFED O6 42 sunshine12
On 7th draw, BILKER O6 44 --- BILKER one that bilks [n]
Other moves: BIKER O7 41, BRIK J3 41, LIBERTY 15H 39, REIK J3 39, TREK J3 39
LEK J4 38 sunshine12
On 8th draw, I(M)AGINE(D) 13G 68 --- IMAGINE to form a mental picture of [v]
Other tops: I(M)AGINED 11D 68
Other moves: IDEA(T)ING F8 63, AGE O13 31, ANE O13 27, ENIG(M)A 8A 27, GAY(S) 15L 27
AGE O13 31 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 9th draw, ZOEAE J6 75 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: TREZ J3 69, REZ J4 68, ZOEA J6 68, ZO J6 64, ZOEAE 10B 41
TREZ J3 69 sunshine12
On 10th draw, CAMOTE 8A 36 --- CAMOTE a type of sweet potato [n]
Other tops: COMATE 8A 36, MAYO 15L 36, MOYA 15L 36
Other moves: MA O14 31, ME O14 31, MO O14 31, COATEE 8A 30, MYC 15M 30
ME O14 31 sunshine12
On 11th draw, PROYN 15K 33 --- PROYN to prune [v]
Other moves: PYA 15M 24, IO O14 23, NA O14 23, NO O14 23, MOPANI C8 22
PROYN 15K 33 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88
PA L4 22 sunshine12
On 12th draw, GLEAM 12D 30 --- GLEAM to shine with a soft radiance [v]
Other moves: GIMLET 12D 26, MILAGE 12C 25, AMIE 7B 24, GA(M)ME H11 24, GE(M)MA H11 24
ME L4 22 sunshine12
On 13th draw, WAP F4 38 --- WAP to wrap [v]
Other moves: PRAWN C10 29, WRAPT C10 29, PAWN C11 27, WARP C11 27, WRAP C10 27
WAP F4 38 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, WEASEL
PRAWN 14C 21 sunshine12
On 14th draw, ARCANUM C2 24 --- ARCANUM a mystery [n]
Other moves: CANER C11 23, CRANE C10 23, NACRE C11 23, RANCE C11 23, CARAUNA B2 22
APER 6E 6 sunshine12
On 15th draw, WIGHT 10C 37 --- WIGHT a living being [n] --- WIGHT to blame [v]
Other moves: QAT C11 33, WITH 10C 33, WICH 4A 32, GATH 10C 31, WHA B1 30
WICH 4A 32 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
WHA B1 30 sunshine12
On 16th draw, JANTIER 14A 85 --- JANTY briskly self-assured [adj]
Other moves: TAJINE B10 45, JA B2 38, INJERA 14B 33, NARTJIE B7 33, TENIA B10 29
JA B2 38 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 17th draw, NIX 15G 34 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other moves: XI 14I 25, DENI 15E 24, DEX 4L 22, XENIC A4 22, XI N4 20
NIX 15G 34 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 18th draw, QUAYD 2A 36 --- QUAYD daunted [adj]
Other moves: QUAY 2A 32, QADI 2B 28, QAID 2B 28, QUAD 2A 28, QUINCE A4 27
QUAY 2A 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
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