Game on Mars 3, 2021 at 16:33, 9 players
1. 410 pts Juincunx
2. 213 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 158 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 30 30
2. 5E 44 74
3. J4 66 140
4. 11G 70 210
5. O11 38 248
6. 4A 29 277
7. 14J 32 309
8. 8J 45 354
9. A1 30 384
10. M1 72 456
11. 1K 33 489
12. 15G 20 509
13. 2J 34 543
14. 10L 27 570
15. N4 29 599
16. 12D 34 633
17. 11C 49 682
18. M13 38 720
19. 10B 27 747
20. 14B 38 785
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8624 Juincunx 7 11:49 -375 410 1.8624 Juincunx 7 11:49 -375 410
2.7302 GLOBEMAN 1 6:48 -572 213 2.8801 Octopus8 0 0:30 -752 33
3.7121 sunshine12 2 5:29 -627 158 3.8154 Mycophot 0 0:45 -752 33
4.7342 roocatcher 2 2:34 -709 76 4.8878 Zuincunx 0 1:06 -752 33
5.7898 WEASEL 1 1:45 -736 49 Group: advanced
6.8801 Octopus8 0 0:30 -752 33 1.7302 GLOBEMAN 1 6:48 -572 213
7.8154 Mycophot 0 0:45 -752 33 2.7121 sunshine12 2 5:29 -627 158
8.8878 Zuincunx 0 1:06 -752 33 3.7342 roocatcher 2 2:34 -709 76
9.7630 enzotiger 0 0:35 -761 24 4.7898 WEASEL 1 1:45 -736 49
5.7630 enzotiger 0 0:35 -761 24
On 1st draw, VEINY H4 30 --- VEINY full of veins [adj]
Other tops: VEINY H8 30
Other moves: VEINY H5 22, VEINY H6 22, VEINY H7 22, ENVY H5 20, ENVY H6 20
On 2nd draw, FREEME(N) 5E 44 --- FREEMAN one who is free [n]
Other moves: EMPER(C)E 5E 40, PREEM(I)E 5E 40, F(L)EME G5 27, PERF(U)ME 5B 26, PERF(U)ME 5G 26
On 3rd draw, REGRADES J4 66 --- REGRADE to grade again [v]
Other moves: VADES 4H 26, GRADE 4A 23, REGARD 4J 23, VARES 4H 23, DEGRAS 4J 22
On 4th draw, OUTSCORE 11G 70 --- OUTSCORE to score more points than [v]
Other tops: ECOTOURS 11C 70
Other moves: ACTURE 8J 27, ACUTER 8J 27, COURE 4A 25, RECTO 4A 21, TRUCE 4A 21
On 5th draw, SEWEN O11 38 --- SEWEN a sea-trout [n]
Other tops: SEWAN O11 38
Other moves: ENEWS O7 35, WANES O7 35, WEANS O7 35, WEENS O7 35, AWES O8 32
On 6th draw, BINIOU 4A 29 --- BINIOU a small Breton bagpipe [n]
Other moves: *B*ABO N13 25, EBON N11 25, NAB 10L 25, NOB 10L 25, NUB 10L 25
On 7th draw, B(O)VINE 14J 32 --- BOVINE an animal of the cattle family [n]
Other moves: BUN(Y)IP H10 30, VIB(R)ION L6 28, AVI(D)IN 8J 27, BIVI(A) A4 27, B(A)P 10L 27
On 8th draw, ALKANE 8J 45 --- ALKANE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: KAW 13M 34, KOW 13M 34, BAKEN A4 33, BLANK A4 33, BLEAK A4 33
ALKANE 8J 45 Juincunx
On 9th draw, AIRBAGS A1 30 --- AIRBAG an inflatable safety device in an automobile [n]
Other moves: ABROSIA A3 27, AIRBAG A1 27, BIOGAS A4 27, GARBOS A1 27, RUGOSA H10 27
ASIAGO 15E 25 Juincunx
On 10th draw, PANETELA M1 72 --- PANETELA a long, slender cigar [n]
Other moves: EUPNEA H10 33, ALPEEN 15F 29, PELTAE 15F 29, PLATEN 15F 29, NEPETA 15E 28
PENE 15G 22 Juincunx
On 11th draw, TEPOY 1K 33 --- TEPOY a small table used in serving tea [n]
Other moves: EYOT N1 32, LOOEY 15G 32, LEY 10L 31, LOOEY 15F 31, LOY 10L 31
YETI N2 30 Juincunx
On 12th draw, AULOI 15G 20 --- AULOS an ancient wind instrument [n]
Other moves: AULOI 15F 19, LATINO N4 18, LAW 13M 18, LOW 13M 18, TAW 13M 18
LOW 13M 18 Juincunx
On 13th draw, COLAS 2J 34 --- COLA a carbonated beverage [n]
Other moves: COLOG 12D 27, SCOOG 12D 27, DOOS 9J 26, ISOLOG 2A 22, LOTAS 2J 22
COLAS 2J 34 Juincunx
On 14th draw, DAP 10L 27 --- DAP to dip lightly or quickly into water [v]
Other tops: DOP 10L 27
Other moves: PAW 13M 26, PEW 13M 26, POW 13M 26, APO 3C 24, DEPONE N10 24
DOP 10L 27 Juincunx
On 15th draw, TOMAN N4 29 --- TOMAN a coin of Iran [n]
Other moves: MAW 13M 26, MOW 13M 26, TAM N4 25, T*MTOM N4 25, MAGOT 12D 23
TOMAN N4 29 Juincunx, GLOBEMAN
On 16th draw, HIGHT 12D 34 --- HIGHT to command [v]
Other moves: QI 10F 33, HOGH 3D 30, HOT 12K 30, HOW 13M 30, THIGH 12C 29
QI 10F 33 Juincunx, GLOBEMAN, Octopus8, Mycophot, Zuincunx
HOW 13M 30 sunshine12
On 17th draw, FOX 11C 49 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other tops: FAX 11C 49
Other moves: AX 11D 41, OX 11D 41, FAX 14F 32, AX 3C 31, OX 3C 31
FOX 11C 49 sunshine12, roocatcher, WEASEL
FAX 11C 49 Juincunx
On 18th draw, JIZ M13 38 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: DURZI F3 35, ZA 14F 33, JIZ 14E 32, WIZ M13 30, ADZ 14E 28
ZA 14F 33 Juincunx
ZIN C2 24 enzotiger, sunshine12
On 19th draw, WED 10B 27 --- WED to marry [v]
Other tops: TWIRED 14B 27
Other moves: INDEW C3 26, WINDIER C2 24, REWED O5 23, TEWED O5 23, REWET O5 22
WED 10B 27 Juincunx, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 20th draw, DIQUAT 14B 38 --- DIQUAT an herbicide [n]
Other moves: QINDAR C2 34, QUINTAR C1 34, QINTAR C2 32, QUINTA C1 30, ANI N13 28
DIQUAT 14B 38 Juincunx
QUANT C1 28 sunshine12
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