Game on Mars 3, 2021 at 20:29, 5 players
1. 426 pts Xuincunx
2. 75 pts debbieh
3. 70 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


4A 76 100 


A1 140 240 


2A 60 300 


9B 69 369 


1E 35 404 


B6 37 441 


A10 31 472 


C7 31 503 


J9 78 581 


13I 44 625 


15C 104 729 


N10 48 777 


O7 29 806 


11D 102 908 


3A 32 940 


O12 25 965 


6F 69 1034 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Xuincunx 4 10:17 -608 426 1.8581 Xuincunx 4 10:17 -608 426
debbieh 0 2:37 -959 75 2.8154 Mycophot 0 2:25 -964 70
Mycophot 0 2:25 -964 70 3.8754 Octopus8 0 2:26 -964 70
Octopus8 0 2:26 -964 70 4.8683 Juincunx 0 0:49 -1009 25
Juincunx 0 0:49 -1009 25 Group: novice
1.5666 debbieh 0 2:37 -959 75
On 1st draw, MONGOL H4 24 --- MONGOL a person affected with a form of mental deficiency [n]
Other moves: GLOAM H8 22, GLOOM H8 22, MANGO H4 22, MONGO H4 22, AMONG H8 20
On 2nd draw, (E)THOGRAM 4A 76 --- ETHOGRAM a list of the behavior patterns of a species [n]
Other moves: (W)ARTHOG G8 66, (W)ARTHOG I8 66, AG(O)ROTH G9 65, AG(O)ROTH I9 65, (S)TAGHORN 6A 65
On 3rd draw, WAD(E)A(B)LE A1 140 --- WADEABLE capable of being passed through by wading [adj]
Other moves: DRAWA(B)LE F3 71, WADA(B)LE G8 70, WADA(B)LE I8 70, DA(N)ELAW G8 68, DA(N)ELAW I8 68
On 4th draw, ADIEUX 2A 60 --- ADIEU a farewell [n]
Other moves: EXIT B1 48, EX B1 41, XI 5D 33, XU 5D 33, DEX B8 30
EXIT B1 48 Xuincunx
On 5th draw, FISHBOLT 9B 69 --- FISHBOLT a type of bolt [n]
Other moves: FISH I2 30, OBITS 1F 30, BISH I2 29, BOSH I2 29, BOOSHIT 5G 28
OBITS 1F 30 Xuincunx
HOIST 5G 21 debbieh
On 6th draw, NOVAE 1E 35 --- NOVA a type of star [n]
Other tops: NAEVI 1E 35, NAIVE 1E 35
Other moves: AVINE 1F 33, AVION 1F 33, ENVOI 1F 33, OVINE 1F 33, NAVE 1E 32
NAIVE 1E 35 Xuincunx
NAVE 1E 32 debbieh
On 7th draw, YARFA B6 37 --- YARFA a peat-bog [n]
Other moves: AYE 10E 36, OYE 10E 36, AY 10E 33, OY 10E 33, DOC 3A 32
OYE 10E 36 Xuincunx
SCAREY D9 22 debbieh
On 8th draw, MOREEN A10 31 --- MOREEN a heavy fabric [n]
Other moves: EM 3F 25, EMO 5C 25, OMEN 10D 25, OMER 10D 25, MOREEN 2I 24
EM 3F 25 Xuincunx
On 9th draw, WAID C7 31 --- WEIGH to determine the weight of [v]
Other moves: WAIN C7 29, WAI C7 23, WOUND 5G 23, DAWD 2H 22, WHID E8 22
WAID C7 31 Xuincunx
On 10th draw, SEITENS J9 78 --- SEITEN a food made from wheat gluten [n]
Other tops: SESTINE J9 78
Other moves: SEITENS J3 76, SESTINE J7 76, SEITENS 10H 73, SESTINE 10H 73, SEITENS 2H 72
SESTINE J9 28 Octopus8, Mycophot
On 11th draw, JEELIES 13I 44 --- JEELIE to make into a jelly [v]
Other moves: JEELIE 13I 42, JESSIE 15G 42, JESSIE 15H 42, JEELS 13I 40, JEERS 13I 40
JESSIE 15G 42 Mycophot
JESSIE 15H 42 Octopus8, Xuincunx
On 12th draw, QUANNETS 15C 104 --- QUANNET a flat file [n]
Other tops: QUANNETS O6 104
Other moves: EQUANT 2I 72, QUEEN N10 68, EQUANTS 15D 51, EQUANTS O7 51, QUANTS O8 48
QUANNETS 15C 54 Xuincunx
On 13th draw, FYKED N10 48 --- FYKE to fidget restlessly [v]
Other moves: FAKEY N10 46, FAKED N10 42, FIKED N10 42, YIKED N10 42, FAYED N10 40
FAKEY N10 46 Xuincunx
On 14th draw, PUBE O7 29 --- PUBE a pubic hair [n]
Other moves: UPTIE O6 26, ISIT O12 25, BITE O7 23, BUTE O7 23, TUBE O7 23
PUBE O7 29 Xuincunx
On 15th draw, OVERTRIP 11D 102 --- OVERTRIP to trip nimbly over [v]
Other moves: OVERTIP 11E 48, OVERTOP 5H 24, RIVERY 11I 24, THROVE E8 24, TRIPERY 11H 24
On 16th draw, DOC 3A 32 --- DOC a doctor [n]
Other moves: ISIT O12 25, GLITCH E4 24, TOLUIC 2I 22, LICHI C1 20, LICHT C1 20
ISIT O12 25 Xuincunx, Juincunx
On 17th draw, ISIT O12 25 --- ISIT is it? (South Africa) [interj]
Other moves: GRAITH E4 20, AORTIC 5G 18, SAC O13 18, SIC O13 18, TIAR 14E 16
ISIT O12 25 Xuincunx
On 18th draw, CINGULAR 6F 69 --- CINGULAR relating to a cingulum [adj] --- CINGULUM an anatomical band or girdle [adj]
Other moves: LAURIC 2I 22, GLAIR 14D 21, GLAUR 14D 21, ARGULI 2I 20, CALO 8E 19
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