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Game on Mars 13, 2021 at 19:23, 4 players
1. 430 pts Juincunx
2. 233 pts Octopus8
3. 180 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. amnostw   H4    30    30   womans
 2. demnquu   9G    25    55   usque
 3. ?einory   6D    64   119   enormity
 4. aaegors  10A    64   183   oarages
 5. ?deegot   D8    76   259   goatweed
 6. adeiors  15A   140   399   roadside
 7. aesttwy   8K    50   449   wytes
 8. aceijlo   A7    48   497   cajole
 9. adeilrz   N7    90   587   realized
10. aeegnov  14F    34   621   geneva
11. aeiiort  O11    37   658   torii
12. acilnrt  13A    28   686   rice
13. afikopt  M11    51   737   kaf
14. dhnottu  13G    28   765   noh
15. aeflmuv   5K    38   803   fauve
16. binoptx   I5    41   844   pix
17. bdilmtu   O1    42   886   limbed
18. blnottu  12L    26   912   lazo
19. hinoptu   2J    34   946   pithoi
20. binnttu  10I    26   972   inn

Remaining tiles: bttu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8743 FileJuincunx    6  8:57  -542  430     1.8743 Juincunx    6  8:57  -542  430 
  2.8771 FileOctopus8    2  4:09  -739  233     2.8771 Octopus8    2  4:09  -739  233 
  3.8979 FileMycophot    2  7:28  -792  180     3.8979 Mycophot    2  7:28  -792  180 
  4.8431 FileKuincunx    1  1:49  -921   51     4.8431 Kuincunx    1  1:49  -921   51 

On 1st draw, WOMANS H4 30 --- WOMAN to play the part of a woman [v]
Other moves: AMOWTS H3 28, WOMAN H4 28, MOWAS H4 26, AMOWTS H4 24, AMOWTS H7 24

On 2nd draw, USQUE 9G 25 --- USQUE usquebae [n]
Other moves: EMU G6 21, EMU I6 21, MANQUE 7G 21, MED G5 21, MED I5 21

On 3rd draw, ENORMI(T)Y 6D 64 --- ENORMITY a grave offense against decency [n]
Other moves: ONEYER(S) K5 36, (J)OINERY K5 36, EYIN(G) 8K 35, EYRI(E) 8K 35, EYRI(R) 8K 35

On 4th draw, OARAGES 10A 64 --- OARAGE a rowing movement [n]
Other moves: ANGORAS E5 32, ONAGERS E5 32, SORAGE L9 29, OARAGE 8J 28, SAGER L9 27

On 5th draw, GOAT(W)EED D8 76 --- GOATWEED goutweed [n]
Other moves: GO(A)TWEED 4D 74, GO(U)TWEED 4D 74, DEROG(A)TE C8 70, GOR(G)ETED C8 70, TOGGE(R)ED E8 70

On 6th draw, ROADSIDE 15A 140 --- ROADSIDE the area along the side of a road [n]
Other moves: SOREDIA L9 83, SIDEROAD 15B 80, RESAID L7 31, ROSIED L7 31, OROIDES A8 30

On 7th draw, WYTES 8K 50 --- WYTE to write [v]
Other moves: TWAYS 8K 47, SWEATY L9 39, SWOTTY A8 39, TWAES 8K 38, TW*TS 8K 38

On 8th draw, CAJOLE A7 48 --- CAJOLE to persuade by flattery [v]
Other moves: AJEE 14A 44, JEE 14B 40, JOCO A7 39, CAJOLE D1 36, JIAO A7 33
CAJOLE A7 48 Juincunx

On 9th draw, REALIZED N7 90 --- REALIZE to understand completely [v]
Other tops: REALIZED 13C 90, REALIZED N2 90
Other moves: RAZEED 13A 48, ZEE 14B 48, ADZE 14A 47, DAZER 13A 47, RAZED 13A 46
ZEE 14B 48 Juincunx

On 10th draw, GENEVA 14F 34 --- GENEVA a liquor [n]
Other moves: GANEV 14F 33, AEON O12 32, GAZE 12L 30, GEEZ 12K 28, GENEVA 13C 28
GAZE 12L 30 Juincunx

On 11th draw, TORII O11 37 --- TORII the gateway of a Japanese temple [n]
Other tops: OATER O11 37
Other moves: RIOTIZE 12I 34, ARET O12 32, TOAZE 12K 30, RAZE 12L 28, RIZA 12L 28
TORII O11 37 Juincunx

On 12th draw, RICE 13A 28 --- RICE to form soft foods by pressing through a ricer [v]
Other tops: RACE 13A 28
Other moves: TRANCING E3 27, LAZO 12L 26, RATEL 13A 26, ANTIC 5J 25, CANTING E4 25

On 13th draw, KAF M11 51 --- KAF a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: FAP M11 44, KAF 13G 44, KOFTA 5K 42, KAIF 5K 40, KOP 13G 40
KAF M11 51 Juincunx, Octopus8, Mycophot, Kuincunx

On 14th draw, NOH 13G 28 --- NOH the classical drama of Japan [n]
Other tops: THUD 5C 28
Other moves: DOH 5D 26, DUH 5D 26, HOD 5D 26, DOTH M6 25, THON 5C 25
NOH 13G 28 Juincunx

On 15th draw, FAUVE 5K 38 --- FAUVE a member of a group of expressionist painters [n]
Other tops: FAVEL 5K 38
Other moves: FAVE 5K 36, FEMAL 5K 36, FLAME 5K 36, FLEAM 5K 36, FLUME 5K 36
FLUME 5K 36 Juincunx, Mycophot
FLAME 5K 36 Octopus8

On 16th draw, PIX I5 41 --- PIX a container for communion bread [n]
Other moves: NIX I5 37, BONXIE D1 36, TIX 11D 35, TOXIN I3 31, TOXINE D1 28
PIX I5 41 Octopus8, Juincunx, Mycophot

On 17th draw, LIMBED O1 42 --- LIMB to cut off the arms or legs of [v]
Other tops: BLUMED O1 42
Other moves: BLUME O1 36, IMBUED O1 36, BLUDE O1 30, BUTLED O1 30, DIAZO 12K 30
BLUME O1 36 Octopus8, Juincunx
NU E6 2 Mycophot

On 18th draw, LAZO 12L 26 --- LAZO to catch with a long rope with a running noose [v]
Other moves: BUTTON 5A 24, BOTTLE D1 22, BUTTLE D1 22, BO N2 20, BON 5D 20
LAZO 12L 26 Juincunx
BOT 5D 20 Octopus8
(W)O 12D 1 Mycophot

On 19th draw, PITHOI 2J 34 --- PITHOS a type of Greek storage jar [n]
Other moves: UNHIP 5B 33, HIP 5D 29, HOP 5D 29, HUP 5D 29, PHON 5C 29
HOP 5D 29 Juincunx, Mycophot
HUP 5D 29 Octopus8

On 20th draw, INN 10I 26 --- INN to put up at an inn (a public lodging house) [v]
Other moves: BUNTING E4 25, TUNNING E4 21, BIN 5D 20, BIT 5D 20, BUN 5D 20
BIN 5D 20 Juincunx
BUT 5D 20 Octopus8
BUN 5D 20 Mycophot

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