Game on Mars 15, 2021 at 08:22, 1 player
1. 167 pts Chris19
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 32 32 


G13 43 75 


12C 41 116 


C7 76 192 


15F 33 225 


D1 76 301 


1D 42 343 


C3 53 396 


K8 80 476 


14J 45 521 


E3 33 554 


15A 27 581 


2J 51 632 


8K 42 674 


K1 30 704 


N6 66 770 


I5 43 813 


B7 28 841 


A8 55 896 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. -
Chris19 0 17:51 -729 167 1. - Chris19 0 17:51 -729 167
On 1st draw, P(A)TIKI H8 32 --- PATIKI the New Zealand sand founder or dab. [n]
Other moves: T(U)PIK H8 30, KIT(E)D H4 28, PIK(E)D H4 28, P(A)TIKI H4 28, PIKI(S) H4 26
On 2nd draw, QUA G13 43 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QI G13 42, QADI I7 36, QAT 10F 32, QUAI G7 32, WADI I9 31
On 3rd draw, STREAKY 12C 41 --- STREAKY covered with streaks [adj]
Other moves: OSTIARY 11E 40, ASTRAY 15G 39, RESOAK 12C 33, STRAKE 12D 33, STREAK 12C 33
On 4th draw, AFTERSUN C7 76 --- AFTERSUN a moisturiser to soothe sunburn [n]
Other moves: FURANE 15D 39, FEUAR 15D 36, FURAN 15D 36, FAUNAE 15C 30, FAUREST C7 30
On 5th draw, LAWMEN 15F 33 --- LAWMAN a law-enforcement officer [n]
Other tops: LAWMAN 15F 33
Other moves: AWE B9 31, LEAM B7 31, ENWALL 15D 30, MALWA 15F 30, AW B9 28
On 6th draw, BOOTIES D1 76 --- BOOTIE a baby's sock [n]
Other moves: BOOTIES I3 70, OBOIST 14I 44, BOITES 14J 40, BOOTIE 14J 40, BESIT 14J 38
BEET 10B 12 Chris19
On 7th draw, BIVA(L)VE 1D 42 --- BIVALVE a two-valved mollusk [n]
Other moves: BEVV(Y) 1D 36, BIVV(Y) 1D 36, VA(S)A 15A 32, VA(S)E 15A 32, VI(S)A 15A 32
VAN 14A 12 Chris19
On 8th draw, ZED C3 53 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: DOZE G7 52, WONDER 14J 51, DOZEN 14J 47, DOZER 14J 47, DOZEN K1 46
WEN 10B 14 Chris19
On 9th draw, PANCHEON K8 80 --- PANCHEON an earthenware pan [n]
Other moves: EPOCHA 14I 54, HANCE 14J 51, CHEAPO B6 50, PECHAN 14J 50, HANCE 2J 49
CAN 14A 10 Chris19
On 10th draw, YOURN 14J 45 --- YOURN yours [pron]
Other moves: PYRAN 8K 42, PAYOR 8K 33, PIONY 8K 33, PORNY 8K 33, PROYN 8K 33
PAY 8K 9 Chris19
On 11th draw, LATE E3 33 --- LATE coming or occurring after the expected time [adj]
Other moves: LAT E3 29, OAT E3 29, APLITE 8J 27, OPIATE 8J 27, PALET 8K 24
PLATE 8K 24 Chris19
On 12th draw, EASE 15A 27 --- EASE to free from pain or trouble [v]
Other tops: NOSE 15A 27
Other moves: AENEUS 13J 26, PAEON 8K 24, PANES 8K 24, PASEO 8K 24, PAUSE 8K 24
ON 15N 8 Chris19
On 13th draw, FAWNS 2J 51 --- FAWN to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v]
Other moves: FAINS 2J 45, FINIS 2J 45, FAWN B4 33, PAWNS 8K 33, FAWN 2J 31
WENS 10B 15 Chris19
On 14th draw, PHONO 8K 42 --- PHONO a record player [n]
Other moves: DAHOON K1 36, OHO L10 31, DANIO K1 28, HO B10 28, HI L11 27
HERON 10B 18 Chris19
On 15th draw, DAUTIE K1 30 --- DAUTIE a small pet [n]
Other moves: TEIID B6 29, TIED B7 26, TOED B7 26, DOUT 3K 24, AIDOI 9K 22
IDEE 10A 9 Chris19
On 16th draw, LONGICORN N6 66 --- LONGICORN [n]
Other moves: CLOG 7L 23, REGO 13J 23, COIL 7L 21, COOL 7L 21, GIF 8A 21
GOT 4I 4 Chris19
On 17th draw, RADIX I5 43 --- RADIX the root of a plant [n]
Other moves: LAX I7 39, RAX I7 39, AX I8 37, XI I9 35, AX B5 30
EX 10C 9 Chris19
On 18th draw, GIED B7 28 --- GIE to give [v]
Other moves: LIED B7 26, LEGER 13J 25, GELD B4 22, DEF 8A 21, DIF 8A 21
GOD 7M 15 Chris19
On 19th draw, GLOBI A8 55 --- GLOBUS any spherelike structure [n]
Other moves: GLIB A8 49, GLOB A8 49, JOB 7M 41, JOG 7M 39, JOL 7M 37
RYE J13 8 Chris19
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